Page 69 of Charm

“Honestly?” I strode to the conference table, rolling back a chair for her. “I haven't eaten much since before your engagement party.”

“I’ll never understand why you can’t eat when you’re upset.” Setting the bag on the table, she took a seat, sliding herself under it. “You know better.”

Cautiously, I sat down, rolling my chair under the table, and opened the bag, taking out the two Styrofoam containers and chopsticks. We always ordered chicken Pad Kee Mow, so I set one of them in front of her and I took the other. We were alike in many ways, so I knew how painful it all was for her because I had experienced the same kind of pain not that long ago.

I didn't want to be the first one to bring it up because I didn't know what she could handle right now. We opened the containers at the same time and made brief eye contact before we took a bite. Elizabeth was truly a reflection of me.

We ate in complete silence, and when we were done, she pushed her food back and propped her elbows on the table, her chin in her palm. “I can’t understand. Help me understand why. You’ve never shown any interest in her. Thank God, but still.”

Sliding my container out of the way, I folded my hands in front of me, clearing my throat. “Do you want the full version, or do you want the short version?”

“I want the version where you leave out all the disgusting details and just tell me what happened and why.”

I bobbed my head. “You know your mom and I were split up for a while and sleeping in separate rooms.” She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, but I continued, “Maddie and I had formed our own friendship because I would go into the club sometimes and she would be there. I started confiding in her about things that were going on in the marriage because I trusted her.”

She was gnawing at the inside of her cheek, but it felt like she was willing to listen. As if she truly wanted to know how it got to the point I was with Maddie. I wasn’t sure if Vincenzo put her up to it. However, I knew Elizabeth was both nosy but caring enough to come to my office on her own.

“Maddie’s so easy to talk to,” I resumed. “She listens and makes me smile. She helped me heal quickly from a painful reality. My marriage was failing long before you and Luc knew anything about it. And the things Maddie and I discussed were things I didn't want to open you guys up to because you know I've always done nothing but try to protect you and Luc.”

“Until now!” She scoffed before taking a breath and sitting back in the chair.

“And for that, I apologize. I didn't want to bother you both with the marital issues because that's not something you should ever bother your child with. Regardless of what you think they can handle as adults. I only ever wanted what was best for you two. You need to know, I never saw it coming with Maddie. She was just there and became a really good friend of mine. I feel so safe with her, and I know she genuinely cares about me.”

“Sooo, you slept with my best friend because you felt safe with her?”

“You don't want the disgusting details, so I'm not going to answer that question, but somewhere along the way, I began to care about her more than friends. She's not just my happiness anymore, she's the missing puzzle piece in my life.”

Elizabeth's lip quivered, but she held back her tears like a champ. I admired how stubborn she was. That trait came from her mother, but it was something that came in handy whenever she wanted to accomplish something in life. I just hoped she’d set it aside for today to understand me.

“I know you're upset with us both, and you have every right to be, just like I had every right to be about you and my best friend. But I need you to know it's not just physical with her. And I know it's weird to hear because I remember how weird it was for me to hear the first time you and Vinny said you loved each other in front of me.” I chuckled exasperatedly. “If I'm being honest, I almost threw up. I had to get out of that hotel room.”

Averting her gaze, she lowered her hands into her lap, fidgeting with her fingers. I sat quietly, allowing her to process the information I’d just given her. She seemed to look everywhere in the room except in my eyes for a few moments before she finally mustered the courage. “Listen, I do know how you feel now, and if I knew it felt this way, I don't know if I would’ve still gone through with that. Vinny’s my own happiness, so I get it, but it is still weird… so freaking weird.”

“I know.”

“I really don't know if I'm ever going to be able to accept it, and I know that sounds really selfish of me.”

“If you still need some time, I completely understand. She and I haven't seen each other since we parted ways at the party, and she doesn't want to talk to me anymore if that makes you feel better.” I really did hope that made Elizabeth happy.

She rolled her bottom lip between her fingertips. Something she did when she was in deep thought. She stared at the table and her knee bounced up and down. “I should go.” She pushed back and stood, gathering the containers together. “It doesn't make me feel better to know that you're both hurting, but I don't know how to be okay with this.”

My phone made a buzzing sound against my leg, and I took it out of my pocket to see Vincenzo on the screen. “It's Vinny.”

“Answer it, it’s okay.”

I put the phone to my ear. Hello?

Are you with Eliza right now?

I lowered my gaze to the floor, keeping my tone business. Sure, of course.

Can she hear me?

Not at all. Thanks for calling.

Enough time has gone by and it’s time to break the news like this is the first time you’re hearing about it.

Oh, wow. I don’t know what to say. Are you sure?