Page 63 of Charm

I slammed the door, texting Vincenzo as rage seeped through my pores.

Send your fucking locksmith to my house tomorrow and get my locks changed. I already changed the codes. Alicia showed up. Will talk to you about it later.

I sent another two quick texts to Maddie.

Baby girl, I’m going to bed and will see you tomorrow. Please get some rest tonight.

Thanks for the sexy inspiration. You make me so happy. You don’t even know yet how much I appreciate how good you are to me.

Stomping to my office, I slammed my laptop closed and shut off all the lights before heading up to my room. There was no way I was going to be able to work tonight. I’d catch up tomorrow. I set the house alarm on my phone and got ready for bed, ignoring any incoming text messages until morning. Tonight, I needed space from absolutely everyone.




The rest of the weekend and week flew by. I'd informed Vincenzo of what happened with Alicia the next morning when he showed up at my house with the locksmith who worked for him. He was pissed off.

The patient side of me was long gone when it came to my ex-wife. Again, Vincenzo asked if he could just kill her and get her out of everyone's lives forever because no one would miss her. And again, I declined, which would probably come back to haunt me. As much as my kids said they hated her now, I could never live with the guilt of taking the only mother they ever knew away from them. Even if I was done.

Sunday night, Maddie worked another shift at Abruzzo’s and for the rest of the week, she worked in the office for me. After telling her details about Alicia showing up, we decided it was best that we not meet up outside of work until after we told Elizabeth and Lucas about us. During lunch breaks, we’d go into the blue room and either have quickies or play until our time was up.

I continued to train her as my submissive, edging her and not letting her make any noise when she came. We played several games, including exploring some of her fantasies where I would put on a mask and have my way with her. The room was no longer my best-kept secret; it was ours and it was a place where we could comfortably love each other in whatever way. When we were in the scene, the rules were in play, but because we could no longer spend nights together, there were times we were just James and Maddie as well; to keep the balance.

Tonight was Vincenzo and Elizabeth's engagement party. They were going to have it at their house, but they had begun renovations on one of the rooms, so they'd moved the location to the Kingsley Dining Room at the Country Club. The same room that hosted Elizabeth's twenty-first birthday party.

The spacious room was adorned in ivory and navy blue, with gold peppered throughout. It was beautiful, but surreal at the same time. Extravagant arrangements of flowers and soft white fairy lights were arranged in eye-catching centerpieces on the many tables scattered throughout the room.

“Dad!” Elizabeth threw her arms around my neck as she and Maddie approached.

“Hey, sweetheart.” I embraced her tightly, watching Maddie. “Hello, Madison.”

“Hi, James.”

Elizabeth took a step back, snorting. “Okay, why have you been calling her that lately?” She glanced back and forth between us. “It’s weird and too official.”

I slid my hands into my pockets. “I call her that at work,” I shrugged, “maybe because it sounds more professional, and it became a habit.”

“Oh,” she giggled. “Makes sense. Vinny’s with Maddie’s parents over there,” she nodded toward the side of the room, “if you want to see them.”

“I’ll head over in a second.”

“Cool.” She bounced up on her toes, kissing my cheek before she sped off to mingle with their several hundred guests.

I lowered my gaze to Maddie, enveloping her in my arms. Something no one would ever be suspicious about since we hugged often. “Hey, baby girl,” I whispered into her hair, inhaling her perfume, noting the hints of fruit, jasmine, and violet.

“Hey, Daddy,” she whispered. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.” I laughed under my breath. “Go to the left hall bathroom in ten and call my phone.”

We parted, and I offered her a subtle wink before making my way over to greet her parents, Vincenzo, and some of our other friends. As I approached, Vincenzo pulled his phone out, facing his screen toward me. He’d typed out a text but hadn’t sent it. Something he often did if we were together in a public setting, and he didn’t want anyone around to know we were communicating with one another.

You guys need to tell her after the party. She’s really starting to put some pieces together and I can’t be in the middle anymore. Maddie and I already had a talk about it before you arrived.

I nodded. “I’ll handle it, no worries.”

“Thanks.” He slid his phone back into his pocket.