Page 5 of Forbidden Love

“So, what was the downside of this deal, huh? What would happen to you if you didn’t pay up?”

Kally’s mother Joselyn’s tears tell me everything I need to know. Kally is saving her family from a death sentence. My father threatened to kill her parents if he didn’t get his way.

“I can’t believe this. How can you do this? They’re your friends!” I roar at my father. “And how can you stand by and let this happen?” I scream at my mother.

“It’s business,” my dad callously chirps.

“She isn’t marrying Colton. I won’t stand by and let you do this to her.”

Colton sniggers. The fucker is enjoying this.

I fly at him again, but this time, strong arms grab me before I can hit my target.

“Do you want to tell him the best bit, angel?” Colton asks Kally.

I finally look at Kally, really look at her, and see the tears fall down her cheeks. This is her fucking birthday. It’s supposed to be a happy occasion. A day she’ll remember for the right reasons for the rest of her life.

“I had to sign a contract. There is nothing you can do, Clark,” she sobs. “I’m sorry. I had to protect my parents.”

“What are the terms of said contract? Because I’m pretty sure this fucked up mess is illegal,” I bark.

“She will become my wife on Saturday. She owes me a son, and she will have as many children as it takes until I get an heir to the throne.” My brother takes great pleasure in telling me all of this.

A burning deep within rages inside me, my blood pumping through my veins fiercely. My heart is pounding. I’ve never felt so much pain and anguish before. But most of all, I feel disgusted at every single person who is supposed to love me.

“Why can’t you pay this debt?” I ask Joe. “Your family is wealthy enough.”

Thinking back to when we were kids, when I spent more time with Kally’s family than my own, Joe worked his ass off to provide for his family. They had money. They had the lavish house, the holidays, the cars. Kally had a good life.

Joe shakes his head. “We were wealthy, but bad decisions…” Joe looks at my father and runs his tongue over his teeth. “Bad decisions have wiped us out. We have no way to pay, Clark. We’re starting from rock bottom again.”

I’m guessing the bad decisions were going into business deals with my father. I’m baffled as to how a hotshot accountant with his own firm can go from being at the top of his game to having nothing in the bank to protect his family.

“I’ll pay the debt. It will take me a couple of days to have it all, but I’ll pay it.”

My dad clears his throat. “I’m afraid it’s too late, son. The contract is signed, sealed, and delivered to our lawyer.”

I take in a deep breath and exhale slowly. “What are you getting out of this deal? If this is about the money, then you’ve heard Joe. He can’t pay it back… ever.”

My father picks up his glass and takes a large drink of the amber liquid. “Sometimes in business, it isn’t about the money. It’s the principle of the matter. He can’t pay me in money, but he can pay me in goods…”

“She isn’t fucking goods! She’s a human being, you bastard!” I seethe.

“Now, now, Clark.”

I could punch the fuck out of my father’s smug face. My whole body is shaking.

“Why him? Why not me or Damien? You all know I love that girl.” Tears well up in my eyes. This wasn’t the way I wanted to tell Kally how I feel, but she needs to know I love her, and that I would give up my own life for her. “Anyone would be better than that cold-hearted bastard. He doesn’t know what love is. He’s your son, for sure. A vindictive motherfucker who has to have a contract to get a woman because no one would ever go near him without a death sentence hanging over them!”

“You picked your side.” My dad coldly sits down behind his desk.

“So, let me get this straight. Because I want a decent life, you’re punishing me the only way you know how? I will crucify you.”

“He isn’t worth it, buddy.” I finally look over my shoulder at the arms keeping me back. I’m shocked to see my other older brother, Damien, keeping me away from killing my so-called family.

“No, he’s not worth it. But she is.” My eyes lock with Kally’s.

A tear slides down my cheek, and I pull away from Damien and wipe it away without anyone else seeing my weakness.