“You’re despicable! Where is the asshole?”
“He’s not here. I don’t know where he is. There’s a warrant out for his arrest for breaking bail conditions.”
This is news to me. Now I have to wonder where the fuck he’s hiding.
“You deserve to rot in jail with him. You caused all of this. You encouraged him. How does it feel to know you had a hand in killing your own granddaughter?”
My father turns his back on me and pulls out a box of tissues from his drawer. He tries to clean himself up, but I take pleasure in seeing him a bloody mess.
“What’s brought you here, Clark? Just get it over with.”
“Kally’s in the hospital. She’s going through an evaluation as we speak. You and your son have caused her so much pain and distress that she wanted to end her life. She couldn’t see a way forward.”
I hear a gasp from behind me, and I look over my shoulder to see my mother with her hands over her mouth. At least she has the decency to look like she’s disturbed by this news. My father just straightens his spine like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
“I will not stop until I tear down your empire and watch you burn in hell. When I get my hands on your so-called son, I will strangle him with my bare hands. I will, for once in my life, turn into you and not give a fuck about someone who is a blood relative.”
“You have no idea how much pleasure it gives me to hear you speak like that.”
“That’s what you do. You turn anything good into evil. You need a psych evaluation, mad man!” I point at my own head, yelling like crazy person.
“Okay. This is clearly getting us nowhere.” My mother steps forward and takes my arm in hers. I yank it away from her, instantly seeing the hurt on her face. “Can I have a word, Clark?”
“You have five minutes.”
I follow my mother out of the study, down the hallway, and into her office. She closes the door and locks it. I look between her and the locked door curiously.
“How is Kally?”
“It’s a bit late to ask that, don’t you think?”
“I’m serious, Clark. How is she?”
I take in a deep breath, sigh, and walk over to the window. “She’s in the hospital. I can’t see her for six weeks. That’s all I know right now. She settled in well. She’s been away two days. I know nothing else. Who am I to know anything, right?”
“You’re the best thing that could have ever happened to that girl.”
“Yeah, and you all destroyed her.”
“I never knew, Clark. You must believe me. If I had known how bad things were, I would have castrated your brother myself.”
“Don’t call him that. He stopped being my brother a long time ago. Besides, you might claim that you didn’t know how bad things were, but you stood in that room…” I point towards the study. “You stood beside my father and allowed Kally to be sold to Colton. You’re just as bad as they are.”
“He’s still my son.”
I nod. “Out of everything I just said, that’s all you have to say.” I shake my head in disgust. It’s just typical of my mother to bury her head in the sand when things get tough. “It’s a pity you don’t show Damien and me the same loyalty.”
“I will do all I can to help Kally. If you need any help covering medical bills, it’s yours. I will also do all I can to get your brother behind bars. Just give me some time.”
I laugh. “Yeah, because we’ve all got loads of time.”
“I know you’re hurting, and I know you’re on some kind of mission to make everything right, but you have to stop and think about Kally.”
“I am thinking about Kally. That’s all I can think about. That’s why I’m here. I will get revenge for her, and I will take down anything in my way.”
“That’s what scares me, Clark. You’re not thinking like you. You’re the good son.”
“Well, you should have done something about your murderous husband and son a long time ago. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to take matters into my own hands now. You might think you’re innocent, but you’re as guilty as the others.”