My cell phone rings from the coffee table and Damien sighs. “It’s Mother.”
As if today couldn’t get any worse. Damien answers the call and puts it on speaker. “What?” I snap.
My patience is wearing thin with people in my family.
“Clark, there’s been an explosion out in the garden. Your father has been taken to the hospital.”
“Is he alive?” I ask coldly.
“Yes. He has burns on his body, but I think he’ll be okay.”
“Shit doesn’t burn, Mother. Is that all?”
“What is wrong with you?”
I laugh. “What’s wrong with me? Are you serious? Let me tell you what’s wrong with me. Kally is in a clinic, my house is on lockdown because your asshole son can’t behave like a proper human being, and our lives are a mess, all because of what? Money. Power. Do you seriously want me to run to the hospital to sit with the one man who could have stopped this years ago? I’m sorry, but the day I do anything for that man is long gone.”
“Show some respect. He’s your father.”
“Respect is earned. Now, if that’s all.”
Silence fills the line, and I hang up before she can say anything else. I take in a deep lungful of air and exhale slowly.
“We need to find this fucker, Damien. Before he causes any more carnage.”
Damien nods. “Get some sleep, and tomorrow we’ll go hunting.”
Hunting a beast is all we can do because if we’re waiting for the authorities to catch Colton, we’re going to be waiting a long fucking time. Enough blood has been shed because of my so-called brother.
Chapter 27
“Why can’t I walk in the gardens?” I yell at Trish.
I’m not a prisoner. I’ve been able to walk around the gardens for the past week. What the hell has changed?
“I’m sorry. I’m only following management’s orders.”
“Get me management because, the last time I checked, I’m not incarcerated. I’m not a threat to myself or anyone. I’m here because I want to be. You can’t keep me locked in here like some animal.”
This room is my safe place, but right now, with my freedom threatened, I feel crazy. I will not be treated like a sectioned patient. It’s my choice to be here, and it’s my choice where I walk. If I want to walk out the front door right now, there is nothing to say I can’t.
I make my own decisions. I run my hands through my hair. My pulse is racing, anger coursing through my veins, and my breathing erratic. The thought of being held somewhere again against my will has thrown me back to the beginning with Colton.
“Kally, sit down.” I can feel pressure on my arms, pushing me down onto a seat. “Breathe with me. Look at me.”
The person in front of me is blurry, but I can hear the words distantly. I breathe in and out, fast to start with, but eventually, my body cooperates and slows down. When I look back at the person in front of me, I can see that it’s Gail.
“W-what happened?” I breathe out shakily.
“You had a panic attack. You’re okay. You’re safe.”
“Why am I being held like a prisoner?” I sit up straight.
I remember now exactly why I had a panic attack; the fear and terror make my blood run cold.
“I’m not sure. I’m only following orders to keep you safe.”