“From what I glimpsed of them, they seemed fearless.”

Nila’s eyes shadowed for a moment before she smiled. “I hope so. I hope they remain that way too.”

We walked from the impressive stone stables, through the arched gateway, and back onto the pathway leading toward the bright lights and majesty of Hawksridge Hall. Guests had spilled out onto the deck leading from the ballroom; sounds of music and laughter winged over the lawns toward us. “You have a very lovely home.”

She stopped and studied the hall as if she hadn’t truly seen it in a while. Her head cocked to the side before shaking in disbelief. “You know? You’re right. It is a home, isn’t it?” She smiled brighter. “I think that’s the first time it’s been described as lovely before.”

“What words are usually used?”

“Terrifying.” She laughed. “Murderous. Deranged.”

“Sully said there were rumours about your family and Jethro’s.” My eyes drifted to her diamond collar, reminding me that I had Hawk diamonds gracing my own body in the form of wedding rings. “That it involved debts and death.”

“Yes, well.” Her shoulders stiffened a little as she looked toward the huge pond twinkling with moonlight in the distance. She shivered as if a memory came and went. “Let’s just say that there are things in the past we cannot change. But they had to happen to give us the future we now hold so precious.”

A howl crested in the darkness, making me jump and look behind me. Did they have wolves on this damn estate?

“That’s just Squirrel. Don’t worry.” Nila chuckled. “He’s missing the freedom of running around with his pack. We kept them away from the hall tonight so the hounds didn’t upset the guests.”


“Yes, you know? Good for hunting and generally being a nuisance.”

I flinched at the mention of hunting but kept my opinions about animal welfare to myself. “Are they friendly?”

Nila smirked as if she had an insider joke. “Friendly if you’re not running for your life through the woods.”

Something flashed in her dark eyes, making me pry when I probably shouldn’t. “That sounds like there’s a story there.”

“Oh, there is.” She moved closer, our dresses blending as we walked over manicured grass. “A very juicy story. One that involved me naked in a tree and Jethro chasing me on horseback.”

“That does sound juicy.”

She licked her lips. “Can...can I ask you a question?”


“Is it true that Sullivan created a drug that enables countless orgasms?”

I stiffened. “Where did you hear that?”

“Rumours have a tendency of trickling through all societies.” She rubbed her lips. “Is it true?”

“Well, he’s a pharmaceutical owner. He’s created a great many things.”

Nila nodded with a smirk. “How many orgasms does it give?”

My tension faded a little, sensing her curiosity and not judgment. I felt at ease with her as I did with Jess. Seemed even ladies in castles liked to talk about sex.

I quirked an eyebrow. “How many do you think you could handle in one night?”

She bit her lip, playfulness on her face. “Oh, I don’t know. Six? Seven?”

“Try twenty. Thirty.”

“Holy shit.” She stopped walking. “You’d die.”

“You’re definitely catatonic afterward.”

“Is it safe?”

“No.” I gathered up a handful of my dress. “That’s why he destroyed the vials he had left.”

“Oh.” Disappointment clouded her face. “Did it work on men?”

I flushed, thinking about Sully the morning I’d fed him elixir and the explosive sex we’d shared. The lust of it. The obsession of it. The danger of it. “Oh, yes. Yes, it definitely worked on men.”

It worked so well, Sully almost died.

I almost died.

Jess almost died.

Elixir was poison hiding behind promises.

“Have you and your husband taken it?” Nila asked.

I nodded. I was sure the heated memories in my eyes gave her all the information she needed to know.

“I can imagine it was something.”

“It was something alright.” I stepped toward the glowing hall again.

“It’s a shame it doesn’t exist anymore. It would’ve been fun to have a night of debauchery. Jethro and I have a very active nightlife, but...I’d like to see just how wild he could become if he only had one thing to focus on and not hear so many things.”


“Oh.” She waved her gloved hand. “Hear isn’t the right word. He feels more than he hears. Senses, really. He’s much, much better these days, but sometimes, I know he struggles. I’d like one night when he could just switch off and only have one desire. One thought. One need. It would be such a novel experience for him.”

The way she said it made my heart squeeze. She loved her husband. She loved him as much as I loved Sully. It made me want to help, even if I didn’t fully understand how. “Elixir was destroyed because it was far too potent, but...Sully made something in its place.” I kept my voice low even though we were alone. “It’s called cinta. Indonesian for love. It’s nowhere near as dangerous, but it does amplify the lust already between you and your partner, and grants stamina to enjoy each other for longer than usual.”