Unfortunately, Sully felt it too. Nuzzling his nose against my throat, he sent another scattering of fireworks through my blood. “You’re flushed, my love. Is it from my dancing or perhaps something else?”

I moaned.

I couldn’t help it.

My breasts grew heavy. My core liquefied. My fingernails dug into him as I fought rapidly building desire. Sully had always triggered my primordial nature. From the moment we’d met, our bond had transcended conversation and even emotional connection. It was raw and violent and—

“I need you, Sully,” I breathed. “Dancing was a bad idea.”

He gripped me hard, swaying me to the beat. With him pressed so close, I took liberties that would guarantee retribution. My hand snaked from his waist and around his muscular thigh. My gown blocked others from seeing as I wrapped my fingers around his impressive erection.

He jerked. His quick gasp making me wet and tingly.

“Jinx...” His growl wrenched my head up.

His blue eyes glowed like the Java Sea as he cupped my cheek and ran his thumb over my mouth. His touch instantly ignited a thousand kisses and a million touches we’d shared over the years.

And I lost myself to him.

Another song began, and our bodies melted into each other. My fingers stroked him through his silky tux trousers. He clawed at my back and cupped my chin with dominance. His head came down, mine tipped back, and our lips connected without any care of people watching.

My hair had been left loose, draping down my back where Sully tangled his fingers within the strands and pulled.

I forgot how to breathe as he kissed me deeper. Our masks grazed each other’s, goosebumps covered me beneath glistening snake scales, and I forgot that we weren’t free to do whatever we wanted.

Living on an island meant we had privacy to indulge in our lust whenever the hell we wanted. If Sully wanted me over his desk, he could. If he wanted me when walking back to Nirvana, we could be as loud and as wild as needed.

I hated clothing.

I hated that I couldn’t climb him right now and have him plunge inside me.

“God, Sully.” I moaned into our kiss as he guided me around the perimeter of the dance floor. Our lips nipped and connected. Our blood crackled for more. Our tempers ignited to be alone.

While we danced, our hands roamed.

Our tongues tangled.

Our hearts possessed each other.

As another song began, we were once again on an island. Only this time, we were in a sea of strangers instead of the wide-open ocean.

“Fuck, I want you,” he groaned into my mouth as we completed another circuit, moved to another song, and allowed the music to fully corrupt us.

I rubbed myself against him, shivering with need. “Do you think anyone would miss us if we went to find that dungeon?” I licked at his mouth as he kissed me hard. “I need you inside me.”

“Fucking hell—” His kiss turned into a meal, tasting me, chasing my tongue and biting my bottom lip as I submitted. His large hand splayed on my lower back, wedging my hips against his as he ground himself indecently into my gown.

Panting, he pulled away and looked down my chest, his gaze hot and wild. “I can practically see your nipples through that dress. If we find somewhere to fuck, I can’t guarantee it will be intact afterward.”

I shuddered with his threat. “I’m okay with that.”

“Don’t think our hostess will be.”

“It’s her fault that I can’t keep my hands off you.”

He smirked. “Pretty sure it’s me who can’t keep my hands off you.”

I cupped him again, squeezing his hot length. “We share the same affliction.”

Sully’s throat rippled as he swallowed down a snarl and pushed my hand away. “Don’t push me, Eleanor. I’m seconds away from—”

“Can I cut in?” a smooth English voice said.

Sully froze. Anger flashed in his eyes as he arched his head over his shoulder. His shoulders braced to ensure whoever asked for a dance with me fully understood who I belonged to, only for him to relax and a strained chuckle to slip through his lips. “Jethro. Hello.”

Pushing me to his side and wrapping his arm around me, Sully ran a hand over his jaw as if doing his best to shed our unsatisfied desire. “You don’t have the best timing, but it’s nice to see you.” He held out his hand. “Thanks for the invite.”

Jethro stood stoic, his head with its black mask tilting to the side. He studied us for a few seconds before a smirk lifted his lips. “If you’re contemplating where the nearest empty room is, I can assist you.” He shook Sully’s hand. “I must warn you, though, Hawksridge has a habit of getting you lost if you don’t know your way around. And I fear you might not return if you leave. Besides.” He laughed under his breath. “They do say anticipation is the best kind of foreplay.”