“See, right there.” I hugged her tight. “You’re vicious... You just hide it. All women are vicious beneath their camouflage. Whatever men I could’ve rented out in Euphoria, let’s face it; they wouldn’t have survived as long as the goddesses. They would’ve broken.”

“Because women are monsters?”

“Humans are monsters.” I ran my thumb over her mouth. “And I’ve found my perfect match in you. Enough talk of the past, hypothetical or real.”

Eleanor smiled in the moonlight, sinking onto me, wrapping her legs tighter around me. “I love you, Sully Sinclair.”

“I know.” I stopped trying to be coherent and let my mind go. I allowed my blood to burn with the steady pressure of an orgasm. I fucked my wife as if she were my enemy, all while I worshipped her as if she could snuff out my sorry excuse of a life.

Because she could.

Capturing her mouth, I increased my speed until her breasts bounced in the sea, her cries turned louder, and the sound of her release echoed over the perfect midnight silence.

And I followed her.

I pumped inside and came in fisting waves of bliss.

I marked her as mine.

For always.Chapter Three

“YOU GUYS COMING BACK anytime soon?” I asked.

Jess’s voice sounded light-hearted and happier than I’d ever heard, skipping down the phone line in answer to my question. “Perhaps. Why? Do you miss us?”

“Tell Cal I much prefer my islands without him.” Sully smirked from where he sat at his desk in his office. The apothecary cabinet that used to house multiple vials of elixir now held the less potent and deliciously enjoyable cinta—an aphrodisiac blended from orchid and who knew what else in Sully’s laboratories.

Sunshine coated the tiled floor, Pika sat chirping beside Sully while trying to attack his keyboard, and Skittles was dozing on my shoulder, her little squeak-snores adorable in my ear.

It was yet another perfect day in our perfect paradise.

“Sully said he misses you, Jess, but Cal can stay in the Philippines.”

“Bastard would cry if I never came back,” Cal answered before Jess could. “He has no other friends.”

“He has me.” I grinned.

“Yeah, but you’re a girl.”

“Your point?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Married men need a trustworthy male friend to be able to complain about their wives. Ouch.” Cal chuckled. “Jess just hit me.”

“You deserved it.” She stole the phone back, still giggling. “We’re thinking of coming back next week. But we should all come back here. The islands are stunning, and the diving is amazing.”

“I’ve never been diving.” I couldn’t tear my eyes off Sully as he ran his fingers through his unruly dark hair, the ends once again sun-bleached from swimming in salt and living in sunshine.

How was that creature mine? How was his huge diamond on my finger and his marriage vows locked around my heart, binding us for eternity?

It honestly didn’t seem possible. Especially considering I was sprawled, relaxed and happy, on the very same couch where Sully had sat and commanded I sit on his two fingers after force-feeding me libido-brutalising elixir when we first met.

Sully suddenly sat up, clicking the mouse and skimming something on his computer screen. Pika squawked and spied his opportunity to rip off a laptop key and toss it to the ground.

Sully looked up, catching my gaze. “Tell them we won’t be here next week.”

I sat up, interrupting Skittle’s snooze. She yawned and fluffed up her feathers, tickling my neck. “Wait. Why?”

“What is it? What’s going on?” Jess asked.

“Apparently, we won’t be here next week,” I said, still looking at Sully for more information.

He cocked his head, a half-smile on his face. The fact that he was smiling hinted the reason we weren’t going to be here was a good thing. At least nothing urgent or unfortunate was dragging us away from our sanctuary.

“I’ll call you later and fill you in.” I stood from the couch and made my way to Sully’s side.

Pika flew to my shoulder to head bump Skittles while Sully looped his arm around my hips, pulling me into him and typing one-handed with the other.

“Okay, be safe, you two.” Jess blew kisses down the phone. “Speak to you soon.”

“Can I speak to Sinclair super quick?” Cal asked, once again commandeering the phone from his wife. “Just so I don’t have to worry about his ass?”

“Sure.” Passing the phone to Sully, I mouthed, “It’s Cal.”

Sully rolled his eyes, taking the cell. “Yes, we’re leaving. Yes, everything is fine. Yes, we’ll be back in a few days. And no, there’s nothing to panic about.”

Cal muttered something that I couldn’t hear, making Sully chuckle. “All you need to concern yourself with is keeping Jessica happy. Which for you might be hard, seeing as you’re so disagreeable and all.”

Cal’s voice rose, but I still couldn’t catch the male banter. Ever since Sully allowed the lines to blur from long-time employee and sometimes confidant to partners and best friends, he and Cal entered word wars that sometimes lasted for months with quips and slurs.