“No?” She groaned as I pushed my finger inside to the first knuckle. Withdrawing and pushing, I fucked her slowly, coaxing her body to become wet and slippery.

“I had my hand on my cock. I was fucking myself, all because I couldn’t get you out of my goddamn mind.” I speared two fingers inside her as far as they could go.

She spasmed in my hold. Her hand clutched at my cock. “Ah, God. So...you saw me. From out here?”

“Of course, I saw you. I saw you looking out to sea as if someone would come rescue you. I saw you sucking in air as if forcing yourself to stay brave. I saw you trying to figure out what was out at sea, not knowing it was me masturbating only a few metres away, wishing I was balls deep inside you.” I inserted a third finger, spreading her, thrusting and taking.

“God, Sully.” Her head fell back, giving me access to bite her delicious throat.

I ran my tongue along her skin, tasting salt and Eleanor.

Her fingers squeezed my cock, harder and faster, moving in time with my fingers inside her. “You bought me, and I hated you, yet I listened to those goddesses fantasising about you, and I wondered, just for a moment, what it would be like to touch you the way they wanted.”

“They were never allowed.”

“Just me.”

“Just you. Only you. Always you.”

She shivered as I kissed her again. We kissed and tongues tangled, and our hands punished each other, making whimpers fall from her and growls from me.

Breathing hard, she murmured, “Strange question but...why did you only buy women? You never bought any men to rent out.”

I unsheathed my teeth and bit down, kissing and nipping her throat. “That is a strange fucking question.”

She shrugged, breathy and trembling. “The only men on this island were your guards, trapping us.”

“And you wanted some male prisoners because...why? You thought they might’ve helped get you free from me?” Jealousy rose in my chest, making me cruel. Ripping my fingers from her pussy, I grabbed her chin. “No one was going to save you from me, Jinx. I wanted you before you even arrived. You were never getting off this island, help or no help.”

She let me tip her head sideways, dropping my hand to curl around her throat.

“I wasn’t looking to escape...Well, I was, but that isn’t why I asked.”

“Why did you then?” I shuddered as her hand continued to pump my cock.

“Because I found myself jealous listening to those goddesses discussing you. I hated you, but the thought of anyone else touching you made my hate sizzle with fire. Looking back now, I’m glad there were no women guests. That the only competition I had were goddesses instead of high-powered, wealthy women with freakish fetishes come to rent a toyboy in Euphoria...come to seduce the master of those boy toys.”

I struggled to smile, baring my teeth instead. “There’s never been anyone else for me, Eleanor.”

“I know...”

“You want to know why I only bought women? Why I only had a stable of goddesses instead of unwilling princes?” Knocking her hand off my cock, I grabbed the base and wrapped my arm tighter around her waist, angling us into position. “It’s because the women who would be interested in renting them scared the fucking shit out of me. Men are monsters, without a shadow of a doubt, but women? Fuck, they eat monsters for lunch.” I thrust up, filling my wife in one swift, possessive impale.

We both cried out.

Clawing at each other.

Kissing wetly, messily.

Thrusting in rhythm and letting our bodies fight, then sink into a fierce dance we knew so well.

When Eleanor and I fucked, we weren’t gentle. Just because we loved each other didn’t mean we didn’t cause bruises. Our passion was dangerously explosive, and we lived for that mayhem when chasing a mutual orgasm that left us breathless, bitten, and bruised.

“What does that make me then?” She panted as I fucked her, swift and sharp.


“I’m a woman.”

“No, you’re the woman.”

“You’re saying I’m worse than you? That I’m more dangerous than you?”

I grinned, thrusting up and hitting the top of her pussy. She shivered and moaned, her eyes becoming unfocused. “I’m saying you’re dangerous in every way a woman is dangerous. You have the capacity to care and nurture, but you also have a gift of becoming cold-hearted and cutthroat. Men might be physically stronger, but women? Fuck, they can turn off their humanity just as easily. Better even.”

“I’m not like that.”

“Are you sure?” I kissed her.

Our tongues lashed and tangled.

Our thrusting bodies created tiny waves that spread out in ever-widening ripples, distorting the moon’s reflection.

“What would you do if I were in trouble or hurt by someone? If someone threatened my life again?”

Eleanor stiffened even as I thrust into her. “I’d do whatever it took to keep you safe. Whatever it took.” Her tone was icy and fierce, making my balls clench and heart skip.