The remaining two sets of eye lenses and earbuds that I’d brought weren’t needed and the mostly full bottle of cinta could perhaps give Jethro and Nila a few memorable nights in this place like Sully and I had enjoyed.

Placing the box of Euphoria sensors on the crystal side table complete with a lamp in the shape of a tulip, I quickly scribbled another note.

Dear Nila,

Please accept this gift as a thank you for letting us attend your incredible masquerade and stay in your wonderful home. The sensors are to be worn by each of you, so you can see and hear within the VR creation. I’ll send you the app you’ll need to download on your phone so you can activate certain fantasies.

I’ve also included a bottle of cinta.

It’s potent if you already feel lust for each other, and after watching you two together, I have no doubt there’s much lust and love between you.

One drop should be enough to start.

Make sure you have no interruptions.

To end the fantasy, pinch your wrist for a few seconds or fall asleep.

If you have any questions, my inbox is always open.

I hope you have as much fun in Euphoria as we do.

Thanks again and stay in touch.


Folding the note and tucking it under the unassuming box that granted such ecstasy, I glanced around Hawksridge Hall one last time, caught the flash of kestrel feathers as a freed raptor shot past the window, and headed back to my husband.

I looked forward to another adventure.

Another memory.

And smiled in joy, knowing we would go home soon.


Back to Pika and Skittles.

Back to tropical heat and turquoise seas.

Back to absolute paradise.I SAT IN BED, waiting for Needle to finish putting Kes and Emma to bed.

I’d attempted to help—we always did the bedtime routine together. However, I’d had to leave the final stages to Nila lately. Seeing as I couldn’t seem to say no when they begged for another story. And another. And another.

I could feel their joy at spending time with us. The recited adventures weren’t just stupid stories to them but true experiences they adored. They weren’t doing it to drag out bedtime; they literally wanted to keep hanging out with their parents.

And I was fucking honoured by that.

So, of course, how the hell could I say no?

Hence why Nila did the final kisses and the terribly hard job of turning out their lights, ensuring the glowing heart lamp was on to protect them from the ghosts of Hawksridge Hall, and leaving them to bicker in the soft pink darkness while she tiptoed back to me.

I looked up as Nila entered.

She grinned, shutting the door behind her.

Three days had passed since our attempt at being social with the masquerade. Three days for me to get over my exhaustion of listening to so many different people, opinions, and right and wrong in everyone.

Three days since Sully and Eleanor had left.

And Nila had been cagey today, ever since she’d read an email from Eleanor and downloaded something on her phone.

“Alright, out with it.” I glowered at my delicious wife as she kicked off her silken slippers and sat on her knees before me. Her dark hair hung in straight sheets, her chest rose and fell beneath her honey-coloured shirt.

Licking her lips, she sucked in a breath. “How are you feeling?”

“Me? Why? What’s that got to do with whatever you’re hiding?”

“I just want to know if you’ve recovered from the masq.”

That was the thing about living with someone who got me. Who understood and accepted me unconditionally. I didn’t need to hide, and that was the greatest fucking gift anyone could’ve given me.

This hall no longer had evil pouring through its brickwork. It had love and safety and utter happiness. Cut was gone. Daniel was rotting in Africa somewhere. Bonnie was ash. And Kes was regularly visited in his peaceful resting spot.

A lot of my family was dead, but those who deserved to stay alive were thriving.

Jasmine was happy.

My kids didn’t have a heinous debt hanging around their necks.

There would be no more Debt Inheritance or death between my house and Nila’s.

“I’m sufficiently revived. Why?” I took her hand, rubbing away the chill in her fingers. “What’s going on?”

“I...have something.”

“What something?”

“Eleanor gave it to me.”

“Gave you what precisely?”

“I had to wait until today to get the link for the app she mentioned, but it’s on my phone now. I’ve read her instructions. I know how to load Euphoria, and she’s kindly included a few VR scenes that are ready to go.”

I scowled. “What the hell is Euphoria. And VR?”

Nila shook in my hold, inhaling again. “It’s one of Sullivan’s creations.”

I let her go, reclining against the pillows. “Oh no. I’ve had enough of his creations, thank you very much. If it’s another drug, I’m not taking it. You, better than anyone, can understand why. Or are you forgetting what happened between us before the Third Debt?”