Sully chuckled. “Not hiding your tricks these days, I see.”

“Hard to ignore when you’re broadcasting your wants so loudly. You have a one track mind, my friend. Sex instead of enjoying my exclusive masquerade. I’d be offended if I wasn’t so amused.”

“Jethro.” A woman appeared by his side, swatting his arm. “What’s gotten into you? You know you shouldn’t pry into—”

“Relax, Nila.” Jethro released Sully’s hand. “He knows what I’m capable of. He knows most things about me.”

“And it seems you know me. I’ll have to remember to protect my thoughts around you. What did we agree on in our second drug trial? Something about humming a nonsense song to prevent you from—”

“I’m afraid I’ve evolved since then.” Jethro laughed again, his tone dark but friendly. “You’re at my mercy while in my hall.”

“Or you’re at mine.” Sully grinned. “Seeing as you just complained my thoughts are rather loud. I could make your life a living hell.”

“They’re so loud, you’re giving me the urge to vanish with my wife and find a dark corner.”

“Kite!” The woman next to Jethro swatted him again.

Sully chuckled louder before bowing. “Hello, Mrs Hawk. Stunning as always.” Before Nila could respond, Sully turned his attention back to his friend. “You were wrong, by the way.” He bared his teeth. “We weren’t thinking about finding an empty room, more like a dungeon. I’m sure you have a few of those beneath this castle.”

Jethro paled slightly before mirroring Sully’s grin. “Of course. Complete with manacles and a rack. However, I wouldn’t recommend either. Not nearly as fun as advertised.”

“I give up.” Nila threw her hands in the air. “Honestly.”

Sully let out a bark of laughter. “If I care to believe the rumours, old friend, I’d wager you know many methods of torture.”

Jethro once again stilled before he shed his tension with a smile. “Rumours exist for both of us, don’t they, Sullivan?”

“They do indeed.” The two men studied each other before they conceded whatever competition they’d shared. “Good to see you. It’s been too long.”

“I agree.” Jethro smiled at me. “And that’s why I’m pissed you were thinking of leaving the masquerade so soon.”

“I blame your wife for that.” Sully chuckled. “The dress is very...enticing, Mrs Hawk.”

“Call me Nila, please.” Jethro’s wife smiled.

“He’s right, Needle. His appreciation of your work is...loud.” Jethro laughed as the woman beside him pinched his waist.

“Behave, Jet. I swear to God.”

“It’s fine, Nila,” Sully said. “He’s only trying to embarrass me and my wife.”

“I’m trying to aid you and your wife in a situation you are both in the midst of. But I’m going to be selfish and ask that you restrain yourselves so we can enjoy your company before you disappear.”

What the hell is going on?

I couldn’t make sense of this.

Who was this man?

And why did Sully act as if speaking to a clairvoyant wasn’t a big deal. “It seems being drug-free has enabled an even greater sensory ability.” Sully narrowed his eyes behind his mask. “It would be intriguing to test you again, Jethro. See where your skills lie, now that you’re a happily married family man.”

“Perhaps.” With another smirk, Jethro turned his focus on me, changing the subject as if he had no intention of being Sully’s test subject. “I’m sorry for my behaviour, Ms. Grace. It’s rare for me to be able to share my true self, and I apologise if I upset you.”

Before I had time to speak, Sully muttered, “It’s Eleanor Sinclair. Not Grace. Not anymore.”

“Of course. How clumsy of me.” Jethro waited until I put my gloved hand in his, then he kissed my knuckles. His thumb ran over the bumps of my diamond rings that had been fashioned by his jewellers with Hawk diamonds. “You are, I must say, perfect for him.”

I tugged my hand back, slightly unnerved by whatever abilities he possessed. “We’ve just met, so I’m not sure how you can say that but...thank you.”

“I feel like I know you well.” His bronze eyes twinkled. “I’m glad you found each other. And I’m glad the clothes my wife made fit so well and have my friend’s approval.”

Nila rolled her eyes, only half her pretty face obscured by her mask. Her dark hair was tied back, and the black and white feathers on her gown rippled with air eddies as couples danced past.

“Hi, Eleanor, I’m Nila. Ignore my husband.” She held out her gloved hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

I nodded, shaking hers gently. “Likewise.”

She grinned as two tiny children bolted past, ducking around ladies’ skirts and racing past men’s legs. “And those two hurricanes are our children.”

Jethro chuckled as the kids vanished into the throng. “Kes and Emma. You’ll meet them later.”

Sully cocked his head, studying his friend. “Family life truly agrees with you, Jet.”

“It does. No drug can compare.” He sighed, his humour fading a little. “I’m sure I’ll pay for this little soirée, but I thought it was time to begin introducing Emma and Kes to society. Prove to the tabloids and conspiracy theorists that whatever rumours plague Hawksridge are no more.”