Page 35 of Shawland Security 2

“When you get out of here, you remember nothing, you heard nothing, and you want to forget it all. Do you hear me? If Clay Shawland doesn’t stop his quest to find out what happened to you, I will put a bullet between the eyes of everyone you care about and leave you with nothing. Do I make myself clear?”

I nod. I feel like it’s the only thing I can do.

“I said, do I make myself clear?” My hair is yanked back from behind me, but I still can’t see who the hand belongs to. I’m startled, but I won’t show it. I won’t give them the satisfaction to know that they’ve rattled me.

“Yes, sir.” I grind out through clenched teeth.

“Now, do what you need to in order to get her out of here without too much of a scene.”


He lets go of my hair and my head springs back up. I come face to face with a punch that knocks me nearly unconscious. My head swings back and forth, I can’t see a thing, and my body is hanging like a dead thing.

I’m dropped onto the floor and my body curls into a fetal position to protect itself. A sharp prick in my neck is the only thing I feel before everything drifts away from me and I’m propelled into darkness.