Page 36 of His Damaged Purpose

His animal nodded and jerked his head towards the east, which was where the alarm had come from. Morgan’s light was on. He had likely heard the alarm and knew that we would take care of it, but also wanted to be at the ready on the off chance this was anything more than a pain in the ass.

“What’s with the pack?” Silas asked when I began clipping it onto my shoulders. It was designed to shift with us, so that I could put it on as human and it would stay on in my animal form. It was great for things like this, but didn’t work with too heavy of a load, the straps not designed quite right for them.

“Supplies. First aid, a cellphone, a few other random things we might need depending on what we find on perimeter runs.” I finished clipping it. “I can show you later. It’s actually super clever. Mostly unnecessary things, but better safe than sorry.”

“Cool.” His eyes stayed focused on it. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he waited to shift until after he watched it in motion. “Y’all are prepared for everything.”

I winked. “We try to be.”

I shifted, and just as I suspected he would, Silas waited until I was in my fur with my pack in place before he too called forth his beast. I doubted that the day would come when his lion didn’t steal my breath away. He was stunning. My cat took a moment to rub myself over my lion.

Silas was bigger than me. I could almost fit underneath him. He nuzzled against me, then head-butted me towards the direction that Jasper had taken off. I could mark him later. We had work to do.

We followed Jasper. I kept my nose to the ground in case there was anything for us to sniff out. So far nothing, not even a rabbit. I was putting my money on it being a tree branch that stole my sleep.

As we came to where the perimeter had been breached, my fur rose on its end, sending shivers down my spine. Fuck. How had I not scented that earlier? We weren’t alone.

Inhaling deeply, I scented the air. There was a lion shifter not far away, an unknown lion. A stranger. A threat.

Silas let out a rumble that had me tensing up and looking for a fight. Whoever was out here was someone he knew. I looked to him and caught his eye just as a lion flew into him, knocking him off his feet. My gut told me exactly who it was, and it sent fear rippling through me.

The other lion was larger and clearly looking for a fight. No, not a fight, blood. He was looking to bleed my mate, and that wasn’t going to happen. Not on my watch.

He swiped at Silas with his paws, slashing his shoulder. The scent of my mate’s blood filled the air, and my cat went wild. He didn’t care that the stranger was larger, stronger, and more prepared than we were. He was going to protect our mate at any and all costs.

I was about to leap forward to defend my mate when Jasper cut me off. He tackled the lion to the ground, using the element of surprise to his advantage. Jasper might have been “just” a leopard, but he was trained to fight, and alphas always underestimated him. Fool on them because Jasper was badass.

They growled and hissed at one another, their paws swiping against the other’s fur. Some hits took purchase. Jasper ripped a large chunk out of the other lion’s shoulder.

While the lion may have had all of the advantages on paper, Jasper knew what he was doing. He had the lion pinned, his jaw locked around the other shifter’s neck in record time. He wasn’t going to allow a threat on his land.

I shifted to my human form. “Shift!” I shouted at him.

There was defiance in his eyes, I could see it in him to disobey, to try and fight, but he was outnumbered.

“I. Said. Shift.” Being an omega and not even one in a position of power, I couldn’t make him shift. The power to do so wasn’t mine. But I could fake it till I make it like a boss.

Silas was back on his feet now. Jasper had skills the other lion would never be able to match. And I could see the second the lion realized it.

He shifted.

Jasper let go of his throat but didn’t move far away. He kept himself in fighting stance, his teeth bared. I was thankful he was on our side. I wasn’t sure I knew any shifter who could best his cat.

“I take it that’s your old Alpha,” I said.

Silas nodded. He bared his teeth and let out a growl.

The Alpha picked up a handful of dirt and flung it at Silas. Did he have a death wish? Unlike when he did what he did to my mate and Nathan, we had every right to put his sorry ass down. He not only trespassed, but he attacked.

“You son of a—” It was all I could do not to shift and attempt to take his sorry ass down.

But then he smirked and opened his mouth to speak. That was so not happening.

I didn’t let him finish. My fist flew quickly, knocking him in the throat. He fell to the ground, clutching at his neck. He could barely speak.

“If you came here to make trouble, which you clearly have, you’ve got another think coming.” I grabbed his wrist and held it.

Jasper gave me the cuffs, similar to what Steelwick had. Though we didn’t have to make citizens arrests very often, we were prepared in case we needed to.