Page 11 of His Damaged Purpose

“It’s me, Pol. Are you well?” the voice asked. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”

Pol. My mate’s name was Pol. The omega who found me—the one whose scent filled the cave and drew me here. It hadn’t been a concussion-induced dream. It was real.


I pushed myself up as best as I could. It was easier than last time. I was improving. Everything still ached, but I would happily accept every step in the right direction.

As the light reached my eyes, I could finally take in the sight of him in a way I hadn’t been able to before. He was stunning.

“I’m well-ish,” I replied, acknowledging those eyes that had saved me. “Mate,” I added, and he chuckled.

“I wondered if you’d be able to tell.” How hard that must’ve been to be near me and have me not recognize him as mine.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Asilo Pride territory.”

I tried to remember if I knew anything about Asilo. But try as I did, nothing came to mind. How far was I from where I began? Jerome was awful in more ways than I could count, but he hadn’t hidden us away from other packs and prides. Surely I’d have known about them if they were close by.

“On the edge of it, anyway,” he continued. “I’m sorry I had to leave you. I needed to get more supplies. There’s some food, drink… most things you might need. It’s not fancy, but it will do.”

I longed to go to him, to scent him deeply. My body would never cooperate. I might’ve felt a tiny bit better now, but I had a long way to feeling like I could just get up and walk. Listening to him speak would have to be enough.

“I cleaned up some of your wounds while you were unconscious. But looking at that leg, Silas, you’re going to need more help than I can give.”

Silas. My name on his lips was everything. I didn’t remember telling him, but was I glad that I had. The mention of the leg, however, brought the pain roaring back to my attention.

“I know, I tried to use it while you were gone. It didn’t go well,” I said. “I believe that it is broken or it was. It has healed wrong. I fell down a ravine, I think.” Fell… was thrown. Same difference.

“I know the one.” He looked down at my leg. “That’s a correct assessment, but I wasn’t able to do that one on my own. I’m sorry about that.” He confirmed both that my leg was now shit and that he’d fixed my arm. “You are in Asilo Pride now. Do you know what that is?”

I shook my head. “I’ve never heard of you all before. How far from Dara Pride are you?”

“I’m not sure,” Pol replied. “Asilo Pride helps omegas that are in need, that have been mistreated. Not many know of our existence, so it makes sense that you haven’t heard of us exactly. But in the same vein, we tend to keep to ourselves, so I’m not familiar with all the packs, just the ones we’ve had to work with.”

I’d heard these types of packs and prides existed, but never knew their name. As a teen I’d assumed it was a myth, one people made up to explain when omegas disappeared. It was easier to say they got help from an imaginary superhero type pack than it was to admit they were with the goddess. Nathan was the one who’d informed me that prides like this was real, though he never mentioned their name. This was the place I’d told him to call for help. Had he made it?

“Nathan,” I breathed.

“He’s here with my pride.” Relief flooded through me. He was safe from Jerome. “He’s being treated for his wounds. He has not regained consciousness, though. That I know of.”

He was alive but not well. I wasn’t either, but I was trucking along. He was strong. He’d push through too. I didn’t want to see a world where someone like him didn’t.

I nodded, understanding the situation far too well.

“There is a Steelwick investigator looking for you.”

I froze, fear rushing through me. Steelwick was a name I recognized. The enforcer pride had a reputation for being the best. If they were looking for me, then they would find me.

“They think that you did that to him. That you were the one that hurt him.”

“I didn’t,” I asserted. “I could never.”

“I know. I know you didn’t.” He spoke the words as if they were fact. He believed me 100%.

I hadn’t been sure what I was going to do if he hadn’t. Thankfully I wasn’t going to have to find out. My mate believed me. Not even a split second of doubt had crossed his face. He. Believed. Me.

“So what next?” I asked. I couldn’t help but note that he hadn’t acknowledged us as mates. At least not yet. That had to mean something, right?