Page 7 of Hidden Traitors

“You were told wrong,” Blake said.

Caden shifted in his seat. “Nice to meet you, Agent Bennett, but why are you in my office?”

She looked from Caden to Blake, then back to Caden. “I’m from I.A. and I’ve been tasked with following Agent O’Connell on his current case.”

Blake’s eyes widened. “What? Why?”

Vivian looked befuddled by his reaction. “Well, considering the last case you were on...”

Blake tuned her out at that point, not wanting to hear the rest of what she was saying. His last case was the one he’d been shot in the shoulder on. The one where Hallie, who was now happily dating and living with Caden, had sent in an anonymous tip that kept Blake from being killed.

“That was months ago,” Blake spat out. “I don’t need I.A. breathing down my neck when I’m being paid to act as nothing more than a glorified babysitter at this point.”

“On the contrary,” Vivian said. “That’s exactly when I.A. likes to get involved. We want to get to know our subjects. See how they are in the field and how they use their resources.”

Blake stood with his mouth agape at the audacity this woman had, questioning his ability to do his job after he’d nearly given his life for it. He had a feeling Avery was behind this, and he turned to Caden for support. But his friend simply sat in his chair sizing up the woman who remained perfectly calm sitting in his office.

“No,” Blake finally said. “I.A. might have authorization, but I don’t care. I don’t need -”

“Blake,” Caden said sharply. “It’s fine.”

Blake glared at his friend who returned his glare and repeated his words with more emphasis, his tone hinting at being a direct order. “It’s fine.”

Blake swallowed. Even when Caden was the lead agent on a case, he’d never talked to Blake like that, not even when they disagreed on how to pursue a suspect.

Caden turned his attention back to Vivian. “Agent Bennett, I can assure you that you will have full access to all of Blake’s files and you have my approval, though you obviously don’t need it, to shadow him while he keeps an eye on our possible person of interest. However, should you in any way interfere, I will be talking to your direct supervisor, as well as my own.”

“Thank you,” she said, her words directed more to Caden than Blake, even though her intense gaze was firmly locked on Blake.

“Good. Now that that’s settled,” Caden stood from his chair. “Blake and I were about to grab lunch. Let’s meet back here in an hour, and he’ll fill you in on whatever you need.”

“I appreciate that,” Vivian said, her body relaxing only slightly at Caden’s words. “See you then.” She stood and left Caden’s office.

Blake watched her leave, then turned to Caden, eyeing the man like he’d just thrown him to the wolves voluntarily. Which he technically had. “I can’t believe you just did that,” Blake accused. “I know I screwed up but seriously? You’re just going to let I.A. -”

“Stop,” Caden said, holding up his hand. “First of all, we both know it’s not in my job description to let I.A. do anything. Second of all, the harder you make their job, the more blowback you’re going to get. Play nice with her, Blake. And that is an order. Now, I just invited you to a lunch that I was supposed to be having with Hallie, so let’s go before I change my mind.”

Blake followed Caden out of his office, feeling more like a dog being led out to the doghouse. He knew full well that he’d messed up on his last case. He didn’t need I.A. rubbing salt in the wound.

This time would be different though. No matter how long it took, he was going to nail Arlo J and anyone working with him, if it was the last thing he did.

Chapter 3

“Books and Booze is going to be such a fun event,” Hallie raved, her smile making her eyes shimmer with joy. It was just before lunchtime, and Madigan’s was still closed, but Skyla was seriously considering adjusting its hours to open earlier. Most of the food Madigan’s served for dinner and late-night snacks could easily be served for lunch, and with a few added drinks to the menu, Skyla could easily double Madigan’s bottom line. She just needed to hire more staff and spread the word about the extended hours to the community. Collaborating with Hallie and The Mystic Cow was all part of that plan.

Skyla poured them each a mimosa, excited for the event, but mostly just grateful to be sitting here with one of her closest friends. “To a successful marketing campaign,” Hallie said.

They clinked glasses and took several sips of their drinks. “Speaking of which, I heard you snagged a big romance author the other day,” Skyla said, setting her glass down on the bar.

Hallie wiggled in her seat with excitement. “I did! Delaney Parker is going to be signing books at The Mystic Cow next month. Can you believe it?”

Skyla smiled. She hadn’t read any of her books, but the author was practically a household name, known for her binge-worthy romances. “I’m so excited for you,” she said, genuinely happy for her friend who was turning her business around in an otherwise difficult economy. Skyla couldn’t imagine what it was like keeping a books and gifts shop open. Everyone she knew was buying everything online these days, but Hallie was managing to pull it off, and Skyla couldn’t be happier for her.

Hallie’s phone buzzed in her purse. She reached for it and glanced at the screen, then slipped off the barstool. “Caden is here to pick me up for lunch before I have to go to the store and relieve Katelyn. We’ll talk later?”

“Absolutely,” Skyla assured her. “Text me when you have a chance and we can go over the drink options for the event, unless of course I’m slammed here. I’m once again short of a busboy, so I feel like tonight is going to be murder considering it’s a Thursday and there are two games on.”

“Maybe Caden and I can come by later to cheer you on,” Hallie offered sympathetically.