Page 66 of Hidden Traitors

Garrett put his ear almost to the wall without actually touching it. “I don’t think we’re alone here.”

Blake had no idea what Garrett might’ve heard, but he had Tanner out there for back up. He sure had no intention of leaving a nearly unconscious Skyla unprotected. Hell, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to leave her side again after what happened tonight.

He ran his fingers through her hair and pressed a kiss to her head. She was so incredible. So strong and beautiful. He didn’t deserve her, but fuck, he loved this woman so damn much. He’d fight to earn her love, and keep it. He couldn’t believe it had taken him this long to figure it all out, but there was no way he was letting her out of his life now.

He stroked her cheek, marveling at the soft skin. His finger touched a wet spot that turned out to be smudge of bright red blood. Fury bloomed in him all over again, his thoughts going to Hallie and Caden.

Just thinking of what his friends had gone through - were still going through - an inconsolable mix of nausea and despair threatened to overwhelm him in the quiet dark room. He hadn’t allowed himself to lose control while they searched for Skyla and Hallie. Caden and his friends had needed him and he wasn’t going to fail them.

But now, alone with Skyla safely in his arms, and Hallie on her way to the hospital with Caden, Blake finally let the fear, panic, sadness, and anger surface, until his entire body shook with silent sobs.

For Skyla. For Hallie. For Brennan. For everything the women in his life had endured, and he’d been powerless to protect them from. He’d been too hard on Brennan earlier and he knew it. He was just so fed up with her antics. And he’d wanted to wait for the perfect moment to tell Skyla that he loved her, but tonight that chance had almost been stripped away from him.

The door opened, and Tanner practically sprinted into the room. “You’ll never believe who we found four doors down.”

Only the veil of darkness offered Blake the moment he needed to regain his composure as fast as he’d lost it. Not that his friends wouldn’t understand. They’d be there for him, support him, do and say whatever they could for him. But now just wasn’t the time for that. He had to keep his head on straight. His friends still needed him. Skyla needed him. Brennan needed him. Even Caden and Hallie would need him in the coming days, and he wanted to be there for them. For all of them, without any of them worrying about him.

He wasn’t the one who had spent a night in jail. He hadn’t been tortured and kidnapped by a crazed FBI Agent involved in some paranormal human trafficking ring.

No, he was just the FBI Agent whose job it was to keep the ones he loved safe, and he loved doing his job. He was good at it most days, and he had no intention of ever letting his guard down again. He’d been so sure he’d sent Vivian in the wrong direction, but somehow, she’d found her way right to where he dreaded she’d end up. That was his fault. He should’ve been more careful. Followed through more thoroughly on the wild goose chase he’d sent her on. But he hadn’t. He’d gotten cocky and sidetracked, falling for Skyla instead of protecting her. Not only did Skyla pay the price, but so did Hallie, and even Orly.

At the very least, Blake owed it to his friends, and especially to the women, to keep a level head, so nothing else ever got past him. “Who?” Blake asked, not really caring.

“Teresa Graham, Russell Graham’s step sister. Looks like Vivian had her for a while.”

Chapter 24

By the time they left that hellhole of a motel, and Skyla felt Blake lowering her into a tub of hot water, the sun was shining through his windows. “It’s morning,” she said, drowsily.

“Yeah, but don’t worry. We’re going to sleep right after we wash all this grime off you.” And blood. Hallie’s blood. She sank into the hot water, letting out a sigh as another tear rolled down her cheek. “Hallie,” she croaked as the water around her turned pink.

“She’s being taken care of at the hospital, and Caden is with her. Right now, my only priority is you.”

“You too,” she said, giving his arm a gentle tug.

“Okay.” He yanked off his clothes and climbed in behind her. The hot water felt good on her sore muscles, but being in his arms, her body pressed up against his, was what finally made her feel completely safe.

Exhaustion beat at her relentlessly. She kept her eyes closed as he used a soft washcloth to clean her. It was so sweet and caring. Then he gently washed and conditioned her hair, taking the time to massage her scalp until she let out a soft groan. If there was ever a time when she was putty in a man’s hands, it was right now. She’d left some of her bath products here, and the familiar strawberry scent reminded her of a time when she was happy and whole. She wanted to disappear back into that time, but then Blake’s hands wrapped around her shoulders as he adjusted her so her head wouldn’t go under water.

“Let’s get you out and dry before you pass out on me again.”

His voice was low and soothing. She found herself seeking it out, wanting to burrow into the sound almost as much as she wanted to hide away in the shelter of his arms. “I’ve got you,” he said, carefully lifting her out of the tub. He dried them both, then carried her out of the bathroom, carefully settling her in his bed.

As soon as he had her under the covers and got in with her, she rolled into him, seeking his strength and warmth. “Hallie,” she murmured again, knowing she wouldn’t rest until she knew everything there was to know about their friend.

Blake wrapped her up in his arms, holding her so fully, she didn’t think any of her broken pieces had a chance of falling apart. “She came out of surgery about an hour ago. The doctors say she’ll make a full recovery.” He paused then and Skyla opened her eyes and met his gaze.

“But?” She asked, already knowing there was more.

Blake squeezed his eyes shut for a long moment, and she held her breath.

“She may need plastic surgery to fix some of the scars. If she wants to, but it’s nothing to worry about now.”

“No,” Skyla shook her head, finding the last of her energy reserves. “I just need to rest, then I’ll be able to heal her. No more pain or surgeries. I’ll heal her, Blake.”

Blake tightened his hold on her, and she snuggled in close to him. She’d thought of little else but being in this man’s arms, since they’d parted ways after their road trip. She couldn’t believe they’d only gotten back last night. “Shhh,” he soothed. “Sleep. You’re safe, and Hallie will be okay. Just sleep, Sky.”

She smiled at his nickname for her. He’d never used it before, but she liked the idea of being called something so vast and beautiful, and she drifted into a deep and restful slumber.