Page 35 of Hidden Traitors

“Mom,” he warned with no heat, as Skyla’s name echoed in his mind. “There is no name to tell.” Skyla would probably love his mom. Love how she gently meddled in her kids’ lives because she cared. Love how she fought for her kids, even when they were in the wrong. Fuck, Blake needed to shake those thoughts from his mind. Skyla would never get to know his mom because they weren’t together, and never would be. No matter how much his mind kept wanting to put them together.

Regina smiled and patted his arm. “You left your wallet and keys on the kitchen table.” Then she turned and left him standing in the bathroom, Skyla’s name still on the tip of his tongue as his mom’s slippered footsteps faded down the stairs.

He joined her in the kitchen a few minutes later to collect his things. She was putting the kettle on the stove, settling in for her nightly routine of drinking tea in front of the television. It was something she’d done since he and his sisters were kids, on the nights she didn’t have to work.

When he returned from the store half an hour later, he found her sitting on the couch in front of the television, cradling her tea cup, watching some black and white western he was sure he’d seen back in middle school.

He went upstairs and replaced the pipe, making sure the sink worked while still mulling over her words. Then he came back downstairs and sat on the couch next to her like he used to as a kid. They’d had some of their best conversations on this couch, the television on in the background, her small hands cradling a tea cup, her tone soft and gentle.

“I can’t tell you her name because she’s a possible person of interest in an ongoing investigation.”

His mom looked up at him with absolutely no surprise in her features except for the hint of a smile. The kind she gave him when she’d finally gotten him to crack about whatever was on his mind. “Is she guilty?” Regina asked, returning her gaze to the television, even though he knew he had her full attention.

Blake sighed. “That’s for a jury to decide.” With every day that went by, he hoped she wasn’t. He needed there to be another explanation for Madigan’s connection to Arlo J. It was the only way -

“Are you going to arrest her?” Regina asked, interrupting his thoughts. His gaze met hers, and it wasn’t the first time Blake noticed the little lines around his mom’s eyes from years of laughing, worrying, and even some nights of crying her eyes out when she thought he hadn’t heard her. Despite everything life had thrown at her, or maybe in spite of it, the woman was as strong and powerful as they come. Looking at her small frame, her big blue eyes, always rose-colored full lips, and perfectly tousled hair - you’d think she was the best kept housewife in the state. No one would ever think this small, yet mighty warrior, had held down two, sometimes three jobs, all while raising three kids, and losing two husbands.

Blake shrugged, leaning back into the cushions of the old couch, he and Brennan used to sit on, watching late night TV after putting a then eight-year-old Emily to bed, while their mom worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. His mom had always worked so hard, and in a way, Skyla reminded him of her. He sighed, hating the predicament he was in. “I don’t know. I don’t want to, but it may come to that.”

Regina placed a hand on his knee and he covered it with his own. He’d survived his first failing grade, his first break up, his first missed touchdown, and even being shot on the job, all because he’d had her in his corner. Talking him through it. Listening to him no matter how whiney he sounded. She’d always been so present, and in tune with her kids. It was uncanny, and the best feeling in the world to know there was at least one person that really got him. “Are you done with the sink?” She asked, pointedly changing the subject. Something else about his mom that Blake appreciated, she always knew just how far to push him, and exactly when to stop.

“Yeah, it should be good for now, but if it springs another leak, you’ll need to call a professional. There are only so many times I can plug up its holes before it bursts and causes some serious damage to the cabinet and surrounding floor.”

Regina nodded, mindlessly patting his knee. “You’re a good son, Blake. I hope you know how proud of you I am.”

He sucked in a breath, loving those words every time she said them. “I love you too, Mom.” After his and Brennan’s dad walked out on them, she was all they had left in the world until James entered the picture. Then they were happy for a while, and Mom and James even added to their family with Emily. But after James died, it was just the four of them.

Blake had been a freshman in high school, and he quickly took on the role of being man of the house while their mom worked crazy hours to keep the lights on and food on the table.

He watched after his sisters, did the laundry, cooked meals, and took care of the yard, all while playing Varsity football and accepting a full scholarship to a local university, so his mom wouldn’t have to worry about childcare and homework for the girls while she was at work.

And even though they were all grown up now, Blake still felt like he had to watch out for them. Not so much Emily, who’d married her high school sweetheart and became a nurse like their mom, but Brennan, for sure.

It was getting late, and he needed to leave soon if he was going to make it back in time to stop by The Mystic Cow before it closed. While he planned on avoiding Skyla for now, since she’d told him to stay away, he did want to show his support for Hallie’s store.

Blake stood and pulled out his wallet. He’d stopped at the ATM on his way back from the hardware store and withdrew as much cash as he could spare. “Here,” he said, placing the wad of hundreds on the coffee table in front of his mom. “Tell Brennan I love her, and she’ll need to get her act together soon enough, but I’ve got her covered for today.”

His mom beamed at him with tears glistening in her eyes. “Blakey, honey, you don’t have to do that. I can take care of her.”

“I know,” he said, wrapping his arms around her in a quick hug. “You’ve always taken care of us. Don’t deny me my turn to take care of you now. Or her. A part of me is actually a little jealous that she gets to have all these cool adventures.”

Regina laughed. “I keep threatening her that one day I’m going to crash her party and make her show me what exactly it is that she does.”

Blake kissed his mom on the cheek. “I would love to see that. Although, I think Brennan would have a fit. She’s far too independent - or should I say stubborn - to want to hang out with her mom.”

“You’re a good brother, Blake. I don’t know what I did to deserve you three kids, but I’m sure glad I did it. You be careful out there, okay? No more jumping in front of bullets. I wouldn’t survive losing you.” Her voice cracked at the end there and he had to swallow the knot in his throat. He knew how much he’d scared his family when he’d been shot, and he hated seeing her crying in his hospital room when he first woke up after surgery.

“I’ll be careful. But only if you are too.”

She laughed. “I’m a nurse, Honey. The most dangerous thing in my line of work is a poopy bedpan.” Blake made a gagging sound and they both laughed.

Coming home, even if it was just for a few hours to change a pipe or a lightbulb that was too high for her to comfortably reach, was always something he looked forward to. The chores were just a good excuse for him to hide behind the fact that he missed her, and his sisters.


“Blake, you made it,” Hallie came around the register to give him a hug. It was just a few minutes to closing time, but he’d driven across town with a lead foot to make sure he got here before the day was over. The place looked incredible, decorated with thousands of fairy lights. There was a small covered table with two bottles of wine, compliments of Skyla, he was sure, and a platter of snacks. Even at this late hour, there were still several people still milling about the store, collecting last minute purchases before bringing them to the register.

“Of course, I did. I wouldn’t miss your big day. How was it?” He asked, offering Caden a chin lift over Hallie’s shoulder.