Page 15 of Hidden Traitors

Chapter 6

Blake hadn’t planned on staying inside Madigan’s for more than a few minutes, just long enough to say hello to his friends and maybe have a drink. But as he was about to make his exit, he spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Royce Madigan had aged a bit since he’d last seen the man. His receding hairline went further back, his once brown hair now had ample strands of gray, and his face had quite a few more deep lines in it. Still, Blake would recognize the man anywhere.

It was the way he was looking at someone that made Blake’s blood nearly curdle. Expecting to see Arlo J, or someone easily identifiable as an enemy, Blake was shocked to find him eyeing his own daughter like that. What the hell happened between them? Was this about Arlo J? Madigan's? Or something else?

He watched Skyla show Royce and the woman to the booth his friends had just occupied, and didn’t miss the man’s scowl when she introduced him to Nico, who would be taking care of them tonight. By the time Skyla returned to the bar, she was visibly shaken and seemed to be avoiding his gaze. “Is he always like this now?” Blake asked.

Skyla nibbled her bottom lip, and he noticed the fine sheen of tears in her eyes. Instead of answering, she quickly handed her tab over to another bartender and disappeared into the back.

Blake stayed for another few hours, but didn’t see her again. Her father on the other hand, wasn’t shy about making his presence and needs known. It took everything Blake had not to go over there and ask the old man what the hell his problem was. Royce left Madigan’s a few minutes after midnight, and Blake left shortly thereafter, his thoughts on Vivian, Skyla, and now Royce.

By Sunday, Blake was itching to tell Caden about Vivian, but Caden didn’t like talking about work on his days off. Everyone was meeting at Hallie and Caden’s house for a barbeque, and he didn’t want to spoil the fun. He had no idea how his friend and colleague would react to the news that Vivian was actually investigating people with paranormal abilities, but he knew Caden wouldn’t take it well. He and Hallie were solid and very much in love. He would see Vivian as an imminent threat to the woman he loved. Blake just hoped he could reel him in before he did anything that would tip their hand. Caden was usually a rational guy, but when it came to Hallie’s safety, Blake fully expected the man to be a lot less level-headed. Especially in a situation like this.

Orly was also a concern, but since no one knew about her ability, and Luke was Dallas Police and not FBI, she wasn’t going to be as easy to target for Vivian.

When Blake arrived at Caden and Hallie’s, he was surprised to find their covered patio outfitted with clear little lights, white streamers hung low in the surrounding trees, and there were even clear balloons with silver glitter inside tied to the posts. “What’s going on?” He asked Caden. “Looks like a wedding or something.”

Caden glared at him, and Blake immediately shut his mouth and smiled, slapping his friend on the back. “Does Hallie know what you’re planning here?”

“Not a wedding,” Caden clarified. “I just happened to be up early today and came across a box in the garage with some things she uses to decorate her store for holidays and special events. I thought, why not make the place more festive. Besides, it was totally worth it to see her face light up when she woke up and saw it.”

Blake shook his head with a grin. He couldn't be happier for Caden and the love he’d found with Hallie. No one deserved it more. “Just a barbeque, huh?”

“Get out of here,” Caden joked, pushing him toward the grill. “Go help Garrett with the burgers. I think he’s a little distracted by our guest.”

For the first time since arriving at their house, Blake looked past Caden to where Garrett was standing at the grill, talking to a woman Blake didn’t recognize from behind. Her blonde hair was flowing down her shoulders. She wore cut off jean shorts, a plain white tank top and flip flops that had little jewels on them that caught the sun at just the right angle to make her toes look like tiny pots of gold at the end of miniature rainbows. Blake smiled to himself. Whoever this woman was, Garrett wasn’t the only one who was going to be distracted by her. He suddenly had the primal desire for a not-so-friendly challenge with the other man just to see who got dibs on the woman. But something must have caught her attention and she turned. Her eyes met Blake’s and he had to take a step back to keep from falling over.


Every muscle in his body tensed. He did a quick sweep of the yard to see where Hallie and Orly were. He didn’t see either one of them outside, but Luke’s car was in the driveway, which meant they were both likely inside.

“Hi Blake,” Vivian called out, waving eagerly to him with a huge smile. “I hope it’s okay that I came. Hallie invited me and I just couldn’t say no. I have to say, this place is amazing.” She made her way over to him, keeping that auspicious grin on her flawless face.

“Hey, there you are,” Orly’s voice rang out as she stepped outside carrying a large salad bowl filled with mixed greens. “Would one of you mind grabbing the potato salad?” She asked Blake and Caden. “Hallie made a lot of food for some reason. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was trying to fatten us all up.”

“I heard that,” Hallie called from inside. “And I just wanted to try some new recipes without eliminating any of the old favorites in case y’all hate my experimentation in the kitchen.”

“They’ll love it,” Caden assured her, as she came out carrying the aforementioned potato salad. He took the large bowl from her and delivered it to the picnic table.

Food was the last thing on Blake’s mind though. He literally felt rooted to the spot he was standing on. His friends were happy. It was just another Sunday to them. They had no idea the biggest threat was standing in their own backyard less than five feet away from the women she wanted to rip from their lives and send them who knows where, to endure who knows what.

“Blake, are you okay?” Vivian asked, eyeing him curiously now.

He snapped his attention back to her. “I’m fine,” he said a little too defensively. “I just didn’t expect to see you here. I hope you like barbecue.”

Vivian gave him an easy laugh. “Of course, silly, or I wouldn’t have accepted the invitation.”

Blake nodded with a terse smile and quickly made his way through the yard and up the steps into the house.

Caden had completely remodeled the place when he bought it, so shiny new floors and a gleaming kitchen greeted him as he stepped through the open French doors. Orly stepped out of the guest bathroom and gifted him a smile before going over to grab a pitcher of lemonade. Blake watched her, wrestling with what to do. If someone connected with her during this BBQ while Vivian was He had to warn her. But how?

He glanced outside. Luke was keeping Garrett company at the grill. Tanner and Martin were walking around the large picnic table arranging the place settings. Hallie and Caden were talking and seemed to be in their own world for the moment. Warmth spread through Blake, seeing the people he cared most about, aside from his mom and sisters, so happy and content. He had to protect them.

“Blake?” Orly’s voice penetrated his thoughts. “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head. Then just as she was about to head out with the pitcher, he took her by the arm and led her to the living area, away from the French door and any immediate prying eyes.

“What are you doing?” She asked, not the least bit worried, just seemingly confused.