Page 84 of Hidden Interests

“It would’ve stayed down there another seventy plus years, except with the water heater leaking -” Blake started to say.

“The water was hitting the hand grenade,” Caden finished. “Fuck. That was an explosion waiting to happen.”

“What about the shooter?” Hallie asked.

“In custody,” Luke said, “And being processed as we speak.”

Hallie sighed in relief. She’d never understand how her mind knew things before they happened, but one thing was clear - Caden and his friends saved a lot of lives today, and if it wasn’t for her ability, they would’ve never even had the chance. “I can’t believe it’s finally over.” She looked at Caden’s friends, her friends, with so much gratitude for what they’d done. She wasn’t sure when the fog from her mind had lifted, but she knew it really was over this time. “Thank you,” she said to all of them. “I would’ve many people would’ve died if you.... thank you.” Her words were hoarse and jumbled as a large knot formed in her throat.

Maybe if she’d trusted someone with her gift sooner, she would’ve been able to save more people instead of just relying on herself, and feeling like there was nothing she could ever do about it.

Caden reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You’re the one who saved them, Hales. If you hadn’t seen what you did, drawn that picture of the church, we would’ve never known about it until it was too late.”

“Not useless,” Blake said, a knowing grin stretching across his face where a permanent scowl lived for as long as she’d known him.

Hallie offered him a smile, then brought her attention back to Caden. “Now we just need to get you all better and out of here. Then life can go back to normal.”

“Normal?” Garrett asked.

“What’s that?” Luke teased.

And everyone laughed.

Chapter 31

As soon as Caden was cleared by his doctor for physical labor, he’d spent every weekend and most weeknights renovating the house. Hallie had been a huge help, and the memories they made laughing and working side by side were some of his favorites. He loved being around her and more importantly, he loved who he was, when he was with her.

“Move in with me,” Caden said. They were standing in his newly remodeled kitchen about to sit down for breakfast at the expansive new island. They’d spent nearly every night together since he got home from the hospital two months ago, and had already developed their little routines. He made breakfast while she brewed the coffee. She made the bed while he loaded the dishwasher. She listened to his podcasts while they got ready in the mornings, and he listened to her talk about The Mystic Cow, and all her interesting customers, every night before bed.

For the first time since losing his brother, Caden was truly happy. He’d found a kind of peace he didn’t even know existed, and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her.

“Are you sure?” Hallie asked, holding her coffee mug mid-air, as if he’d taken her by surprise.

He came around the island, set her mug down, and pulled her into his arms. “I wanted to ask you back at the hospital when I first woke up, but I decided to wait until the renovations were done so you wouldn’t have to live in dust and half-finished rooms. Hallie, you’ve not only helped me make this house a home, but it won’t be complete until I get to share it with you. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

Her emerald green eyes shone with excitement as she flung her arms around his neck. “Yes. Of course, I’ll move in with you. I love you so much.”

“I love you more.” He held her tight, relishing the softness of her curves pressing up against him. He would’ve proposed today, but he hadn’t found the perfect ring yet. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he’d know it when he saw it.

Two weeks later, Hallie was all moved in with the help of his friends, and Caden still couldn’t believe how incredible the last several months had been. He’d met the woman of his dreams, bought and renovated a house they could share for many years to come, and got to wake up with her every morning and hold her in his arms every night. Not to mention, he had the best friends a man could ever ask for and a job he was passionate about.

A few things still bothered him, not the least of which was the fact that Russell Graham was still at large. Orly was safe with Luke and all their friends watching out for her, but just knowing the guy was still out there made Caden’s blood boil. The man deserved to be in prison for his part in Orly’s kidnapping, and Caden was determined to put him there.

Unfortunately, they hadn’t unearthed any more useful information about Molly Edgar or her company. She was a public enough figure, since she was the CEO of Edgar Pharmaceuticals, but nothing about what they’d found was connecting her or it to Russell Graham in any way. They also had no idea where her body was, assuming she was in fact dead. Caden hated to doubt Orly, but until they had a body, officially, there was no murder.

Then there was Blake. Caden hadn’t missed the changes in his friend since his return back to the bureau last month. It was more than obvious Blake was having trouble reacclimating to the job with the scrutiny he was under.

However, Caden had a new assignment for him. One that would hopefully take him away from the seventy-hour work weeks Avery was forcing him to endure, and maybe even get the rest of the bureau off his back for screwing up all those months ago.

The good news was that enough time had passed, and Avery finally gave up on trying to figure out Hallie’s involvement in Blake’s shooting. The bureau had even returned her computers and the hard drive they’d taken from her store. Still, Caden worried about her and did his best to keep Hallie out of Avery’s line of sight, even going so far as to not display any photos of her in his office.

But today was Sunday, and not the time to think about the things keeping Caden awake at night. Today was for him and Hallie to celebrate moving into their new home together. All their friends and both their parents were driving in for the housewarming party in a few hours. He’d told his parents several weeks ago that Ethan hadn’t pulled the trigger. He hadn’t told them how he knew, explaining that it was classified, but their reaction wasn’t quite what he’d thought it would be, probably because their son was still dead, and no matter what Caden told them, nothing was going to bring him back. But there was nothing he could do about that. Just like he couldn’t change the hell Hallie’s parents had put her through, even if it was well-meaning and intended with plenty of love.

He’d already informed them that he planned on marrying their daughter, and as soon as that happened, he would take full responsibility over her medical care. Meaning no one except Hallie would ever determine if or when she was going to see a doctor or take any medication. She deserved to have complete autonomy over her mind and body.

He rolled over onto his side, reaching for the soft and warm woman lying beside him, only to find it empty and cool to the touch. Where was she?

Hallie was definitely not a morning person so she couldn’t have gone far. He opened his eyes to see the imprint of her body was still in the sheet. He smiled and turned his head, eyeing the door to their ensuite bathroom. A lot of the renovation budget had gone to enlarging their master bedroom by knocking down a wall to an adjoining, much smaller, room, and creating a doorway into what was now their master bathroom. With two other good-sized bedrooms in the home, there was plenty of room for an office or possibly a few kids down the road. They both wanted kids, just not quite yet.