Page 61 of Hidden Interests

Hallie turned to Orly. “Do you want to get a ride with us?”

“Yes,” Caden said, not waiting for Orly’s response. When Orly looked at him with an inquisitive look in her eye, Caden softened and said, “I'm under strict orders to get you two home. Garrett will take care of Meg and Alicia.”

Orly nodded and pulled her purse onto her lap. Hallie did the same. The other women noticed them getting ready to leave and stopped their chatter. “You’re leaving us?” Meg asked.

“I’m beat,” Hallie said. “Caden’s taking us home, and Garrett will make sure you both get home safely.”

Meg turned to Garrett and gave him her best smile. “Oh, Baby. I can totally get on board with that.”

Hallie sighed. “Meg, you’re drunk.”

When the other woman didn’t bother to respond, Garrett gave Hallie a wink. “Don’t worry. You guys go on ahead.”

Hallie and Orly said their goodbyes then, and followed Caden out of Madigan’s. Caden drove Orly home first and waited until she was inside before pulling out of the driveway. “So, how’s the research coming along?”

Hallie shrugged. “Okay, I guess. I was going to talk to Skyla tonight about something, but she was busy and then Kenny showed up and…” Nothing had gone as she’d wanted it to tonight, and she hated that she’d brought Orly into the mix.

“You okay?” Caden asked. “Kenny didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Hallie shook her head. “No. He was just a jerk. I don’t know how Meg put up with him all those years.” They had dated since college and were married for six years before Meg finally had enough and left his sorry ass. The divorce was dragging on because he couldn’t seem to let go, but now with everything that he’d done, Hallie had a feeling things would be finalized quickly, one way or another.

Caden gave her hand a light squeeze and they drove to her place in silence. He parked in her complex’s parking lot and walked up with her. She opened her door, not really inviting him in, but not asking him to leave either. When she turned to see what he’d chosen, she found him standing in her doorway, as if asking for permission to come inside. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to stay tonight,” he said with no heat in his voice. This man was sweet enough to be there for her when she needed him and kind enough to give her space when she wanted it.

Hallie considered his words. Seeing Kenny tonight, the way he’d talked to Meg, the things they‘d said to each other, it had brought back a lot of memories for her with Finn, and Hallie wasn’t sure if she wanted to be alone, or if having Caden with her would make her feel better. “I think I just want to be alone tonight,” she finally said, not wanting to unload her emotions from the night on Caden.

“Okay. Let me know if you need anything.” He stepped inside to give her a quick kiss on the lips, followed by a soft touch of his lips to her forehead. Then he walked out, saying, “lock this,” as he shut the door behind him.

Hallie quickly locked it and collapsed onto her bed. It had been a long time since she’d gone out on the town with friends, and she had been really excited about tonight. Hanging out with Meg and Alicia was usually fun and she’d wanted Orly to join them because she thought the four of them would hit it off.

She pulled out her cell phone and sent Orly a message. Hallie wasn’t sure if Luke would be home by now, but she wanted to make sure the other woman was okay.

Hallie: I’m sorry about tonight. Meg was drunk when she said those things.

Hallie didn’t have to wait more than a few seconds for Orly’s response.

Orly: No worries. We’ve all been where she was tonight. Thanks for not sharing my secret.

Hallie: I would never. I’m glad I got to see you tonight. We should get together again soon. Minus the drama.

Orly: Definitely. I’d love to.

Hallie clicked off her phone, then turned it back on and sent Caden a message.

Hallie: Thanks for coming and driving me home tonight.

Caden: Always.

Hallie: Are you upset I didn’t invite you to stay the night?

Caden: Of course not. Are you okay? Did you want to talk about it?

Hallie sighed, not sure how to respond to Caden’s last message. She didn’t know if she wanted to talk about what Meg said, or even how she would go about doing it. Yes, she was lucky to have found Caden, but at the same time she hated that her friend had pointed it out in such a way, as if Hallie hadn’t kissed enough frogs. As if she was somehow undeserving of having a man like Caden in her life.

Hallie: No, I’m okay. And I’m glad you’re in my life.

Caden: Good. Because I’m very glad that you’re in mine. Have dinner with me tomorrow night?

Hallie smiled. Whether she deserved him or not, Caden was hers, and she would never take that for granted.