Page 53 of Hidden Interests

Hallie loved the idea of spending the day with him, but she did have to finish those stupid tax papers. Her smile slowly faded. “I really should finish the tax stuff I started last night.”

“Not a problem. What else?” He plated the pancakes that were done and poured new batter into the pan.

“That’s all I have to do today. I messaged Katelyn last night and told her what happened, and that The Mystic Cow would be closed for a few days. I still can’t believe it. I’ve never been closed since the day I opened. Not even for a day.” She sighed, remembering her very first day. She didn’t think anyone would come, but it turned out to be one of her best sales days of that year.

“I think a few days off will be good for both of you,” Caden said. “Isn’t there something you’ve been wanting to do, but couldn’t because you had to work?”

Nothing really came to mind. She’d gone to visit her parents last weekend, and a few days off wasn’t really enough time to go anywhere. “I don’t know. I’ve been so focused on the store, I guess I hadn’t really made time for anything else.” Her mom’s words echoed in her mind then. Hallie had always insisted she was happy, but maybe there was more to life than spending it inside of an eclectic books and gifts shop. “Did you want to go to… you know….?”

Caden sighed and she knew he understood what she was referring to. “I was thinking about it, but I wasn’t going to mention it because it’s our first day together, and funerals aren’t exactly fun.”

“I said I’d go with you and I meant it. Just tell me what you want to do,” Hallie wasn’t trying to pressure him, but she wanted him to know she’d be there for him.

Caden flipped the pancakes in the pan, then put his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head before meeting her gaze. “I want to go.”

Hallie kissed his cheek. “Then we’ll go. How much time do we have to get ready?”

“It’s not until later this afternoon. And by the way, you’re the best. Thank you.” He gave her a quick kiss that only left her longing for more, then went to check on the pancakes.

Hallie wasn’t shy in the kitchen, but she could never figure out how to make pancakes without burning them. Seeing Caden standing there, making her absolute favorite food, something only her mom had ever made for her, shifted something deep inside her. And in that moment, she knew she wanted this man in her life, for the rest of her life.

A chill went through the room and she turned to find a hoodie or something to put on over her spaghetti strap tank top. Her gaze landed on her sweatshirt, but then she spotted Caden’s blazer and reached for it instead. She slipped it on, and instantly loved how the softness of the material felt against her skin. But it was the scent of Caden’s woodsy aftershave surrounding her that had warmth blooming deep in her core. She pressed her cheek to the lapel inhaling deeply when the sound of something clattering jerked her attention back to the present moment.

Her breath caught at the darkening of Caden’s blazing gray eyes. The spatula lay forgotten on the counter as the sexy man in her kitchen closed thedistance between them and literally attacked her mouth with his. His passion, his hunger, seared into her as he devoured her mouth like a starving man possessed. He let out an actual growl when she parted her lips, silently inviting him to continue his delicious assault, driving her to the edge of her sanity.

Several moments later, he pulled back, and she sighed in protest. He licked his lips, his gaze scorching her with the palpable chemistry coursing between them. “No one has ever turned me on the way you do. Damn, you look good in my jacket.”

Caden picked her up and deposited her on the small countertop in the kitchen. He turned off the stove and pushed aside anything that might get in the way. Then he took a step back, as if assessing a prize he’d just won. “That jacket is ruined for all eternity. Fuck, every jacket is, as far as I’m concerned. Damn, woman.” He lifted his hand and with a feather light touch, grazed his fingertips over the hollow of her throat, moving all the way down to her cleavage.

Hallie nearly squirmed with need as her core tightened and her nipples hardened.

“Time, Hales,” he groaned, cupping the side of her neck now. “We need time.” He cleared his throat. “I’m not going to be the guy who takes you just because I can. I want to date you. Really get to know you. I will have you. Soon. But for now, please put something else on and let’s have breakfast.” His Adam’s apple bobbed again. “Please.”

Hallie smiled sweetly. “You’re either a saint or just as nervous as I am about this.”

Caden laughed. “If you only knew what I was thinking right now, you’d know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m no saint, Hales. Just a man who wants to do right by his woman.”

While Hallie admired the tenuous grip he seemed to have on his control, she didn’t miss the reference he made to her being his woman. She liked the possessiveness. A lot. Almost as much as teasing him, knowing he’d never hurt her. “Sorry,” she said with a hint of a smile, letting him know she wasn’t sorry in the least. “It just looked so inviting. It was practically calling out to me.” She said, bringing the lapel up to her nose. “And it smelled like you.”

Hallie didn’t think it was possible, but Caden’s eyes grew even darker. “One day, I want you to wear it… and nothing else.” His devilish grin sent all kinds of delicious goosebumps over Hallie’s body.

Her mind spun with the images he’d so easily put in her head. “Um…” Hallie lowered herself off the countertop, making sure to keep the jacket slightly open, revealing just enough of her cleavage to keep his eyes glued to her. And it was working a little too well because he looked like he was planning on eating her for breakfast. “So, I guess showering together is out of the question,” she teased, and ran out of the kitchen with a squeal.

“You little wench!” Caden screeched, chasing after her to the bedroom area. She had him right where she wanted. Standing over her, his breaths ragged, his eyes filled with desire. “I told you to give me time.” He traced a finger along her exposed collar bone and she mewled at his touch. “You’re not going to make this easy on me, are you?” He asked.

“What would be the fun in that?” She giggled.

Caden looked up to the ceiling, as if asking for celestial help. Then he pulled her in for a kiss, the kind where his mouth made love to her mouth until a breathless moan escaped her throat.

When he pulled back, he put his hands on her face, cupping her cheeks and held her there with such tenderness and care, it made her want him even more. “Do you know why I told you to give me time?” He asked.

She had no idea, and whatever the reason, she hated it. Maybe she was bad at sex, but she wanted Caden in her bed right now more than she wanted anything else in the world.

“Because I want to make it special. Because I want us to go on a few more dates before I take you to bed. Because our first time together will be amazing and memorable and something we can talk about for years to come. Because when I make love to you, I want to see nothing but complete and total trust in those gorgeous emerald eyes of yours. Because I love you, Hallie Owens, and you are worth waiting for.”


The way she teased him. How she wanted him. It made Caden’s heart swell and his cock feel like it was going to split in half. He didn’t miss her surprise at his words, but he didn’t regret giving them to her either. He loved her, dammit, and the last thing he was going to do was take her to bed on their first day back together. Especially not after what she’d just been through.