Page 51 of Hidden Interests

Caden lay with his arms around the woman he was falling in love with as she slept on his chest. He could hardly breathe from all the emotion she brought out in him, and her weight on his chest only felt more right with each second that passed. He was harder than he’d ever been in his life, and he had no chance of relieving that discomfort tonight, but he was enjoying it. She’d done that to him. Laughing and teasing him. And then surprising the hell out of him by falling asleep on his chest. No woman had ever done that. Caden loved Hallie’s sweetness and was pleasantly surprised when she’d climbed on top of him. But the minute she laid her head on his chest and fell asleep, so trustingly, he knew his heart was taken. He’d never wanted to sleep with any other woman again.

He also couldn’t think of anyone he’d ever dated who’d asked him about his work, or his week, let alone offered to go to a funeral with him.Everything was different with Hallie. Maybe this was what it was like for Luke, with Orly. Maybe this was why he held her extra tight when she went into his arms, or why he rushed to her side from wherever he was in the city when she needed him.

Standing by the creek with Hallie earlier, listening to her tell him about her gift, how it scared her, was one of the best and worst moments of his life. At least with Orly, her gift helped someone every time she made a connection. He couldn’t imagine the torment Hallie underwent seeing awful things she could rarely do anything about. It would drive him insane.

His phone buzzed from across the room where he’d left it on her dresser, and he just smiled. There was no way he was leaving this bed or this woman to look at that thing. It would have to wait until morning, or until Monday, depending on who it was. Hallie stirred in his arms and he cursed the phone under his breath for the buzzing sound it was making.

He stroked her hair, hoping to soothe her back into her deep and peaceful slumber. She sighed against him and nuzzled deeper into his chest, grasping his shirt with her fingers like she was holding on to him.

Well, he wasn’t going anywhere. There was nowhere else he’d rather be than with her, just like this. He loved the feel of his fingers slipping through her silky strands, and how her breaths came out in warm soft puffs of air against his chest.

Suddenly, she bolted upright and rolled off him onto her side of the bed. Her breathing was heavy as her hands flew to her mouth, like she was trying to stifle a scream.

Caden sat up and had his arms around her. “Easy, Hales. What happened? Bad dream?”

She shook her head. “No. It’s okay. I’m okay.”

“And here I thought we were being honest with each other.” He didn’t want to push her, but he also never wanted her to feel like she had to lie to him.

Her eyes met his. “It was a fire.”

“Your nightmare?”

She pushed a lock of hair out of her face and behind her ear. “I told you. They’re not nightmares. Well, they are my nightmares, but they’re glimpses. That’s what I call them.”

He had about a million questions, but then remembered what she’d told him at the creek. Her glimpses lasted all of a few seconds and only ever showed her the what. Nothing else. “Is there anything I can do?”

She shook her head. “No. I’m not Orly.” She bit out and got off the bed. “I can’t save anyone. Blake was the exception. A once in a lifetime exception. Not the norm. There’s a very good chance I’ll never get to save anyone ever again. You won’t get to play hero with me like you did with Orly that day.” She sighed, a resigned look in her eyes. “Do you really want to be with someone like me? Someone who sees horrible, useless things that serve no other purpose other than to scare me half to death?” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. She sounded bitter, and angry with herself, and her gift.

Caden hated seeing just how damaging these damn glimpses were to her, and he could kick himself for leaving her alone with them all these weeks. He should’ve been here for her. He should’ve trusted his gut instinct and stuck by her side. Needing to be closer to her now, he stood and closed the gap between them. “I’m no one’s hero, least of all Orly’s. She saved my life, Hallie.”

Hallie looked at him, her eyes wide in surprise. So, Orly hadn’t told her about that. Good. Because suddenly it was all important to Caden that he be the one to tell her about all his hard, messy, and painful things - not because he wanted to hurt her, but because hopefully it would show her that she could trust him with her own hard, messy, and painful things. “That’s right,” Caden continued. “The guy with the gun and badge had to be saved from a psychotic serial killer by an unarmed woman who couldn’t stand the thought of me getting hurt, despite the fact thatI was the one who was supposed to be protecting her.”

Hallie stood stock still, her expression willing Caden to go on.

He didn’t like reliving that day, but he’d gladly do it for Hallie. “I hardly knew Orly back then, but I knew Luke had strong feelings for her and that was enough for me to take her under my wing. Luke asked me to watch over her after his truck had been set on fire by the psychopath who got off on taunting her. He was communicating with her telepathically. She knew he was coming for her, but she didn’t want me to get hurt. So she lied to my face to get me to leave her alone in front of the restroom at Madigan’s. I was gone for probably less than a minute, but by the time we realized what had happened and went back, she was gone. Taken, because she’d gotten me to leave her there. Unprotected. Just so I wouldn’t get hurt.”

“Wow,” Hallie said. “I knew I liked her. I’m glad she did what she did to save you.”

Caden took her hand and pressed it to his chest over his heart. “You asked me if I can be with someone who has a seemingly useless gift that torments them and never lets me be a hero. The truth is, I don’t want to be a damn hero, unless I’m your hero. As for you saving anyone, you saved me today more times than anyone has ever saved me, and you didn’t even have to put yourself in danger to do it. That makes you one hell of a hero, and those glimpses can be damned for all I care. When you have them, I’ll hold you and I’ll make sure you’re not afraid. And if you ever have one that you think can help someone, I’ll do everything in my power to help them. But know this Hallie, I’m not with you because of your gift, that was news to me, or who you can help, or what you can do. I’m here because you’re the only person in my life that I feel like myself around. And when I asked you if there was anything I could do, I meant for you, not for someone else. Only for you.”

She stood just inches away from him, her gaze never leaving his. He’d watched, as she listened to his every word, taking them in like punches to the gut and kisses to her soul. “Caden?” She finally whispered.

“Yeah.” He touched her cheek, not being able to help himself, needing to feel the softness of her skin beneath his fingers.

“I think I want to have sex with you.”

He smiled, pleased that he’d gotten through to her. “Maybe we should wait until you’re reallysure. Besides, I wouldn’t be very gentle tonight.”

She nodded and walked back to the bed, where she got in under the covers on her side. Oh, hell no. That was not a rejection, and he wasn’t about to let her think it was.

He got in bed with her, still staying on top of the covers to keep from accidentally brushing against her in his sleep. He didn’t think she’d appreciate feeling his now permanently swollen cock. “I hope you don’t think I don’t want you.”

Hallie looked at him with wide eyes. “No. Of course not. I mean...I don’t know. Do you?” She was so adorable, and her insecurities only made her more attractive to him. He hated when women acted cocky, or worse, pretended like they had all their shit together when they were moments away from falling apart. Hallie was different. She was real. She didn’t play games or try to hide her feelings, and he liked that. A lot.

But it was her sweetness that was going to be the end of him. “I’ve wanted you since the first time I walked into your shop.”

“Oh.” She smiled, obviously pleased by his admission, but her eyes were starting to close and she covered her mouth as she let out a big yawn.