Page 32 of Hidden Interests

Hallie opened the door without looking in the peephole - a huge mistake as she found herself standing in front of Finn Riley. Her ex. “What are you doing here?” She demanded, not impressed by his suit and tie, or the way he’d coiffed his dirty blonde hair to the side using enough gel to get him cast in a bad remake of Grease.

“Hello to you too.” Finn smiled a crooked grin. Hallie used to find it endearing when they were together. But right now, with the new way he was styling his hair and how he’d just shown up unannounced, it was mostly just kind of creepy. “How are you?” He asked nonchalantly.

Hallie rolled her eyes. “Do you know what time it is?”

“Ten thirty. Why? And why do you look like that? Did I seriously just wake you up? You do realize half the day has gone by. Most people have been up and working for hours already.”

Hallie cringed at his words, just like she used to when he’d say them before they broke up. She didn’t need a lesson in living, nor could she change the fact that she wasn’t a morning person. “And yet you still haven’t told me why you just showed up at my door unannounced,” she said.

Finn’s features softened and he sighed, as though composing himself. Hallie’s muscles tensed in anticipation of whatever game he was playing. “I thought we could talk,” he said.

Hallie was about ready to slam the door in his face. They had said everything they needed to say when they broke up and she wasn’t interested in hearing anything else. “I don’t see what we need to talk about, but I need to get ready for the day. Maybe you can text me or something.”

“Is Katelyn still working for you?” He asked, completely catching her off guard.

What did Katelyn have to do with anything? “Yes,” Hallie said tentatively. “Is that a problem?”

“No. It just means I know you don’t have to be at the store until this afternoon, giving us plenty of time to talk.” He shot her another smile and tried to let himself inside.

She blocked him. The place was a mess, she was a mess who hadn’t even showered yet, let alone brushed her teeth, and she really didn’t want this man in her space right now, or ever really. “Not here,” she said quickly.

“Are you with someone?” Finn asked.

Hallie blanched. “That’s none of your business. I need to shower and change. If you want to talk in person, give me half an hour and I’ll meet you at the coffee shop across the street.” It was a mom and pop shop called Grounded and while she didn’t love their coffee, it would have to do.

Finn wasn’t happy, but nodded. “Fine. I’ll see you in half an hour. And unlike you, I actually do have somewhere I need to be before two, so please don’t take longer than that.”

Hallie wanted to call it off, but that would just mean he’d be standing at her door longer. “Goodbye,” she snapped, and shut the door in his face. That man always had a way of making her feel inferior or insignificant. It was probably why he always made her nervous.

She took her time in the shower, lathering her hair twice, and carefully shaving her legs. Then she put on her favorite pair of jeans that hugged her ass just right, only because she knew Finn hated them, and an oversized t-shirt because Finn always preferred her to wear tight fitting tops. Then she put her hair back up in a messy bun because he liked it down. She used a bit of lip gloss, snatched her cell phone and wallet, and leisurely walked across the street, while checking her phone for any missed messages, secretly hoping to find one from Caden.

But who was she kidding? After she’d run out on him like that, it was unlikely she’d ever hear from himagain. She kept telling herself it was for the best. Even if she couldn’t help missing the one man who’d made her feel like treasured silk with just the touch of his hand. Nevermind that kiss. She wouldn’t think of it now, not with Finn Riley back in her life for some reason.

She entered the coffee shop and was immediately greeted by Finn barging into her space and blocking her from getting to the counter. “Thanks for joining me,” he said sarcastically while glancing at his watch. Who even wore watches anymore? “You took a bit longer than thirty minutes -” Not caring for his stupid dramatics, she sidestepped him and got in line. “- As I was saying,” he rambled on, “but I’ll accept your tardiness since this was a last-minute invitation.”

“What is this about?” She asked, just as the lady in line ahead of her moved away from the counter. Hallie ordered a vanilla latte.

“I got it,” Finn said, handing his credit card to the barista when she’d given Hallie the total.

“Not a chance,” Hallie said. The barista looked confused. Hallie took Finn’s card out of her hand and replaced it with her own. Then she turned to Finn. “I don’t know what your endgame is here, but I certainly don’t need you buying my coffee for me.”

Finn took a step back as she shoved his card back at him. He took it and stuffed it back in his wallet. “Sorry. I was just trying to be nice.”

Nice wasn’t something Finn usually did, so that only put Hallie even more on edge. “Nice people call or text before coming over and banging on someone’s door.” The barista brought her latte to the pick up window and promptly went back to the register.

“I missed you,” he said. “I thought if I called first, you wouldn’t want to see me.”

“So you decided to not give me a choice?” Hallie wasn’t even bothering to hide her annoyance.

Finn smiled. “Come on, Pumpkin, you always have a choice. Sometimes you just need help making the right one.”

Hallie was so over this man, she wanted to vomit the nearly tasteless mouthful of vanilla latte she’d just swallowed. “We’re not getting back together,” she said, flatly.

“I never said we had to, or even that I wanted to. I just wanted to see you. See how you’re doing. Catch up. Is that a crime?”

Hallie sighed. It wasn’t. “No,” she said reluctantly. “It’s just a little weird having you show up at my door after months of not seeing you or talking to you.”

Finn perked up. “I want to change that. I’ve been going through some rough times and really taking stock of the people in my life. You were one of the best and I’d really like for us to reconnect.” Hallie was about to protest, but before she could utter a word, he said, “Look, I heard you loud and clear. We’re not getting back together.But can you honestly say you have so many friends in the world that you can’t fit just one more into your busy schedule?”