Page 31 of Hidden Interests

Blake adjusted his arm in the sling. “Okay. But I don’t give a shit about that if caring about her still puts you in danger.”

“And I appreciate that.” Caden couldn't tell them what Avery had shared about Hallie’s internet search activity, but he could try to make things right with his friend and colleague. “I’m going to stay away from her as much as possible. Are we okay?” He asked Blake.

Blake sighed, then threw his good arm around Caden’s shoulders. “Hell yeah, we’re okay. I just don’t want what happened to me to happen to you. I know you think I’m a screw up after the way I got shot, but I will never stop having your back after the way you had mine.”

“Thanks,” Caden said, embracing his friend with a slap on the back. His friends were everything to him and it was nice to be reminded that he meant just as much to them. “And I never thought you were a screw up. The term was hot-head.”

The guys chuckled and Blake slapped Caden on the back. “Whatever.”

“Luke,” Orly said. She was on her feet and moving toward her husband before anyone had even seen the man enter the yard. “I’m okay,” she reassured Luke as she went into his arms. “You really didn’t have to come back if you weren’t done with your informant.”

Luke held his wife close, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I was done. The guy’s going to be in the hospital for the next day or two. He’s in protective custody and I’ll check on him tomorrow. Tell me about you now. What happened? Tanner said it was bad.”

“No, I didn’t,” Tanner spoke up defensively. “I said you were a rockstar and helped an elderly gentleman who was freezing, alone, and scared.”

Orly gave Tanner a warm smile then turned her attention back to Luke. “I’m fine, really.”

After looking over his wife with a careful eye, he led her back to the table where everyone enjoyed a small wedding cake and pleasant conversation. Not long after that, Luke asked Orly, “Are you ready to go home?”

“I am,” she said, a tinge of exhaustion in her voice. There was no question her ability took it out of her. The connections that lasted longer were the worst, but Orly never left someone in immediate danger until help arrived. She also never complained or showed any sign of weakness, which impressed the hell out of Caden, and only made him want to protect and shield her more. He felt bad for not giving her case more time, but he planned on getting back to it as soon as things with Blake’s case were settled.

“All right you guys, I’m out of here too,” Caden said. At that, everyone seemed to start gathering their things and saying their goodbyes. He hugged Orly and patted Luke on the back before heading out.

“I left your blazer on the bench,” Orly said.

“Thanks, I’ll grab it. Get some rest tonight,” Caden said. It had been a long day and he was ready to go home and blow off some steam. Maybe a quick run around his neighborhood would do him some good. He’d been so angry with Hallie after what Avery told him that he’d been an ass to her when she first arrived. He didn’t even remember why she said she was late, but it didn’t matter. He had total recollection of how awful he’d treated her until she was about to leave. He hated that he’d let his emotions get in the way, but that seemed to happen with her every time.

Somehow when it came to Hallie, he couldn’t see her as a person of interest. She’d always been and probably always would be more to him, and that was exactly why he’d told his friends what he had. Telling Avery tomorrow was going to be hard, especially after how the man had praised him, but it had to be done.

If Hallie was going to be a person of interest, Caden just couldn’t be around her. But that didn’t mean he didn’t think about her, or replay that kiss in his mind the entire drive home. The way she’d melted into him, how her mouth tasted sweet and fruity, how her hands rested on his chest and then moved up to his shoulders and neck, how her warm fingers felt soft and heavenly against his skin. He could’ve stayed there with her like that forever. Only he hadn’t. He’d run and she’d left.

Caden sighed. It was probably better for both of them if they never saw each other again. That way if she was guilty, she wouldn’t expect him to pull any strings for her, not that he ever would. And he wouldn’t have to feel like shit for not seeing it from a mile away.

When he got home, his apartment was dark and smelled funny. There were clothes strewn across the living room and dirty dishes in the sink. He hated cleaning, but after getting out of his nice clothes and putting on an old t-shirt and a pair of running shorts, he started a load of laundry and loaded the dishwasher. His phone buzzed from across the room and he couldn’t help hoping it would be Hallie. But it was Luke.

Luke: Thanks for taking care of Orly when I couldn’t be there.

Caden: No thanks needed.

Luke: She’s worried about the old man she connected with.

Caden: Martin took care of it. He’ll be fine.

Caden put on his running shoes and donned his EarPods. He was about to pocket his phone, but it buzzed again with another message from Luke.

Luke: What happened with Hallie? I didn’t see her when I got back.

Caden: She left.

Luke: Are you two....

Caden: Over.

Chapter 12

The next day, Hallie woke up with a start. She wasn’t sure why her eyes popped open. She moved to rub them before realizing there was someone knocking on her door. She groaned, wishing whoever it was would go away.

It was Monday morning and she felt like shit. The knock came again, louder this time. “I’m coming,” she yelled out as she searched for her pants and a t-shirt to pull over her head. She found one that read in gold letters, today is a good day to leave me alone and put it on. On her way to the door, she stuffed some old laundry in a closet and snatched a hair elastic from the couch to quickly put her hair up.