Page 16 of Hidden Interests

“No, that’s my cell phone number. You can call or text me if you’re running late...or.... if you ever just want to talk and books.”

Hallie smiled. “Thanks.” She fidgeted with a strand of her hair, nibbling on her lower lip. “That coffee was pretty good.”

“Very good. I wouldn’t mind going back and trying another one of their flavors.”

Hallie glanced down at the card, then took out a letter sized piece of paper from a printer located to the side of the register. She wrote something down, folded the paper and handed it to him.

“What’s this?” Caden asked, taking it from her.

Hallie shrugged. “It’s my cell phone number if...well, you know.”

Her cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink and Caden felt the knots in his stomach being replaced by butterflies. Guys didn’t get butterflies though, or so he thought, until he’d met Hallie. “Does that mean I can call or text you - to talk about books and coffee?”

Hallie nodded slowly, a sweet smile curving her plump lips.

“Is tonight too soon?” He asked, not wanting to cross any lines, but already feeling like a schoolboy talking to his biggest crush ever.

Hallie didn’t say anything for a moment and Caden worried he’d said the wrong thing. But then she said, “I close at six.”

Chapter 7

By the time Caden got back to his apartment it was just after six. He craved a hot shower and food. He threw a chicken breast along with a potato in the oven in two separate pans, then stripped to get in the shower while they were baking. He carefully took out his wallet and the folded sheet of paper Hallie had given him with her phone number on it. He put the paper on his bedside table, and laid his cellphone down beside it, plugging it into the charger.

Most of his evenings consisted of a shower, dinner, and then a few hours in front of the television before going to bed. Tonight was going to be different. He’d finally get to really talk to Hallie again for the first time since their coffee date. He wasn’t sure how things would proceed with them, especially now that she was officially a person of interest, and he was supposed to be investigating her. He cringed at the thought, but loved that it gave him the perfect excuse to spend time with her. Not that he needed one.

Caden stood under the steaming hot water until his skin was flushed, and he’d alleviated the pressure building in his cock from having his thoughts on Hallie most of the day. When he got out, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, then went to the kitchen to check on the oven. It still had ten minutes to go. It was about twenty to seven. He sighed, wondering if it was too early to send her a text message. He didn’t want to catch her when she was closing the store or on her way home. He went into the living room, plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. This was going to be the longest ten minutes of his life if he just sat there in silence waiting for his food. He tried to get into the game, but then flipped to the news. He wasn’t a big fan of watching the news because every network spun their own narrative, but it was engrossing at the very least, and helped pass the time.

Sure enough, the oven timer beeped before he knew it, and his dinner was ready. Just as he was about to get his food out of the oven, his phone signaled with a train sound. He had set up a unique ringtone for every person he messaged or called most frequently, including a little train sound for the group chat with his friends.

Caden took out his food and put it on a plate, setting it down on the coffee table in front of the TV. Then he went back into the bedroom and got his phone. A slew of text messages lit up his screen.

Blake: They finally let me go home.

Martin: Who picked you up?

Tanner: About time, Slacker.

Blake: My sis, and hey!

Garrett: I’ve been missing my fishing buddy.

Luke: Maybe next time you’ll let someone else take the hit.

Blake: You know what, Fella?

Caden: You’re lucky you didn’t get your head blown off.

Blake: Fuck off.

Martin: I’m with Luke. You can’t take all the glory every time.

Blake: Seriously, guys? This is my welcome home party?

Caden’s phone buzzed from a different messaging group. It was the guys, minus Blake.

Luke: Are we giving him a welcome home party?

Caden: Tonight?