Page 86 of Hidden Interests

Caden shook his head. This was exactly why Caden was worried about him. He carried way too much guilt about shit he had no business feeling guilty about. “She’s long since forgiven you for that, and as for what happened at the church, that was my order, remember? I told you to stand down that day.”

Blake nodded. “You didn’t trust me. Avery still doesn’t trust me. I don’t know how the hell I’m ever going to get back to where I was at the bureau if people don’t trust me enough to do my job.”

“Bullshit,” Caden spat. “I can’t speak for Avery or anyone else, but I can tell you right now, I trust you. With my life. With Hallie’s. With every person in this yard. Which is why I came over here. I have a little problem and I need your help.”

Blake sat up straighter, his muscles tensing, his eyes shooting up to Caden in alarm. “What’s going on? Is Hallie okay?”

Caden nodded. How his friend ever thought he didn’t trust him was ridiculous. The way he took the people he cared about under his wing, how protective he was with Orly and Hallie. Hell, Caden trusted Blake more than anyone right now because he knew just how far the man would go to ensure the safety of everyone they cared about. Blake might’ve disobeyed orders, but he didn’t do it to be belligerent or malicious. He did it because he cared. The bureau and Avery considered him reckless, but Caden knew better. Hothead or not, Blake was all heart, and he wasn’t afraid to put his own life on the line.

“Hallie’s fine,” Caden assured him. “It’s about the drugs Luke found on Kenny. The lab finally came back with the results.”

“About time,” Blake said. “Did it confirm our suspicions?”

“It did,” Caden said. “The same drug was found in Nelson Kinkade’s autopsy results. This doesn’t necessarily help our case against Russell, but -”

“What do you need me to do?” Blake asked. He was never one for small talk when it came to getting things done, and that was just one more thing Caden liked about his friend and colleague.

“I’ve been doing some digging and I’ve traced the batch we got off Kenny back to a motorcycle club here in Dallas. The Deathly Hallows MC.”

“Great, let’s go arrest them,” Blake said.

Caden shook his head. “I want more than just the dealers. The MC is not making the drug. Just distributing it. I want the head. Hell, I want the whole body, but I’ll settle for the head. I was hoping Kenny would know more than he did, but no such luck. The FBI was already investigating Arlo J, the President of that MC on a weapons charge, so I looked into the financials we have on him so far, and it turns out, his son was just hired by a local bar. Now, I don’t think Arlo J’s son is hurting for money, so I doubt he’s there for the tips.”

“You think the bar owner is somehow involved with the MC?”

Caden nodded. “Either with money laundering or the storing of the drugs themselves.”

“Which bar?” Blake asked, tension in his voice now like he was ready to move.

Caden paused. What he was about to say could change everything, and hurt the very people he’d been trying to protect. He looked out at the yard, spotting Hallie and Orly holding brightly colored drinks, laughing and talking with Hallie’s mom and Skyla.

His mom joined the women and they eagerly brought her into the fold, just as Skyla stepped away to check her phone. Hallie and Orly looked relaxed and happy, and that was exactly how he liked seeing the women in his life. It was also why he needed Blake on this case. He was the only one Caden trusted to make sure this didn’t blow back on them or the people they cared about.

“Is it that bad?” Blake asked, not missing Caden’s growing apprehension.

“Worse. It’s Madigan’s.”


Skyla Madigan was about to carry two large pitchers of the unique color changing butterfly pea flower cocktail out to her friends, when her cell phone buzzed in her back pocket. She groaned inwardly, not even needing to check it to know who was messaging her. Everyone she knew who would ever send her a text was here at Hallie and Caden’s housewarming party.

“Skyla, bring them this way.” Hallie called, waving her down to where she stood in the shade with her mom, and their friend, Orly.

“Perfect timing.” Orly smiled, taking one of the pitchers and pouring some for herself. “I love how pretty this drink is.”

“I know. I love the blues and purples. Thank you so much for making this special drink for our party,” Hallie said. “Today has just been absolutely incredible.”

“We’re so happy for you.” Skyla put her arm around Hallie, giving her a little squeeze. “You and Caden deserve the best.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Hallie’s mom said. “You ladies should come over to our house for a long weekend this summer. We could go shopping, hang around the pool, and of course, drink plenty of beautiful and delicious beverages.”

“Sounds heavenly.” Orly said.

Hallie laughed. “Oh my gosh, that would be amazing. My parents’ pool is out of this world and it has a water slide and jacuzzi to die for. Then we can stay up late watching movies while gorging on Mom’s cupcakes and cookies. She makes the best baked desserts.”

“I’m always happy to bake for my daughter and her friends. Do you remember when you’d have all those slumber parties with your little friends in elementary school?” Hallie’s mom asked.

Hallie’s cheeks turned pink and Skyla smiled. She was so happy for Hallie and Caden, but hearing about other people’s idyllic childhoods always made her wonder how different her life would’ve been if her mom hadn’t died when she was fourteen.