Page 78 of Hidden Interests

“Just stay here with Blake and Orly. If you decide to go home, just send me a text so I know where you are.”

“I will,” Hallie said. “Caden…. please be careful.”

He leaned in and covered her mouth with his, tasting her lips. They were cold and sweet from the soft drink she’d been having while talking to Orly. Heaven. Pure heaven that left him wanting more every time. He pulled back, loving the little moan that escaped the back of her throat in protest. “I love you,” he said, his mouth still touching hers. “So damn much.”

She smiled, then kissed him deeply. He let her take her fill of him, enjoying how she went back for more, like she couldn’t get enough. He felt the same way.

“I love you,” she said. “Just come back to me safe and whole. This glimpse is giving me a really bad feeling. It can’t hurt me, but I hate that you and your friends are putting yourselves in danger. I understand though. Now that I know kids could get hurt, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if we didn’t try to stop it. But please, just be careful and come back to me.”

Caden drew in a breath with steely resolve. He knew she was likely thinking about Beeker’s funeral, because he was too. But he also needed her to know he’d never put her through something like that if he could help it. That he would be there for her until his dying breath. “I will, Hales. I’ll always come back to you.”

Chapter 29

Caden double checked the gear he kept locked in his trunk for emergency situations. A bullet proof vest, weapons, and other tools he may need. He had no idea what they were going to find, and it wasn’t often he advocated going into a situation like this blind. But there just wasn’t time to make this an official investigation, and even if there was, they had no legal basis for it. Luke called Martin to let him know of a possible gas leak or other hazard that could lead to an explosion at the church. Then everyone got ready to move out.

Half an hour later, they pulled up to the church just as Sunday afternoon services were ending and people were leaving. Not wanting to cause a panic, Caden and the guys waited for everyone to leave.

The building dated back to the early 1800s. It had beautiful stained-glass windows on either side of the main entrance, and a large wrought iron cross in the front yard.

As soon as it looked like the last of the people had come out, Caden and his friends headed inside where they were promptly stopped by the head pastor. “Can I help you, Gentleman?”

“FBI Special Agent Dobbs,” Caden said, flashing his badge. “We got a report of a possible situation in your basement. We need to go down there and check it out.”

“Our basement? There’s nothing down there but some old furniture,” the pastor said.

“This will only take a few minutes,” Caden said.

“Do you have a warrant?” The pastor asked.

“No, but there’s a very good chance this building is going to explode. Do you really want to be the reason anyone dies here?”

The pastor’s eyes grew wide. “Explode?”

“Let us pass and we’ll explain everything once we clear the area,” Luke said.

The pastor hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside.

“Thanks,” Caden said, and quickly led the guys to a door marked ‘basement.’ “Let’s do a preliminary search. We can call for back-up if we need it.”

“Copy that,” Luke said.

They descended a dusty stone stairwell to find more dust and plenty of cobwebs to go around. The walls had patches of cement in some places, but most of it was just exposed red brick. There was an old fireplace mantle and some random furniture that was probably used by the church or school when needed.

“Spread out,” Caden said. “Luke, you’re with me. You two go that way,” he motioned at Tanner and Garrett, pointing to the other side of the large rectangular space. “If something is supposed to explode down here, let’s get to it before it does.”

They both gave a quick nod in agreement and went their separate ways. Luke followed Caden as they made their way to the water heater in the far corner of the space. “See that?” Caden asked, spotting the leaking pressure relief valve. The thing was also making a low popping or knocking sound.

“Shit, this sucker is ancient. I’m surprised it hasn’t exploded yet,” Luke said. “Damn, she called it.”

Caden smiled, pleased by how easy this glimpse was to prevent. No one was dying here today, or any other day.

“Who’s there?” An unfamiliar voice called out, echoing in the large space.

Caden and Luke spun around to face where they’d heard the voice from. Caden’s fingers tightened around his weapon, his muscles growing taut in anticipation of a potential threat. “Pastor, is that you? Tanner? Garrett?” Caden asked. When he was met with silence, he said, “FBI. Show yourself with your hands in the air.” A scuffle was followed by rushed footsteps, then a loud bang. Gunfire. Caden and Luke dove behind a large old wooden bookshelf that provided absolutely no protection from a bullet, but at least somewhat concealed their location. That definitely wasn’t one of his friends. “FBI, identify yourself now!”

Eerie silence filled the space, putting Caden even more on edge. He and Luke crouched on either side of the shelf, ready to come out or fire their weapons at a moment’s notice. When the quiet persisted, Caden looked to Luke. He counted off to three on his fingers before they both peeked out from behind the shelf, their guns drawn. There was a large shoe print where there hadn’t been moments before.

They hadn’t heard from Tanner and Garrett, but the basement was large, with several nooks and smaller rooms coming off the main area. Caden wasn’t worried about them though. Garrett was a Texas Ranger and Tanner was a Homicide Detective. Those men knew how to handle themselves, just as he was sure they trusted him and Luke to deal with any threat on their end.