Page 49 of Hidden Interests

“Especially not after what you just told me. I have no idea what your life has been like up until this moment, but I’m going to make sure it only gets better from here on out.”

Hallie swallowed hard. “You can’t make that promise.” And the shadows that passed through her gorgeous eyes in that moment told him everything he needed to know.

“Watch me,” he growled. “No one hurts what’s mine. Never again.”

Hallie swiped at a tear on her cheek and he hated that he’d made her cry. He only hoped these might be happy tears, or tears of relief. “Will you stay with me tonight?” She asked. “I mean, not to do anything, just to sleep?”

Caden breathed out a slow, controlled breath. He’d never slept with a woman and not had sex with her. But Hallie was different. So even if it killed him, he’d stay with her. Be there for her. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”

Chapter 19

Hallie was a nervous wreck bringing Caden home with her, but she didn’t want to be alone tonight. They’d just shared so much and she wasn’t ready to be away from him yet.

Still, the entire drive to her apartment, all she could think about was whether she’d made the bed, if she’d left any dirty dishes in the sink, or if she’d abandoned her slippers in the middle of the floor like she usually did.

Caden must’ve sensed her anxiety because he held her hand for most of the drive, then gently placed his hand on her arm as she tried to get her key to go into the keyhole of her lock. Her hands were still visibly shaking a little, and his touch somehow steadied her.

She had no idea if the shaking was from the last remnants of her adrenaline high after having her shop vandalized, or if it was from telling Caden her secret. Both had not been on her agenda this evening, but after the way he kissed her again at the store, Hallie knew Orly was right. She needed to either give him a chance or let him go. And she couldn’t let him go, because despite everything, she still wanted him.

“I don’t have to stay if you don’t want me to.” He said, carrying her laptop bag and the box with her tax papers in it. His suit jacket was draped over the top of the box, and a gym bag he’d pulled out from the trunk of his car now hung over his shoulder. She’d offered to help him carry something, but he’d refused.

“I want you to stay.” She hadn’t meant to make him feel unwelcome. She just hadn’t had a man over at her place since Finn, but he was the last person in the world she wanted to be thinking about right now. She finally got the door unlocked and stepped inside.

From the entryway, she immediately spotted her favorite old sweatshirt on the couch, and her breakfast plate and coffee mug in the sink, but at least she’d made her bed. And her slippers were nowhere in sight.

“Your place is great,” Caden said. “Warm and lived in. I like it.”

She relaxed a little and smiled at his words. “Thanks. Come on in. The bathroom is just around the corner if you want to go in there to change and wash up first. Or we can sit and talk. I can make some tea -”

“No, you’ve had a long day and you’re exhausted. I’ll go change so you have a chance to collect yourself.” He put her things down, draped his jacket over the back of her couch, and took his gym bag with him to the bathroom.

Standing alone in her small living room, Hallie let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. There was a man in her apartment. In her bathroom. Right now. A gorgeous, kind, incredible man, and she was both happy and nervous.

She quickly put away the things she’d brought with her from the store. There would be time enough to work on the tax forms tomorrow. Hearing the water still running, Hallie picked out a fresh pair of pajama shorts and a tank top, and changed into them before she heard the bathroom door creak - the telltale sign that it was about to open.

Caden stepped out wearing a pair of gray sweat pants and a plain t-shirt. He looked so damn good, she literally struggled to keep a straight face. She’d seen him look amazing in a suit, but a man who wore sweats and a t-shirt the way Caden did, was absolutely lethal.

He smiled and stood near the bed. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there staring at him, taking him in, when he said, “I can sleep on the couch.”

Hallie looked over at the small loveseat positioned at the foot of the bed, facing the television. There was no way he could sleep on that thing comfortably. “Don’t be ridiculous. We can share the bed,” Hallie said, standing to meet his gaze. “Unless you don’t want -”

He put a finger to her mouth, effectively silencing her in the gentlest way. “I want whatever you want. I’m here for you.” He moved his hand to cup the side of her neck and she leaned into his touch. His gaze lingered on hers for a moment longer, and Hallie thought he might kiss her again. Her skin tingled with heat and anticipation, but he pulled his hand away even as his eyes held hers.

For weeks, Hallie was so sure this man had been lost to her. That whatever they’d had was gone, but now here he was. In her apartment. Touching her. Taking care of her. Things weren’t like they had been before. They were so much better. “I’ll be right back,” she said, and rushed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

When she returned, Caden was still standing right where she’d left him. She climbed into bed on the side she usually slept on and watched as Caden got on the bed next to her, positioning himself on top of the covers. Hallie smiled, laid back onto her pillow and reached up to turn off her bedside lamp.

As soon as the room was plunged into darkness, a shiver went through her body and she quickly turned the lamp back on. She looked at Caden. He was still sitting up, his back resting against her spare pillow that was now between the headboard and his body.

“You okay?” He asked, as if already knowing the answer.

She nodded, not sure what she was so afraid of, especially with Caden there with her. “Do you mind if we sleep with the lights on?” She asked, feeling a little silly.

His expression softened and he slid down until his head was on the pillow. He put his arm out between them. “Come here.”

Without giving it a second thought, she went to him, curling into his side, and laying her head on his shoulder, loving the feel of his firm body against her. The moment he enveloped her in his arms, something settled deep inside her. Suddenly, it didn’t even matter if the lights were on or off anymore. She was safe.

“I don’t mind the lights on,” he said. “I also don’t mind if you want to talk about what happened tonight or about anything else that’s on your mind or bothering you.”