Page 43 of Hidden Monsters

“Thanks,” she whispered. “For this. For helping me. For…everything.”

Luke held her tighter, wishing he could take on even a small portion of the hardships she’d endured. “You never have to thank me for anything. From the moment you popped into my head, I knew you were mine. Mine to protect. Mine to cherish. Mine to love.” The “L” word had come out so easily, Luke almost didn’t realize he’d said it until he felt her stiffen in his arms. “Yes, Orly, I love you. I’ll say it today and every day for the rest of our lives. I love you.” He nuzzled his face into her hair, taking in her wildflower scent, loving how her body fit against his.

Orly’s arm tightened around his midsection. “I love you too, Luke,” she said, her voice soft, but clear. “So much. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone the way I love you. And it scares me because I haven’t even known you that long. What if things don’t work out between us? What if what I do becomes too much for you?”

“Never,” Luke said, not even bothering to answer her first question. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, so things not working out between them simply wasn’t an option. He’d bend over backwards to make her happy, no matter what it took. “Orly, what you do will never be too much for me. I will always be here for you and I will do anything I can to make it easier for you. I will stand beside you. I will use my badge to clear paths for you. I will support you and love you all the days of my life. And yes, I will do all that while protecting you from the monsters and nightmares I know you’ve had to face in your life. And if I can, I’ll take them on myself, just so that you don’t have to. Whether that makes me crazy or just in love, I don’t care, but you will never have to worry about me not being here for you. Ever.”

Luke almost missed Orly going completely still in his arms and wondered if he’d said too much, if he’d scared her with his proclamation. But when she still hadn’t moved after several long moments, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end and he shifted to see her face. The sky was a darkening purple with several stars out now, but the moonlight provided just enough light to show her eyes were open and fixed on a point just over his shoulder. “Orly?” He asked in a low tone. “Are you okay?”

Orly bolted upright as though she’d been electrocuted. “He needs help. He’s so little, Luke. I think he’s like eight or nine. His house is on fire. Oh, God, Luke, he needs help. He’s trapped in his room on the second floor. His mom is at work.” Her voice was pained with agitation and panic.

Luke knifed up, his body instantly charged with a different kind of energy. Whenever Orly connected with someone, it was always a matter of life and death. He kept one arm around her back, wanting her to know he was right there with her, while he used his free hand to pull out his cellphone from his pocket. “Where, Orly? Where is he?” Luke didn’t know who to call until he had a location.

Orly shivered, but pushed the blanket off her legs and sat Indian style with her hands in her lap as her face reflected the fear and agony of the boy connected to her. “Close. He’s so close, I can feel the flames.” She rattled off an address just a few miles up the road from where they were.

Luke dialed his friend and Fire Chief Martin Ebbert. When Martin answered on the second ring, Luke explained the situation and gave him the location. He knew Martin would take care of everything and save the boy, if at all possible.

For the next fifteen minutes, Luke waited for Orly to come back to him. This wasn’t like most times when she connected to whoever was in trouble and fed him the information so he could make the call on her behalf. He liked doing that for her because it took the pressure off her and it lowered her risk of being found by Russell. But when there was a child involved, Orly did her best to stay connected to the kid the entire time, comforting him or her, and waiting with them until help arrived. That kind of concentration took more out of her. Way more.

When she finally did come back to Luke, she was weak and exhausted. She sank into his arms and he cradled her before lying them back down so she could rest. He made sure her head was safely tucked into the crook of his arm and her body surrounded by pillows, and covered by multiple blankets to keep her from getting chilled in the crisp evening air. Then he held her, gently rocking his body to soothe her “Shhhh,” he cooed softly into her temple. “I’m right here. Just rest.”

She relaxed against him, but her fingers still clutched at his shirt, as if needing to hold on to him. He stroked her tense knuckles, gently massaging the back of her hand with soft, barely there touches.

When Luke’s phone buzzed, he stopped his caresses just long enough to read the text message.

Martin: Boy is safe and reunited with his mom. No injuries.

Luke typed out a quick thanks, before sliding the phone back in his pocket. He pressed a kiss to Orly’s forehead, still in awe by the woman in his arms. She was a fucking miracle. His miracle. And he would never let a day go by without her knowing exactly how he felt about her and her ability. “The boy is safe,” he said softly.

Orly sighed and shifted in his arms, lifting her head until their gaze met. “I know.” She looked at him with so much love in her eyes, it took everything Luke had not to haul her back to the house and make her his right then and there. But she needed to rest and he would never put his own wants or needs above hers. “And I believe you,” she whispered. “I know you’ll never leave me.”

Luke inhaled sharply. He hadn’t been sure if she’d heard him, but she had. More than that, she’d believed him. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, letting his lips linger against her soft curls. “Damn right I won’t,” he growled in a failed effort to hide the raw emotions coursing through every pore in his body. “You’re stuck with me, Orly Shepard. Forever.”

Chapter 22

“How was the dessert?” Luke asked. They were sitting in a fancy steakhouse in downtown Dallas that had recently opened to rave reviews. Orly couldn’t remember the name of it because she kept thinking about how tonight had to be the night. It had been over a week since Luke took her out in his truck to that beautiful lake, and she couldn’t stop thinking about the way he’d touched and kissed her that night.

Even though they slept in the same bed, Luke had reverted back to being the respectful and reserved man he’d been since she arrived in Dallas with him. She knew he was doing it for her, to ensure she didn’t feel pressured, but it only made her want him more. She literally felt like she was going to crawl out of her skin if the gorgeous man sitting across from her didn’t take her home and ravish her the way she’d been wanting him to for weeks now.

She looked down at her empty plate where a decadent chocolate mousse soufflé had just been and licked her lips. Luke had gotten his own dessert, a slice of lemon meringue pie he’d finished off, too. “Delicious,” she smiled, making sure her mind was wide open to him so he couldn’t possibly miss her thoughts.

She nearly doubled over laughing when she caught the glint in his eyes. No, Luke didn’t miss a thing.

“Ready to go?” He asked.

Oh, she was wet and very ready to go. She squirmed in her chair, making sure he caught the suggestive act. “More than ready,” she said.

With her cheeks burning and his eyes shooting daggers of the best kind, he threw a wad of cash on the table, more than enough to cover the bill and a generous tip, and practically dragged her out of the restaurant. She loved every second of it and fought to hold back a grin.

He drove like a madman all the way back to his house. When he pulled into his driveway, he ordered her to stay put, and came around to help her out of the truck. But instead of letting her walk, he swooped her up and carried her inside in a fireman’s hold. She let out a little squeal, but he slapped her ass and clearly wasn’t deterred by her playful protest.

Stopping only to unlock and re-lock his front door, Luke took the stairs up two at a time, but instead of going to the guest room, he went straight into the master bedroom and deposited her on his bed. Then he took a step back and she could practically see him analyzing what he’d just done. He hadn’t planned it and by the way he was eyeing her, she didn’t think he was having second thoughts.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he lowered himself onto the bed, coming up over her and kissing his way up the column of her neck and jawline, before capturing her lips with a needy, almost bruising kiss. The taste of steak and a muskiness that she’d come to associate with Luke, washed over her tongue the moment she opened for him and he surged in. He chased her tongue, caressing it, teasing it, and nipping it when she chased his tongue back out and into his mouth. Her every nerve ending was on fire, but Orly wanted more. So much more.

She angled her head, inviting him to deepen the kiss and Luke’s arms tightened around her as he surged into her mouth again. His hands roamed across her back, caressed her shoulders, cupping her neck. And she was doing the same, hungry for him, for his touch, for the feel of his skin on her fingers, and her body. She wanted him everywhere, and all around her. If she could lose herself in Luke Harmon, she would gladly do so, and volunteer to never be found again.

Her skin tingled with awareness from every touch. His hungry kisses had her moaning into his mouth. She let her fingers roam up and down his back and shoulders. Then she explored his chest under his shirt, playing with the little hairs, and gently scraping her nails along the areolas of his nipples. His breath hitched, but she wasn’t even close to stopping. She needed this man like she needed her next breath. They’d been dancing around each other for months. First, getting to know each other in their heads, then playing house and even sleeping in the same bed. But now she was ready for more.