Page 62 of Hidden Monsters

Chapter 31

Orly had no idea how long she’d been stuck in that room. It felt like days, but was likely only hours. There were no windows, no clocks, no way to tell time. Not that time meant anything to her now. She was exhausted, mentally and physically. Whatever drug they’d given her was still making her woozy, and her head hurt something fierce. She had a feeling that even if she wasn’t tied down to this chair, she still wouldn’t have been able to get very far on her own. She tried listening in to Luke’s thoughts, but it was hard. Her energy was waning, and even though hearing his and his friends’ voices was comforting, she couldn’t quite make out what they were saying anymore. Luke’s mind was a wash of emotions, and she hated putting him through so much.

She fell into a dreamless sleep, but was woken up some time later by more faint screaming coming through the vent that was still blowing cold air right at her, giving her goosebumps from the chill. She had no idea how long she’d been asleep, but her bladder felt like it was about to explode. “Hello?” Orly called out, but no one came. “Hello!” She yelled, her voice hoarse. She waited, but there was just more silence except for the woman who was screaming.

Listening to her cries made Orly feel even more helpless, until something shifted and the sound changed. It weirdly felt like it was coming from much closer. Confusion clouded Orly’s mind, until she realized that despite her extremely weakened state, she was actually hearing the screaming inside her head.

Orly sighed in frustration. She couldn’t even help herself, how was she supposed to help anyone else? But the screaming in her head didn’t subside, and it was making her head hurt more. Shh. Orly thought, hoping her ability was strong enough to relay the message. It’s okay. I don’t know why you’re screaming, but there’s not much I can do to help you right now. We can talk like this if you want. Just don’t say anything out loud. Orly cringed at her own words. She’d never told someone who needed her help that she couldn’t help them.

The woman stilled momentarily, and the three sets of strong hands holding her down took advantage of her distracted state, and manhandled her back to bed. What the - ? Who are you? The panicked feminine voice shot through Orly’s head, filled with wonder and shock. Are you even real?

I’m real. Though probably not for much longer. Orly didn’t add that last part. She’d been trying to get out of her restraints, but they were too tight, and even dislocating her joints wouldn’t help. She was well and truly stuck, and completely at Russell’s mercy, which he obviously had none. So, who are you, and why are you screaming? Orly wasn’t sure what she’d do with the information, but she preferred to focus on someone other than herself at the moment, since there was literally nothing she could do about her own situation.

I’m Reese. My brother put me in this awful place, and they’re horrible to me here. They’re making me take medicine I don’t need, and when I don’t do exactly as I’m told, these men start grabbing me, shoving me, and it’s really scary.

This place? Orly asked, hope blooming in her for the first time since she’d been drugged and kidnapped. Could it really be that easy? What is this place, Reese?


Their plane had landed at a small airport outside of Phoenix almost an hour ago, and Luke was once again pacing the cabin as the three men tried to figure out their next move. Orly had been quiet most of the night, and while a part of him wanted to reach out to her, he didn’t want to wake her in case she’d fallen asleep. While on the ground, the pilot made sure the plane got refueled. He also prepared any paperwork they might need to file another flight plan and take off, as soon as they knew where exactly they were going.

Caden had also called an old friend of his that worked at the local branch of the FBI, and he’d driven out to meet them at the airport. Caden didn’t tell him much, but the man offered to wait in his vehicle nearby until it became clear whether his assistance would be needed.

“Would you sit down?” Caden asked. “You’re going to wear out the carpeting.”

Luke shot him a look, but didn’t stop his pacing. He’d been sitting for hours, first at home and then on the plane. He was done sitting and being still. He needed to move. To act. His muscles were tense and ready to go. He just didn’t know where.

“We’ll find her,” Blake said. “No news is probably good news.”

Luke grunted, then decided he needed to switch gears for a minute. “Did you find out anything more about Nelson?” The guy was dead, but that didn’t mean Luke didn’t want to know everything he could about him, if only to make sure nothing in Nelson’s past could come back to hurt Orly. He was also their only possible link to Russell.

Caden cleared his throat. “Based on the report I’ve gotten so far, Nelson Kinkade was disowned by his adopted parents when he turned eighteen, and became a low level drug dealer. To supplement his income, he’d frequent various temp agencies throughout the southwest in search of work. One of the agencies was in Albuquerque, which is where he crossed paths with Jessica Elliot.”

“How so?” Luke asked.

“She was employed at New Mountain Hiring, when she was killed. The place had been held up at gunpoint three weeks before her murder while she was there with a colleague. Local authorities thought her death was somehow connected to that event, but couldn’t figure out how. Given what we know about Orly’s ability, I’m thinking he might’ve heard her cry for help that day, but instead of coming to her aid, he tracked her down, stalked her, and then killed her, even going so far as to sign up with that temp agency to get close to her.”

Luke shook his head, and collapsed into the seat behind him. That poor woman had been terrified for her life, and the only person who could’ve helped her had used his ability to his advantage to track and kill her.

Caden continued. “Unfortunately, no one ever saw them together outside of work, so he was never linked to her murder. It looks like he left New Mexico after that, traveled around for a bit, including a week or so in Roanoke where he used his credit card over the course of six days, and then eventually came to Dallas, where he signed up with two more temp agencies in the area.”

“Fucker was tracking Orly.” Luke growled.

Caden nodded. “ I think he probably mind-jacked Orly to get into her head because he was having trouble finding her. Jessica Elliot was likely a much easier target since she didn’t have their shared ability, and she obviously wasn’t shielding her thoughts from him.”

Luke restarted his pacing. There was comfort in the movement. Back and forth. Back and forth. The plane wasn’t that big, but even with his stride, he managed to take several steps in each direction. Orly had a psycho mind-jacking and stalking her across the country. A police captain who was hellbent on framing her for his own crimes. And a gang that was following a bounty on her head. Luke let out a ragged breath. It was a miracle he’d been able to keep her alive and safe for as long as he had. But none of that mattered now because Orly was out there, alone and afraid, and he was still completely at a loss as to where to even start looking for her. They’d flown to Phoenix on a hunch, less than a hunch, really. The odds of Ricky Bellario’s tip actually amounting to anything was -

Desert Cove Psychiatric Hospital. It’s in Arizona.

Orly’s words slipped into his mind like a soft breeze, ripping him from his thoughts. He turned to his friends, eyes wide, fists clenched. “Desert Cove Psychiatric Hospital. Arizona. How far is that from us?”

Blake pulled it up on his laptop. “We’re less than an hour away. Why?”

“Orly,” Luke said, knowing he didn’t need to say more. His friends understood. No one bothered to ask if Luke was sure or if Orly could be wrong. They filed out of the plane and made their way to the waiting dark sedan.

“I’m Special Agent Nathan Bradford. Any friends of Caden are definitely friends of mine.” He wore dark sunglasses, and a black suit and tie, much like the ones Caden and Blake wore.

“This is Agent Blake O’Connell and Dallas Police Detective Luke Harmon.” Caden introduced them as he got into the front passenger seat.