Page 23 of Mortal Queens

“If there was no war, then why learn to fight?”

I glanced up but couldn’t figure out who had spoken.

“To fit in,” I said. “The center island was built for fighting, and we had to fit in.”

I dipped my brush in the brown paint and pulled back on the bristles to release them slowly. They sent specks dancing across the canvas to make the sand more lifelike, and the crowd hummed with admiration.

I stood and surveyed my work. It was a simple picture with not much more than the marble gates, swords in our hands, and three figures, but it was all I could hope to paint in one night. The fae drew closer to peer at it, the jadeite bracelets and taaffeite rings beat together as the fae applauded. I bowed.

“Our Mortal Queen,” Lord Winster said as he came near and drew a finger along the top of the canvas. “Who knew she was so talented.”

Although art was to be my Passion, I’d never thought myself to be exceptionally talented, but the painting wasn’t terrible. It wouldn’t bring me much more than a few compliments though. This one painting couldn’t grant me any power as queen, not in the way an alliance could.

“It’s yours,” I said to Lord Winster before I could change my mind. I took another look at the picture. I’d been so young, so lost in the world and trying to figure out who I would be. My next move I made for that girl who never envisioned she would be here. I’d prove to her that she could be stronger than any blade, and she didn’t need to wield a sword to find power.

If Lord Winster could give me that, then I could swallow my damaged pride.

“This is a token of my gratitude for the dinner, and I hope you’ll accept it along with my alliance.”

His eyes widened before a satisfied smile spread across his face.

“With the promise of land included,” I added, to be sure I announced his end of the alliance.

“Deal,” he said promptly, before I could ask for more. “It’s a pleasure to be aligned with you, my Queen.” He raised a glass to the room. “Let the music play once more! An alliance has been forged.”

I made a big show of entering the palace of the Mortal Queens, sweeping my arms out and holding my head high. The entryway was as empty as ever with only the silver fish weaving along in the river to witness my grand entrance. I repeated the gesture as I came up the stairs and once more when opening the door to my room to be sure Talen saw.

He sat by the fire with his top hat crooked and a thick maroon book in hands. I cleared my throat.

The book snapped shut. “How did it go?”

“I created an alliance and now own land.” I took a bow.

“Land?” His brows shot up. “He actually gave you land?”

I kicked my shoes off. “That he did. You are looking at the proud owner of Dunfall and Eclipse, wherever those are.”

He sank back into the seat. “Oh. Those are tiny.”

My shoulders fell. “Why would you say that? Don’t do that. Celebrate with me!” A tall pitcher of cider sat on the bedside table, and I poured two glasses. “I think I’m getting the hang of this realm.”

Talen rose and joined me, rolling his sleeves carelessly around his elbows. “One successful night and you think you own the realm.”

I shrugged and took a sip.

“I’m a bit surprised, to be honest,” Talen said. He went to adjust the fire. The stars outside pulled back on their light, my one sign that true night had begun. It only made the few chariots burn brighter. “I hadn’t thought you’d align with him.”

I set the glass on the wardrobe beside my bag of things from home, still unpacked. It was clearly out of place among the fine silks and vivid colors of the rugs and curtains and the polished wood of the wardrobe. Antonio sat on the desk, dutifully watching over the room. I picked him up.

“I wasn’t going to align with that horrid man after he tricked me,” I confessed. “But then I got a better idea.” I put down the soldier toy. “I’m going to trick him back.”

Talen laughed. “Let me know when I can be of service.”

I was determined to deceive Lord Winster the way he’d tricked me and somehow obtain more of his land by doing so. Talen said earlier that an alliance prohibited me from tricking him, so I’d have to find a way around that. In the meantime, I’d use whatever status being aligned with the House of Delvers and Lord Winster would give me to create new alliances before breaking this one.

An intense hunger grew within me to thrive here. I’d do so in honor of my mother who loved this realm and to prove my father wrong. I’d do it for myself, to take hold of the future I desired.

For the first time since arriving, my head wasn’t spinning from the intoxication of the realm. I wasn’t struggling to sort myself out among the fae, who were more powerful than I could ever be. This realm, this lush realm, could be conquered.