Page 77 of Dirty Score

Each one of us thinks of something more outlandish than the last, until finally the beeper goes off.

We all gather around the cup, mushing in with each other as Tessa carefully pulls out the first one.


Clear as day.

“You’re going to be a momma!” Tessa yells.

We all hoop and holler as Isla’s chest and cheeks redden instantly, but the biggest smile stretches across her face. She’s always told us that she wants kids, and now there’s going to be another brown, curly-haired Altman running around the stadium in another couple of years, and I can barely wait.

Autumn and I jump up and down, hugging the poor girl who just got the surprise of her life but she doesn’t look even the slightest bit disappointed.

She looks overwhelmingly happy.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she tells Kaenan. He loves Isla more than life, and I know he’ll be thrilled when he finds out.

Tessa double-checks them all.

“Six positives, momma, congratulations… we’re having a baby!” Tessa yells and then we all start jumping up and down again, wrapping our arms around Isla while she giggles to our excitement.

A couple of hours later, our boys lost the second game, but the good news is that they still have the two home games coming up and the best-of-seven if they need it.

Watching Slade out there, I can see that he's sharing the puck like the team player I know he can be. And he even spent less time in the penalty box than usual— all huge improvements.

Everyone packs up their things and Isla heads to the bathroom to collect the pregnancy tests to show Kaenan when he gets home tonight.

We all agree to Serendipity’s lunch the next day so that Isla can tell us how Kaenan takes the news, though none of us but Isla have any doubt that Altman worships the ground Isla walks on.

I close the door as everyone leaves. Autumn and Tessa take the elevators to their apartment level, and Isla heads to Sunny’s to pick up Berkeley.

A text message lights up on my phone that I left on silent.

Slade: I’m taking a red eye tonight to Chicago to meet my uncle and sign some paperwork. Then I’ll be back first thing in the morning. I’ll miss our practice, just to let you know.

Penelope: Okay, that’s fine. The maintenance guy is supposed to be by my apartment today to fix the shower.

Slade: You’re having issues with your shower?

Penelope: Yeah, for a few days now but no one’s fixed it.

Slade: Go to work and leave your key with Seven. I’ll tell him you’re going to drop it off. I’ll fix the shower.

He’s going to fix my shower?

Penelope: How are you going to do that?

Slade: I learned a lot in Canada.

His answer only provided me with more questions. For example, did he go to trade school to be a plumber during his four years over there, and I didn’t know?

I guess there’s a lot about Slade that I don’t know.

Penelope: Ok, thanks.

Slade: Not a problem. Seven has my spare key for emergencies. You can use my place to shower until I get yours fixed. It might take a day or two if I have to order parts.

I could ask to use Autumn and Tessa’s places inside the apartment building, too, but it’s nice that he offered.