I know it’s not the clothes that have me concerned. I’m not even worried he won’t find me attractive because we’ve already established a lot time ago that he knows who I am. But I guess I just want this to be a fairy tale ending, as cheesy and unrealistic as that might seem because I’m giving up someone else for this. And because I’ve spent so many years crushing on this guy, and it could turn out that the magic was always in the mystery of it all.
“Then you need to go if you want to be early because parking downtown is a pain.”
I nod, taking one last look at myself in the mirror, and then shrug.
This will do.
Tessa walks me out to my door and she exits the apartment first.
“Call me the minute you can. Or at least send me a happy face or sad face text so that I know if you’re riding off into the sunset or if I need to assemble the troops immediately for an impromptu girls' night sleepover,” she offers. “I can kick Lake out to sleep downstairs at Autumn and Briggs's and we can have the penthouse to ourselves.”
Oh God, I hope I’m not sending a sad face.
But it’s nice to know that if it all goes to shit, that I have friends that won’t let me sleep alone tonight.
“You don’t have to kick Lake out just for me,” I tell her.
“Oh, don’t worry about him. He says that Autumn buys Briggs better snacks,” she says, rolling her eyes playfully.
“Let's hope it’s the sunset tonight,” I say.
“It will be. I have a good feeling that this guy is the one. Just be open to whoever walks through that door, Ok?” she says, rubbing my shoulder quickly. “Give the guy a chance.”
I nod. “I will. I’ll give you an indicator soon.”
“Ok, good luck.”
Tessa turns right towards the staircase at the end of the hall since she only lives up one flight of stairs, and I head left towards the elevators.
Twenty minutes later, I found a parking spot in the parking garage across the street and I’m walking towards the outdoor skating rink. The weather said there was a chance for rain, and though the clouds look menacing, I think we might beat it before it starts coming down.
I head for a bench and pull on my skates, lacy them up before heading to the counter to pay for admission.
The rink is only open for another hour on a weeknight, and the number of people is starting to dwindle. Only about twenty people are left on the ice, but I’m happy to be in a public place with other people around when I meet Win.
I don’t feel unsafe to be meeting him, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.
The music is playing as I spin around in the middle of the rink.
I’m glad I got out here a little early to calm my nerves, though my eyes dart around every so often when I think I might see someone with flowers in their hands.
Out of nowhere, I feel a few raindrops hit my head, and then other people in the rink start to feel it, too.
It doesn’t take long for the rain to pick up and it’s raining hard.
Everyone is skating to the exit, but I still have five minutes before Win is supposed to be here.
I pull my hood over my head a little tighter as I watch people flee the rink and head for the parking garage or public transit.
It doesn’t take long before I’m the only one left on the ice, and the rain is starting to soak through my jeans. At least my rain jacket and hood are keeping the top half of me dry.
I recheck my phone to make sure I have the time right, and then I see a figure moving from the parking garage to the rink.
He’s dressed in jeans and a green down jacket with a hood. From here, he looks tall, and though the down jacket mostly covers him, his legs look muscular, like he works out.
I look for the bouquet, and sure enough, he’s holding one, but I can’t see what flowers are inside the cellophane wrapping.
His eyes lock onto mine, but I still can’t determine if I know him from school or not with his hood over his head.