Page 79 of Dirty Score

He looks at me for a second like he knows he’s saying too much but he’s in too far now.

“Have you seen his tattoo on his left forearm?” he asks.

“The ice skates?”

He nods.

“What about them?” I ask.

“Have you seen the revision since your birthday?”

“Revision? He told me he got a tattoo for me for my birthday. Those skates are for someone else.”

“Are you sure about that?”

Behind me, I hear a set of footsteps coming down the hall, and then, within seconds, I feel someone behind me.

“Oh, hey, Penelope,” I hear Reeve’s voice.

I turn to find Reeve in full running gear.

“Hi, Aisa.”

“You ready for our run? Briggs is meeting us in the lobby,” Reeve says over my shoulder to Seven.

“I was just leaving,” I say, turning back to Seven. “Thanks for the key.”

“Sure,” Seven nods.

I turn and Reeve gives me room to pass by.

“Good to see you,” he says.

“You too.”

I travel down the hall towards the elevator and the only thing I can think about is Slade’s tattoo.

Did he revise the figure skating tattoo for me?

That doesn’t make sense.

Would he really alter a tattoo he got for the woman who got away and call it my birthday present?

For a guy who gets tattoos with significant meaning behind them, it seems sacrilegious to multipurpose his ink.

Something isn’t adding up, and now I’m going to think about it all day until I see him again and can see the revision for myself.


With my uncle having a last-minute out-of-town meeting he had to take to meet with a supplier, I ended up meeting with the family's lawyers on my own and signing the documents that will give me full access to my inheritance.

There's still another month until my birthday but my uncle likes to button up things as early as possible. With the ink dried on his signature early this morning before he left town, and now on mine, there isn’t anything anyone can do to stop the funds. Not even my uncle.

I had them wire it into a trust account, one that I have no intention of touching. If I ever have kids, they can have the money.

I already had to pay for the strings attached to my inheritance with pre-med courses, but my kids never will. I’ll never hold it against them for chasing a goal in life, and I’ll never hold my good opinion or love hostage from them, either.

It’s a little after eleven in the morning when my flight returns to Seattle, and the rideshare drops me off in front of the apartment. I get the key from Seven for Penelope’s apartment and head down immediately.