Page 59 of Not This Road

She glanced out the windshield and spotted the coroner's van now pulling away.

"What is it?" Ethan repeated more adamantly.

She hesitated. "I... I wonder," she said softly. "What if Kai really was sleeping with her?"

"The deputy?"

"He's a man in uniform. What if he was close to her? What if the killer knew that."

Ethan wrinkled his nose. "So what's the theory, exactly? Someone is targeting cops?"

"Or military," she pointed out. "The sister of a marine."

"Don't you think... it's a bit of a stretch?"

He was yawning now, holding a hand over his mouth.

"I think... I think we should at least check with MP records. To see if there's been any arrests or issues among those with specialized long-distance training."

"You want to ask the military police about any nuts in sniper school? MP won't want to give it up."

"Then we better start making the calls now," Rachel said firmly.

"But if he is military, why is he targeting uniforms?"

She hesitated. "Revenge?”

“What if he’s just a good shot. Believe it or not, us good ol’ boys often grow up with a rifle in our hands.”

“I know that,” she said softly. “So did I.”

"Exactly. And you're a damn good shot.” He hesitated, clearing his throat. “Sorry for swearing.”

She paused briefly, glancing at him and his sudden, apparent embarrassment. She smiled, reaching out and patting at his face. “You’re an odd one, Ethan.”

Her fingers grazed his cheek, and he looked suddenly uncomfortable.

She watched, amused, as a flush crested his pale skin. She lowered her hand, though, and said, “Let's see if anyone was discharged recently. About the time of the killings."

Ethan nodded as she gave this instruction. He looked relieved to have an excuse to look anywhere but in her direction. He was still blushing as he turned away, hand hastily reaching for his phone.

The two of them began to move as Rachel put the car in gear, and Ethan pulled out his phone. The vehicle’s tires grumbled against asphalt as they began to pull away from the side of the road, under the bright glare of the flashing lights.

For a moment, Rachel frowned through the windshield towards an old, gnarled tree on a hill about a half mile away.

If she’d been on a hunt, she’d have likely perched on a spot just like that. But no one was there. No glare of a rifle scope. Nothing.

They were fine. Her mind was just racing overtime. She clutched the steering wheel, guiding back out onto a main road. Rachel could feel her fingertips buzzing. But then, her phone followed suit.

She glanced where it rested on the dash.


“What is it?” Ethan said, shouldering his own phone.

“Dinner,” she said quietly. “Hmm?”

“Er… are you asking me to dinner?” He sounded eager all of a sudden.