Page 11 of The Sunset Shores 2

“Yup, Nina’s a good Mother, just as you are. Malcolm said he would be touching base with you, and if there’s anything you need, just ring him,” Sophie said.

“He has done as promised because he stopped by already. Is that girl with him, the one that went to Africa? You weren’t too keen on her if I recall,” Vera said.

“Yes, Margeaux is with him, and they are married, which is something I just found out. I’m a big fan of hers, and I think they’re lucky to have one another,” Sophie said, and she tensed for her mother’s response. It wasn’t her intention to tell her, but she figured why not. It was no longer a secret.

“My grandson is married, and I am just now finding out about it?” she asked incredulously.

"It's not the way you or I imagined Malcolm would get married, but they're happy. We owe it to them to be happy, too."

“Is she pregnant?” Vera asked.

"No. They've been married for two years while Margeaux was in the Peace Corps. They wanted to avoid being talked out of it by adults like us. I'm sure I would have objected due to their age. Please don't make a fuss when you see them. Congratulations will be sufficient since they have enough to deal with as they look for jobs," Sophie said.

“I suppose there are worse things that Malcolm could have done. I’ll handle it in stride, I guess, or at least try. Should I buy them a wedding gift? Do you know if they registered for their China pattern yet?”

Sophie laughed. “That’s something you can ask Malcolm. How’s Will?”

“Oh, he’s great, but I’d prefer a human to a dog. Am I too old for a roommate?” Vera asked.

"No, and you have the extra room. Do you know anyone in a situation similar to yours?" Sophie asked.

"Most of my friends are married, and they were friends of your father and me. A few of the women I know who are widows live with their children. I've invited you to live with me, and that would solve my problem. Why don't you give it some thought while you drive to Texas?" Vera said excitedly.

"I'll do that, Mom, and call Malcolm if you have any emergencies." She made a kiss sound on the phone before hanging up.

Sophie put her head in her hands. She hadn’t wanted to deal with her mother’s living arrangements while she was in Maryland. However, the world didn’t stop when she willed it to. Meeting the other two women who owned the house where she stood was imminent, and she’d have to focus on her mother later.

Sophie walked into the kitchen and saw something she hadn't seen before. There was a child's growth measured against the wall. There looked to be only one child because there was only one set of initials – KB. She wondered if he was a renter or if he belonged to the former owner of the house. He was last measured when he was only four feet tall. Sophie wondered about whatever happened to KB, and she hoped he grew big and tall before having a fabulous life.


“I’ll pull over. There seems to be a generous shoulder. Do you know how to change a flat?” Maura said.

“Yeah, but I shouldn’t have to. Call Triple A,” Hayley suggested.

Maura called the number and was immediately connected to an operator.

“Fifty minutes is a heck of a wait. I’ll change it myself and call back if I run into any issues.” Maura hung up and turned to Hayley. “You are going to teach me how to change a tire. I figure you can get us back on the road faster than it will take them to arrive. The woman on the phone said they have a limited number of trucks available this far from a major metropolitan center.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve had to do this, and I hope I remember how. The wait may have been a better idea. Major’s sleeping and it’s not like we’d run out of things to say.”

"It's too late now because, by the time we get back in the cue, the wait might be longer. I should know how to do this, and you're a good teacher, so let's get at it," Maura said.

Maura pulled everything out of the back of the car and piled it onto the sidewalk. They had both overpacked for a weeklong trip at the most. Hayley found a tree that offered shade for Major. Together they pulled up the panel and expected to see the spare tire beneath.

“Maura, were you aware that you’re without a spare?”

“That question had better have been rhetorical because, of course, I didn’t know. I’ll call AA back,” Maura said. “Heads are going to roll over this one because someone in my family knew there was no spare and didn’t tell me.”

“I have a better idea. We’ll pop the hood, which is the universal sign for help,” Hayley said. “We have to look like we’re helpless.”

“I’m not doing that. All the women who came before us and fought for equal rights will be rolling in their graves,” Maura said. “I’ll ask for help, but I won’t appear helpless – there’s a difference, you know.”

“I just felt a raindrop, and if you can think of anything better, let me know.”

Maura didn’t need to compromise her principles since a sparkly blue pick-up pulled over to save the day.

A man with messy, brown hair, a broad smile, and aviator sunglasses stepped out. "Looks like you ladies have a flat tire. If you've got a spare, I'd be happy to change it for you. I'll even direct you to the nearest tire shop, only a few miles from here. I'm Brian, by the way. Where are you headed?"