Page 99 of Steel Promise

“I think you’re one of the best men I’ve ever met.”

“Okay, I like your version better.”

I laugh as he kisses me again, and even though I know we’re going to have some fight about him taking needless risks in the future, at least right now we can be happy.

Chapter 38


Eight Months Later

Nana puts out her cigarette and gets to her feet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nana neglect to finish a smoke and it genuinely blows my mind.

“Give him here,” she says, reaching out for the baby.

“Just be careful, okay?” I hand him over, swaddled in blankets and happy from a recent feeding. My boobs are aching and my nipples are chafed, but at least breastfeeding is going pretty well. Lucky me.

“Girl, I raised you, your brother, your mother, and your damn uncle. I can handle a baby. Isn’t that right, little one? Isn’t that right?” Nana retreats back to her seat, rocking the baby in her arms, and I stand there for a second letting myself enjoy it.

“How’s it going in here?” Saul appears at my elbow. I lean back into him and my smile gets bigger. He lurks, his hands on my hips, and I can tell he’s resisting the urge to go over and grab his child out of Nana’s hands. But he’d never actually do it—he’d just obsess about it like a big, scary, overprotective papa bear.

“Oh, it’s going good. Nana still won’t smoke around the baby. Hey, Nana, did you ever put out a cigarette when I was around?”

“Not once. You were never this cute.”

Saul laughs. “She’s right, babe. Little Dante is adorable.”

I beam at him. “You’re lucky I’m all hopped up on mommy-endorphins and in love with that stupid baby or else I’d smack you around for suggesting there’s anyone cuter than me.”

“You’re the most adorable mother in the whole world. How’s that?”

“Just mother?” I squint at him. “Looks like someone needs an ass kicking.”

He laughs and Jason calls for him to get back in the living room, their game’s starting soon. Saul kisses me and departs for some hang time with my brother. I leave Dante with Nana and follow him, hanging on the periphery of their gaming session and not saying much, just letting myself get some much-needed peaceful time without meeting any demands.

We do this almost every day. First a few hours at the Rossi house, then a few hours in the evenings here. I have so much family in my life it’s almost overwhelming, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, and I can tell that Saul’s happier than he’s ever been.

“Damn, kicked your ass again,” my husband gloats as he tosses the controller aside and gets up. “Gonna use epilepsy as an excuse again?”

“I really did have a seizure last time,” Jason grumbles, but flashes Saul a cocky smirk. “Same shit tomorrow? I’m going to practice tonight.”

“Good luck with that, bro. I’ll be here, and I’ll be winning.” He walks over to me and drags me away from the living room. We pause to poke our heads into the kitchen to make sure Dante’s fine with Nana and she sends us away with an annoyed and fairly rude gesture. We end up in the extra bedroom sitting with our backs against the headboard on top of the comforter, my head on his shoulder, his arm hugging me tight.

“This is nice,” I say with a long sigh. “No crying baby. No whining little brother.”

“No mafia dickheads making my life miserable.”

My eyelids flutter. I’m so freaking tired I could scream. Saul’s been taking night feedings, and he keeps offering to get a nurse, but I refuse. Just feels wrong and, apparently, I like to make myself suffer. I suspect after the second, I’ll be begging for that stinking nurse.

Right now, I want to do it the way everyone else has to do it.

“Oh, shoot, I just remembered.” I sit up suddenly and put both my hands on his chest. “I got you a present. I guess it’s like a push present?”

“I didn’t push.”

“You stood by and rooted me on.” I pat his face and pinch his cheek. “You were so adorable, looking like you were going to pass out.”

“I wasn’t going to pass out,” he grumbles, swatting me away. “Just worried about you and the baby, is all.”