Page 90 of Steel Promise

“They never fought. Molly tiptoed around Jason like he might fall apart at any moment. But they also never joked around. They weren’t really friends. It was like they were both too stressed and tired to be happy.”

I nod slowly and cross my arms. “You think I helped with that?”

“Saved their relationship. Hell, saved my life too.”

“I bring you cartons of cigarettes. I’m pretty sure I’m killing you too.”

“Ah, damage was done a while back.” She glances at me. “Just trying to say, we appreciate it. Jason does too.”

“You’re family now.”

“Yeah, so we are.” She takes a long drag. “This is my favorite part. The good guys are gonna shoot all the bad guys, and neither of them are gonna get hurt. Not realistic, right? But it’s fun to make believe.”

I turn away, feeling good for a little while. Back home, when I’m alone in my makeshift office, I feel lost and adrift. But when I’m here, being useful, helping out however I can, it’s like I have a purpose again.

My phone starts to ring. Molly’s laughing in the living room and I pause for a second, listening to it. Jason says something and she laughs louder this time, cracking up, and it makes me smile in return. A pulse hammers in my throat. Fuck, that girl, she makes me happier than I ever had a right to be. Just hearing her laugh warms me.

Carlo’s name shows on my screen. I answer it. “What’s up, bro? You in the mood to get out of that crappy house and come get a drink?”

“Saul, you have to come to Jefferson. It’s Renzo.”

I go very still and lean against the wall. Jefferson is the best hospital in Philadelphia—and Renzo shouldn’t be anywhere near it.

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you when you get here. Just fucking hurry, alright?”

I hear it in his voice. I feel how bad it is, whatever happened, and it must be terrible for him to call me like this. I’m not part of the family anymore. Renzo doesn’t want to see me.

Unless something terrible happened.

“I’m on my way.” I hang up and head into the living room. Molly looks over, about to say something sly, but her smirk drops away. “Renzo’s in the hospital. I gotta go.”

“Shit,” she says, panic hitting her face. “How bad?”

“Don’t know. Carlo just called.”

“Renzo’s your brother, right?” Jason gets to his feet. “Fuck, man, I’m so sorry. What can we do?”

“Stay here and hang tight. We’ll be okay.” I nod and hurry to the door. But Molly follows. “You don’t have to come with me,” I say softly as I step into the hall.

“Remember when I said I’d always be there for you? Well, there’s no way in hell I’m letting you go to that hospital alone.”

“Molly—” I start, but she’s giving me that stubborn as fuck stare, and I know it’s a losing argument.

Relief hits me. I want to see my family, but I’m a fucking coward and I want her there with me.

“Come on,” she says, taking my hand.

I nod and we go together.

Chapter 35


The second I step into the waiting room, I know it’s fucking bad.

Everyone’s standing around in clusters. Maddie’s curled up on the chairs, her knees pulled to her chest. She’s leaning on Allegra, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Stefania’s on her other side, looking sick and sunken in on herself. Carlo’s pacing back and forth, glaring at the walls like he wants to melt them. Even Gian looks rattled, and that asshole always seems like nothing can touch him.