Page 23 of Steel Promise

“You have to be kidding me,” I whisper to myself as I charge to the front door with my head down. I can’t believe he followed me here, and actually, how the hell does he know where I live? “Don’t talk to me. Don’t talk to me. Don’t?—”

“I brought you groceries,” he says once I get near.

That brings me to a stop.

Sure enough, the trunk is full of bags from Whole Foods. I stare, a deep frown on my face. I didn’t expect groceries. Our cupboards are pretty pathetic at the moment—dented cans from Aldi, halfway expired lunch meat from the butcher that thinks I’m cute a few blocks over, bread I’m pretty sure is going moldy in the next day or so. Jason never complains, and Nana mostly smokes and eats toast, but it would be really good to have actual food in the house.

“I’m never going to marry you.” I stare at him, unable and unwilling to let this drop. But the food is tempting, mostly because it would be good for Jason. Not because I want anything to do with this guy. “And you have to stop following me.”

“Consider the groceries an act of good will. You’re pregnant with my child, and I want to make sure you’re taken care of.”

Well, shit. That’s sort of sweet? In a psychotic and creepy kind of way. “No, thank you,” I say, even though I keep looking at the bags.

“You’re being stubborn.”

“You assaulted me outside of my work, didn’t offer me a ride?—”

“Would you have accepted?”

“No,” I say from between my teeth. “That’s not the point.”

“Take the groceries. I’ll bring them up for you.”

“I’m not going to marry you, Saul. Whatever you’re doing, stop it.”

“I’m offering you groceries. I’d also happily stay the night if you like. I won’t even ask for an orgasm in exchange. It’ll be all about you.”

I feel my cheeks turn pink. Yes, yes, please make my toes curl, and also feed me fancy precut fruits. “Absolutely not. You’ve lost your mind.”

“Probably.” He reaches into the trunk and picks up a couple bags. “Shall we?”

I’m about to tell him off. I really, really want to call him a psycho and kick him in the dick, because this is crazy stalker behavior. But I’m tired and I have another long day of work ahead of me, and we really could use the food. Even if it comes at a cost. Also I’d hate myself if I did real damage to his very lovely penis.

“I’m letting you up to drop off the bags and that’s it. Understand me? I’ll take this charity, even though it’s freaking mortifying, and then you leave me alone. Consider us even or whatever. You did your fatherly duty.”

“Not a chance.” He sounds cheerful as he grabs a third bag, hefting it up. There are still two more. “I’ll make another trip. Don’t strain yourself.”

I roll my eyes at him, lift the last two, and stomp into the building. He follows, looking happy the whole time. I really hate this.

It’s late, but Nana’s awake. She’s always awake. The apartment’s dark, which means Jason is asleep. I motion for Saul to be quiet as we sneak through the living room. The pull-out couch dominates the tiny space, and Jason’s snoring body is swaddled in pillows. He’s got earplugs in and a mask over his eyes. Nana has to kick him until he wakes up every morning.

We find her sitting in the kitchen at her normal spot, cigarette dangling between her lips. She’s wearing a pink nightgown and slippers so worn in they’re almost falling apart. A black and white Western’s playing on TV and she blows out a plume of smoke when Saul steps into the room. Her eyes bug out.

“Nana, it’s fine,” I say quickly before she starts screaming about intruders. She’s got this recurring nightmare—fantasy, really—where robbers burst into our apartment and she takes them out with some karate moves she learned in a self-defense class twenty years ago. “This is my friend, Saul.”

“Hello, Saul.” She tries to clear her throat and pulls her robe tighter around her. “Sorry, if I’d’ve known Molly was bringing a friend over?—”

“It’s very nice to meet you.” He walks over and kisses her cheek. She seems totally flustered as he begins cheerfully putting groceries away.

I shuffle toward her. “Don’t ask,” I whisper sharply at her. “Okay? We’ll talk later.”

She shakes her head, eyes wide. “He’s gorgeous.”

“Nana.” I think my jaw’s about to explode. “Please.”

“Is he—?” The question is obvious, and I just nod once. She sighs. “I suppose I should be getting off to bed anyway.” She sucks down her cigarette, since lord knows she can’t waste it, before getting up. “Saul, lovely to meet you.”

“You as well. I’m sorry to drop in on you so late. Your daughter here works too long.”