“He knew the risks and he hurt you anyway, which pissed us off,” Colby added.

Colt nodded. “You know we ain’t gonna let something like that slide.”

Fear, anger and shock all warred inside her. She forced herself not to scream to get to the bottom of what her crazy brothers had done to Jack. “What did you do to him?”

Carter studied her a minute before he spoke. “Would you care?”

“Yes! How could you think I’d…?” She inhaled, exhaled, amidst awful, bloody, violent scenarios racing through her mind. “Where is he?”

“He’s a little tied up at the moment.”

Every single one of her brothers started laughing.

Not good. Not good at all. “Tell me where Jack is right f**kin’ now or I will call every one of your wives and round up my own McKay posse to track him down. I ain’t kiddin’.”

More exchanged looks. Something passed between Cam and Carter. They stood, along with Colt, and walked to the back of Cord’s truck bed.

The grunting noises were loud in the stillness. Dragging, scraping sounds echoed. Hissed breaths.

Keely couldn’t see the action. She gasped when her brothers struggled into her line of sight carrying a bulky form. A six-foot-four, muscular form they dropped on the ground, none too gently. A form that was blindfolded, gagged, with arms and legs tied.

Holy f**king shit. That trussed up form was…Jack.

“Omigod! Please tell me you didn’t kill him!”

“Jesus, Keely. Give us some credit. If we woulda killed him, you never would’ve known,” Colby said.

“Yeah, we definitely wouldn’t have brought the body here,” Cam scoffed.

She glared at him. Before she could move or speak or do anything, another pickup barreled up and skidded to a stop. When the dust cleared she realized it was her father’s pickup.

Carson McKay got out of his truck. His impassive gaze swept over his sons and then landed on Jack.

His mouth tightened. “What in the hell is wrong with you boys?”


“Cut him loose. Now.”

Cord crossed his arms over his chest. “Dad, we were just—”

“Jesus Christ. I’ll do it.” He whipped out a Bowie knife and knelt in the dirt to saw off the binding around Jack’s ankles. Then he cut the ties around Jack’s wrists. Colt swore and helped her father pull Jack upright when he couldn’t move the big man by himself.

When Keely started toward Jack, Carson stepped between them. “You can go to him in a minute, okay?” He threw up his hands as he addressed his sons. “I don’t know what kind of shit you boys are pullin’, but I raised you better than that. What were you thinkin’?”

“We were thinkin’ it was his goddamned fault she was gone,” Cam snapped.

“We ain’t gonna stand by and let him treat her that way,” Colt said stubbornly. “You raised us to protect her.”

“If you haven’t noticed, Keely ain’t exactly six years old anymore. She’s old enough to make up her own damn mind about when she needs protection and who she wants it from.”

“Are you taking Jack’s side?” Carter demanded.

“No, I’m takin’ Keely’s side.”

Keely’s head spun. Was she having an out-of-body experience? Or was she just in the throes of a bizarre dream? Had her brothers really kidnapped Jack? And dragged him out here like some kind of trophy for defending her honor? Instead of her father high-fiving them, he was chewing collective ass?

“Don’t get me wrong. I understand where you’re all comin’ from. I thought about flaying the skin offa Jack a piece at a time myself. But the bottom line is Keely chose Jack. He might not be the one you’da picked or I’da picked for her. Jack might be dumb as shit, but we’ve all been there. Complete and total dumbasses when it comes to the women in our lives. None of us can claim we didn’t make a mistake or two. But we’ve managed to figure out how to fix ’em on our own, and I’ve gotta give Jack the benefit of the doubt and allow him the same chance with Keely.”

She bit her lip, surprised she had the urge to weep within this cloud of testosterone.

“Girlie, tell your brothers goodnight.” He turned his back on his sons and crouched by Jack.

Grumbles. Curses. But Carson McKay had said his piece and his word was law.

Cam gave Keely a hug. “If you change your mind and decide to shoot him, I can get you off on a self-defense charge.”

“Thanks, Cam. But that won’t be necessary.”

Colby pressed a jar into her hand as he kissed her forehead. “This’ll help with his sore muscles. Not much good on bruises, though.”

“Bruises? What the hell did you guys do—”

“What we thought was right,” Colt said, holding her tight. “Can’t blame us for looking out for you, Keels, because we love you.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “You’re gonna make me cry.”

“As long as they’re happy tears, I don’t mind. I mostly recognize the difference now.” Cord wrapped her in a one-armed hug and mumbled, “Call AJ tomorrow.”

“I will.” Keely faced a hangdog Carter.

“You deserve the best, K. We’d do anything for you, don’t you know that? I feel so damn guilty because Jack is my friend. I brought this on you—”

Keely wrapped her arms around him and whispered, “No, Carter, you brought him to me. Thank you.”

He pecked her on the cheek. “In that case, you’re welcome. And tell him I’m sorry about his jaw.”

She didn’t even ask what the hell that was about.

Her heroic, but slightly misguided brothers loaded up in Cord’s truck and were gone. She didn’t move until after the dust settled.

The fire had died down. Keely stoked it, gathering her thoughts before she wandered to where her dad and Jack sat, speaking in low tones.

Jack wouldn’t look at her. His elbows rested on his knees. He’d aimed his face at the ground.

“Daddy, how did you know—”

“About your brothers goin’ all vigilante? I didn’t. ’Cause I sure wouldn’t’ve condoned it. Jack called me earlier this morning and admitted he’d screwed up with you big time. He asked if I’d help him find you.

Evidently, before I made it to your apartment, the boys showed up and took matters into their own hands.

AJ called me because she knew something was up.”