Keely traced the sides of his torso, circling around to squeeze his bu**ocks, hoping to urge him on.

He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “Put your hands above your head and keep your legs right where they are.”

“Bossy much?”

“Do it.”

She arched, forcing her lace-covered br**sts against his hot chest as she slowly swept her arms up.

Jack threaded their fingers together, pressing their joined hands into the carpet and let his full weight rest on her.

Oh man, that felt good. Really, really good.

Then he began to move. A shallow stroke followed by a deep thrust. He studied her face, gauging whether he was pleasing her.

Boy-howdy he was definitely pleasing her.

His hips picked up speed. She marveled at the sheer strength of his body yet the tight control he maintained over it.

The continual friction of his pelvis rubbing over hers made her clitoris throb. Made her moan. Why wouldn’t he intensify the friction and send her screaming to that elusive point of ecstasy? Whenever she attempted to arch her lower body to increase the contact, he wouldn’t allow it.

“Jack. Please.”

He lowered his face to hers. “No.” He kissed her again, in the deceptively lazy way she was beginning to crave. His mouth seduced. His body controlled.

Keely thought she’d lose her mind. The scrape of the carpet on her backside. The damp heat of Jack on her front side. The coiling sensation inside her womb as he rocked into her. The single-minded way Jack kissed her, as if sex was just a byproduct of those deliciously addicting kisses.

After she relaxed into him, giving him the control he’d demanded, he tensed and f**ked her harder.

Faster. Deeper.

Her midsection tightened. Keely arched hard. This time, Jack let her grind against him. “Don’t stop.

I’m so close. Like that…yes!”

The pulsing, throbbing, mind-scrambling orgasmic goodness increased exponentially when Jack sucked on her neck. He zeroed in on the magical spot that brought forth her nearly rapturous moan, which would be embarrassing if it weren’t so amazing he’d immediately discovered the secret spot that always set her off.

Jack slowed his strokes as he came in a drawn-out grunt. His c**k pulsed inside her and her vaginal muscles automatically clamped down to prolong his orgasm.

After she’d regained her bearings, Keely blinked at him. “Whoa.”

He murmured, “Welcome back, cowgirl.”

“I don’t know if I wanna come back. That was a damn spectacular place to be.”

Jack gifted her with a cocky smile and released her hands, but didn’t move off her. She touched his face, tracing the start of his hairline. The twin slashes of his dark eyebrows. His nose. His cheekbones. That strong sexy jawline.

“What are you thinking?”

“I can’t believe how much I wanted to punch this fine-looking mug earlier today.”

He chuckled. “I can’t believe you didn’t just haul off and do it.”

“Hey. I do have some impulse control.”

“Pity. I was hoping to see you lose all control.”

Keely feathered her thumb across his well-kissed lips. “If anyone can make me lose total control, it’s you, Jack Donohue.”

Jack caressed and kissed her until she sighed pure contentment. “So no regrets?”

“For the rockin’ sex? Hell no.”

His left eyebrow quirked. “Regrets about something else?”

Yes. That this is temporary and you’ll probably shatter my heart into a billion pieces when this charade is over.

“Keely?” he prompted.


“That’s not an answer.”

“I know.” Keep it light. “The answer will have greater…benefits if you can guess what I regret.”

His eyes darkened at her challenge. “You regret bending over a haybale in Daisy Duke short shorts at age sixteen and teasing me with a glimpse of your sweet ass cheeks?”

“Nope. I did that because you were lookin’ for a cheap thrill and I am an accommodating girl. Try again.”

He nipped the tip of her nose. “Smartass. You regret dating my brother.”

“Huh-uh. Dating him forced me to acknowledge what I didn’t want in a long-term relationship. Try again.”

“Regrets about the threesome?”

“Which one?”

Jack half-snarled, “You’ve had more than one?”

“No. I like hearing that jealous growling sound. Damn, Jack. That is sexy as hell.”

“You teasing me?”

“Yep. I figure what goes around, comes around. You did your share of teasing me. Like when I stayed at your folks’ house over Christmas break? You never put on more than a skimpy towel after you showered. You wanted me to salivate over this hunkalicious body.”

He smirked. “Maybe. I don’t regret it.”

“Me either. But you did try to torpedo my relationship with Justin.”

“Not for any reason beyond he would’ve been miserable married to you.”

Ooh. That stung. Just when things were going so well. Keely turned her face away.

Jack wrapped his fingers around her jaw, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Let me clarify before you jump to conclusions. Justin would’ve been miserable because you’re too much woman for him to handle.

Don’t deny you would’ve run roughshod over him. You’d be bored with a man you had total control over.”

“Probably.” She poked him in the chest. “We’re getting off the topic here. You were supposed to be trying to guess what I regret.”

An unholy gleam lit Jack’s face. “You regret not blowing me first thing tonight. You’re in luck. I’m more than ready to let you make it up to me now.”

Chapter Nine

“It’s hard for me to blow you when your dick is still inside me.”

Jack kissed her impudent mouth. “Be right back.” He eased out and pushed to his feet, feeling her eyes roving over his backside as he strolled to the bathroom.

He tossed the condom in the trash and washed his hands. Beneath his primal satisfaction was a hint of guilt. As long as he’d fantasized about Keely McKay, nailing her on the floor wasn’t his most suave moment.

Two knocks on the door. “Jack? You okay?”

“Yes.” You impatient to get my c**k in your mouth?

Crude, Donohue.

Keely pushed open the door. Her curvy frame was perfectly framed by the doorjamb. His eyes scanned her head to toe. She still wore those peep-toe f**k me pumps that belonged on a nineteen forties pinup model. Not that any model had anything on his naked cowgirl.