Laughter broke out.

Kyler snatched his moment in the spotlight as his due. “And they were kissin’ so much they didn’t even notice us. We waited, but it didn’t seem like they were ever gonna stop. They were kissin’ forever.”

Keely groaned. Her forehead fell to Jack’s chest. “See? Now everyone knows we were sucking face.”

Jack kissed her crown. Twice. “And we’da gotten away with it too if wasn’t for them meddlin’ kids.”

She snickered and looked up at him. “I never would’ve pegged you as a Scooby Doo fan.”

“I have Scooby Doo boxers.”

“Aren’t you full of surprises?”

“You’ve no idea of the surprises I have in store for you.”

“Bring it on.”

He made a low, sexy noise in his throat and his eyes flashed heat.

“But first, we oughta face the curious crowd, huh?”

“I suppose.” Jack stepped back. He kissed her knuckles, and gestured for her to go first. “After you.”

“Huh-uh, bucko. Together in a united front.”

“As soon as this party is over, I’m hauling your ass back to the apartment to celebrate our engagement.” His insistent voice tickled her ear. “Don’t even think about chickening out on me, cowgirl.”

“I am so ready for you to prove you’re c**k of the walk, GQ.”

“Let’s get this over with.”

Catcalls and wolf whistles greeted them as they crossed the threshold. Someone shouted, “Speech!”

Someone else shouted, “Toast!” Yet another person shouted, “Let’s see another kiss!”

Jack sensed her unease and murmured, “Trust me to handle it?”


He chuckled. “Tough. There’s no way to get out of it now, and I don’t want you slipping up and calling me Jack-off in a fit of pique.”

“Fine. Just…don’t embarrass me on purpose or anything, okay? I hate that.”

“Hey.” He blocked her from the crowd’s view. He held her chin and peered into her eyes. “Keely. I’d never do that.” Jack’s mouth brushed hers in a kiss so sweet and earnest her fears vanished.

More catcalls.

Jack led her to the front of the room behind the cake table. Keely kept her gaze focused on Jack’s striking profile.

“Thanks to everyone for coming today. And Kyler, buddy, you’ve got incredibly bad timing.”


“The truth is, I’ve been gone all week, and I was extremely late getting here today, which didn’t please my intended at all. And she shared that displeasure with me. Several times. Loudly.”

More laughter.

Her stomach roiled. Damn him. He’d sworn he wouldn’t embarrass her.

Give him a chance. Trust him like he asked you to.

Keely inhaled and let it out slowly.

“Which comes as no surprise to most of you. Keely and I haven’t exactly been… What’s the word I’m looking for, buttercup?”

“Civil?” she supplied.

Another round of guffaws.

“Yes, we haven’t exactly been civil to each other over the years. So we were more shocked than anyone when our feelings for each other changed in such a short amount of time. But the fact of the matter is, I’m absolutely crazy about her, and she feels the same about me.” Jack’s questioning gaze hooked hers.

She blew him a kiss. “Keep going, Jack darlin’, you’re startin’ to get back in my good graces.”

Muted laughter.

“I speak for both of us when I say we’re happy to be here amidst our families and friends, celebrating what we both wanted but never thought we’d find. Thank you.” He brought Keely’s left hand to his mouth and kissed her engagement ring.

She laid her palm on his cheek; her fingers traced the hollow beneath his cheekbone. She would’ve been content with that little PDA. But Jack wasn’t.

He curled his hand around her neck and yanked her forward for a prolonged kiss that damn near melted her fillings.

While she basked in the moment, pressed against Jack’s body, his mouth controlling hers with possessive kisses, and clapping surrounding them, Keely almost wished this engagement was the real deal.

The photographer snapped a billion pictures. Keely’s face hurt from smiling. Her feet hurt from wearing heels. And somehow through it all, Jack found a way to keep her laughing, as well as lacing every sentence with sexual innuendo.

It was enthralling. It was scary as hell because there was no going back now. They’d be lovers before the end of the night, guaranteed.

After the party ended, Keely shooed Jack away to spend time with his family while she helped clean up the party remnants.

“I have to say, Jack’s little speech completely changed my mind, K.”

Keely folded a pale lavender satin tablecloth. “Changed it about what, AJ?”

“About how you and Jack feel about each other. It was very romantic. Funny. Sweet without being silly.” AJ snatched the tablecloth, stacked it with the others. “But I’ll confess—the biggest convincer? You two making out when you weren’t aware anyone was watching.”

She froze. “Omigod. How many people saw that?”

AJ shrugged. “Enough.”


“We all thought it was.” She sighed. “Reminds me of when me and Cord first hooked up. Man. We could not keep our hands off each other.”

Keely snorted and pointed to AJ’s distended belly. “You still can’t keep your hands off each other.”

“True. It’s great to be me.” She grinned.

Carolyn bustled in with a cardboard box. “Okay. The kitchen is cleaned and this is the last of my stuff to take home.”

Since her mom’s hands were full, Keely hugged her from behind. “Thanks for everything. You rocked it, Ma. It was a fantastic party.”

“I thought so, yet I’m glad we’re only doin’ this once.” Carolyn yawned. “Lord, I’d better get home before I fall asleep standing up. AJ, darlin’, you need a ride?”

“Nah. I have my truck since Cord took the boys home.”

“Good enough. See you.” Carolyn hefted the box and disappeared out the side door.

At AJ’s 350 Cummins turbo diesel Chevy, Keely said, “Need a boost getting into your monster truck, el preggo?”

“No. But you can bet your butt I’ll let my handsome hubby give me a hand to help me down.”