Domini’s hands stopped kneading. “Are you rethinking your relationship with him?”

“Yes. No. Who knows? I’m just tired. Although I love the work and the people in Cheyenne, the drive is getting old.”

“How much longer will you be working at the VA?”

“A month or two. Depending on my cash flow situation with the building.” Depending on if Jack kicked her out of the apartment after they officially called it quits.

“I recognize that ‘back off’ look, as your brother often wears the same one. But if you need to talk, Keely, I’m always here for you.”

“Same goes.” Keely snatched a cookie. “Speaking of talking…any luck convincing Cam into letting you adopt all the needy children in the world so you two can be nominated for sainthood?”

Domini flicked flour at her. “Smarty. He’s considering it.”

“That’s it?”

“No.” Domini sighed. “I get what Cam’s saying about us having enough kids.”


“But when the woman running the orphanage in Romania called me and emailed me the videos with those two poor darlings…” Domini bit her lip and looked away, struggling to keep her tears from splashing in the bread dough. “Sorry.”

“Cam will come around, Domini. He’s a softie. You guys are great, loving parents, what difference would two more kiddos make? It’s not like you don’t have family around to help you out.”

“True. I think the fact Markus is only six months old freaks Cam out more than that the poor baby needs eye surgery.” She sighed. “Plus, Markus’s older sister, Sasha, is eighteen months old and if we do this, we’d have two kids in diapers again…”

“Investing in Huggies for the next three years isn’t the issue, is it?” Keely said softly.

“No.” Domini slammed her fist into the dough.

A bad feeling surfaced at seeing her normally docile sister in law so angry. “Domini. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong with me, but what is wrong with other people? They can’t have children so they decide to adopt and then they only want perfect children? Or just one cute infant?”

“Is there another couple interested in adopting Markus?”

“Yes. But just him. Not Sasha. And the director wants to keep the siblings together if possible, but if not, she’ll have to split them up. I would never demand to separate siblings and that’s what will happen if we don’t act on this soon.”

“Hey.” Keely’s eyes filled with tears when she saw the hopelessness in Domini’s face. “Talk to Cam tonight. If you need me to watch the kids so you two can have alone time, I will. And when you decide to jet off to Romania to bring home your new additions, I will stay here and crack the whip on your four hooligans for as long as you need me to.”

“You would do that for us?”

“Without hesitation. You’re my family. It’s the least I could do.”

“What about Jack?”

Keely frowned. “What about him?”

“Don’t you think he might have an issue with you living here for a few weeks?”

I may not have any other place to go. “I don’t care if he has an issue with it.” She briefly closed her eyes. “I’m afraid it won’t be an issue at all, to be real honest, Domini. Please don’t tell anyone, especially not Cam, but things aren’t going well with me and Jack.”

Domini placed a floury hand over hers. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wondered if that wasn’t the case.”


“Because Liesl is right; you do seem sad since you got back from Denver. And you also seem to be filling all your free time with McKay family activities. While we’re grateful, we love you and we all love spending time with you, you deserve happiness of your own, Keely, in your own life. Whether it’s here or in Denver, whether it’s with Jack or someone else.”

Keely looked out the door at the kids playing in the backyard. “I know. I just…” Love him and he doesn’t know it. And none of this was ever real. And even if it was, I don’t think I could choose living with him over living around family, “…wish Jack and I wanted the same things.”

“Maybe it’ll work out.”

Fat chance. “Maybe. Thanks.” Keely hopped off the stool. “Have fun hosing off your kids. Liesl and Anton are having a mud fight. Ooh, and look! Now the twins are slinging slop.”

“Oh good Lord. What makes me think I can handle two more?”

“You love it and you guys wouldn’t have it any other way.”

The only thing running through Jack’s mind as the outskirts of Sundance shimmered in the distance was, Thank God.

Aside from his father’s death, the past twenty-three days had been the shittiest of his entire life. The projects had gone all right, although none of them would make him rich. Hell, he’d probably lose money when he added in his travel costs.

Which would fit in with the way his life was going. He’d about lost his f**king mind when forced to say goodbye to Keely in Denver. She’d turned him inside out with her teary, don’t call me request. Pissed him off too. He’d managed to let her go, but only temporarily. It wasn’t over between them. Not by a long shot.

When Jack returned to the hotel room, he noticed the small box of Legos Keely had hidden in his suitcase. With a note,

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Remember to make time for fun. Love, your cowgirl.

He’d stared at the unopened package, blinking back tears. Keely knew him down to the bone, so how could she be so damn oblivious to the fact he’d fallen in love with her?

So during the last three weeks, to take his mind off all the things he missed about Keely, her fiery addictive kisses, her violation of his personal sleeping space, her uninhibited sexual response, her inventive curses, her absolute devotion to her family, her stupid country music, her gas-guzzling dirty-ass truck, her gentle insistence with her clients…he’d worked. But she was never far from his thoughts.

So Jack had broken down and called her. Just wanting to hear her voice. But it hadn’t been enough.

He’d booked the last flight out of Des Moines. When he’d landed at the Denver airport after midnight, he climbed in his car and had driven straight through.

To her.

The hell if they wouldn’t have it out. They seemed to be at their best when they were fighting anyway.