He situated his hands by her shoulders and kneed apart her thighs. “You ready?”

“You asking? Instead of taking? You hit your head or something?”

“Smartass.” Jack’s thickness filled her in a slow, sweet glide that satisfied more than the sexual ache in her body. “Put your legs around my hips,” he urged.

Keely rocked up to meet his relaxed thrusts.

But Jack reset the pace to slow-mo, while intently peering at her face. “You’re beautiful. I don’t say that enough.”

Don’t say it again or I might believe it means something.

“Let me take care of you.”

Forever? Or just for tonight?

“Look in my eyes when you come, Keely.”

He flexed his hips at the end of every stroke, propelling his c**k deeper, but keeping the withdrawal of his shaft agonizingly unhurried.


“My. Eyes. Don’t look away. Show me what I do to you.”

She concentrated on the telltale tug in her womb. It took all her self-control not to grab Jack’s ass and greedily chase down the orgasm, grinding her way to bliss via his body. Letting him bring the pleasure to her.

When Keely’s pu**y muscles contracted and her clit started to throb, she locked her gaze on Jack’s slumberous eyes and came in silence. No keening wails or soft gasps. No arching or straining. The orgasm was no less intense for the quietness.

Heat expanded inside her as Jack came in the same intense stillness. Watching her with focus equal to what she’d given him.

It was as strange as it was wonderful.

Jack buried his face in her neck. “Fall asleep with me like this, Keely. Just for a little while.”

Another unusual request. But she wouldn’t deny him. Keely was beginning to believe she wouldn’t deny him anything.

The next night Keely stripped off her clothes the second she’d closed the apartment door.

“Now that’s what I love to see. Eagerness to get naked with me, buttercup.”

She scowled at Jack in his usual place on the couch. “No time for slap and tickle. I’m late.”

Thud. Boot one hit the ground. Thud. Boot number two hit. She raced into the laundry room and dumped the stinky bundle, then zipped to the bathroom.

“Late for what?” Jack yelled.

“Colt’s basketball game starts in fifteen minutes.” Keely flipped the handles and the shower kicked on. She twisted her hair in a clip on top of her head and climbed in.

“Why didn’t you go straight to the game from work?”

She shrieked. Jack stood at the end of the tub. Gawking at her. Not at her face, either. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” His eyes ate her up. The man actually licked his chops.

“I repeat. No time for water games.” She faced the water and rinsed.

After she finished, Jack handed her a towel.

“Thanks. My last patient showed up for her therapy session with a case of the flu and she barfed all over me.” Keely shuddered and toweled off. “I’m surprised you didn’t smell it when I walked in.”

“All I smell is my sweet Keely.”

“Horny bastard.” She resisted snapping him with the towel after her mind glommed on to his use of the word “my”.

“Does that barfing thing happen often?”

“Often enough that I keep a change of clothes in my locker. But I’d forgotten to replace them because I haven’t done laundry in a coon’s age.”

“How long exactly is a coon’s age?”

“Halfway between the twelfth of never and when hell freezes over.”

“You’re in a mood.”

So was he. She hustled to her bedroom and bent over to open the bottom dresser drawer. Down to her last pair of clean jeans. She’d have to do at least one load of clothes tonight. She turned and Jack was right there. With that look. The look that thrilled her. The look that warned her she’d be late for the damn basketball game. “Jack—”

He dropped to his knees.

“I really don’t have time—Omigod! You so don’t play fair.” Her feet slid on the carpet as she automatically widened her stance.

Jack chuckled against her sensitive flesh and licked her slit from top to bottom. Then from bottom to top. “Tasty. Bet I can get you off as fast as your vibrator.”

“Ah. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Go ahead and try.”

“Thought you might say that.” His thumbs pulled back the delicate skin at the top of her mound, leaving her fully open to his skillful mouth. He lashed her exposed clit with quick whips of his wet tongue.

Keely groaned.

He’d didn’t relent. He kept up a hot, wet vibration on that bundle of nerves until her legs trembled.

The instant her breathing changed, Jack sealed his lips around the swollen nub and sucked.

“Oh God. Jack.”

He sucked harder.

“Yes. Like that.” Keely splintered in a dozen directions. Black and white spots ruptured behind her eyelids. Blood rushed like a raging river through her body. Her consciousness floated to another dimension—the whole nine yards of orgasmic satisfaction.

Oh man. She’d needed that. Bad. How had Jack known?

She cracked open her eyes and glanced down at him.

He suckled her pu**y lips, together with her clitoris, one last time before releasing her.

“That was…mmm. A great surprise.”

“I couldn’t resist. I love going down on you.” He stretched up. “And we still have time to make it to the basketball game.”

“We?” She froze. Jack wanted to tag along to a social event with her family? She thought after the weekend in Milford he’d become a hermit.

“Makes me insane to sit here alone, knowing you’re watching a bunch of half-naked sweaty guys racing up and down the court.”

“My brother and my cousin Buck are two of the guys, so eww.” She slipped on a plain pink thong.

Out of underwear. Down to one bra. The red and green Christmas bra patterned with presents and sported a big red bow in the center of her cle**age.

Jack stared at her chest with that look. “I’m opening my present right when we get home.”

Wednesday night…

“You don’t have to come.”

“I want to come.”

Keely whirled around. “Why? So you can f**k me in the men’s bathroom at the Golden Boot again?”

Jack beamed his cocky grin. “No. But if you ask me real nice I’ll consider it.”