That admission startled him. “Was I too rough?”

“Yes, but I loved every second of it. I’m just not used to eight instances of sexual contact in less than twenty-four hours, stud.” She expelled a dreamy sigh. “And to think I didn’t believe your claims about not needing Viagra.”

He wanted to toss off a smart comment, but it bugged him that he might’ve taken it too far with her on their first day as lovers.

Like you should be surprised. Everything you do is balls to the wall, full acceleration, no breaks, no prisoners.

“Hey.” Keely climbed onto his lap. “My soreness is because I haven’t been in a steady sexual relationship for a while.”

Jack was absurdly pleased Keely wanted to reassure him. He looped her damp hair around his palm.

“Can’t say I’m sorry for any of it.”

“Me neither.”

“So since your poor pu**y needs recovery time, does that mean anal sex is out?”

Keely whapped him on the arm. “Duh. I thought I could distract you from thoughts of raunchy sex by…” She grabbed his chin. “Are you even listening to me?”

He looked in her eyes. “What? I lost any logical train of thought the second you said raunchy sex.”

Keely rolled her eyes. “Sex is off the list of things we can do tonight. Want to play cribbage?”

“I don’t know how to play cribbage. Do you play chess?”

“Nope. Ky and Anton and Hayden are obsessed and keep begging me to learn. But truthfully, they’d whip my ass and that would be totally demoralizing.”


“I used to play Chinese checkers with Carter but that was years ago.”

“We could watch TV.”

She groaned. “Anything but TV.”

“What do you have against television?”

“It’s such a waste of time. I’d rather be hanging out with my family or my friends or doing something fun or interesting instead of sitting alone in front of the TV night after night.”

Yeah, that pretty much described Jack’s life of late. “Indulge me. Let me prove to you there’s something on worth watching.”

“Fine. But you have to indulge me tomorrow night.”

Shit. He’d walked right into that one. “What’s going on tomorrow night?”

“A junior rodeo. My nephews are competing. I promised I’d cheer them on.” She gently smoothed her hand down the side of his face. He had the overwhelming urge to purr. “Besides, it’ll reinforce our ‘cover’ as a newly engaged couple wildly in luurrve, if you go along with me.”

“Will your dad be there?”

“Probably. Why?”

Because he’ll probably try to throw me under a bull. “No reason. Sure I’ll go. Hand me the remote.”

Keely shut off the lights while he powered down his computer. She plopped right beside him. Wasn’t five minutes later and she was asleep, sprawled across his lap. Not that he minded. He stretched out and she curled into his chest, not facing the TV. He didn’t mind that either.

The hell of it was she was absolutely right. There wasn’t a damn thing to watch. So he watched her sleep for the longest time before he carried her to bed.

Chapter Twelve


She attempted to roll away from the deep, sexy, husky morning voice disturbing her sleep.

Tenacious kisses moved down her neck. Her ni**les tightened into hard points when her chest was exposed to cool air.

Whoa. How the heck had he unbuttoned her top so fast? A rough, callused hand slid from her lower belly between her br**sts. Clever fingers pinched and teased her ni**les. Hot breath tickled the fine hairs on her nape.

As amazing as it felt, she’d been happy in dreamland. Maybe if she pretended to sleep…

An impressive erection poked into her lower back.

No rest for the wickedly horny.

Jack whispered, “I know you’re awake. I want you. Just like this. Warm and sleepy and sweet.”

Talk about melting her resistance. She angled her head and blinked at him. “I thought my flannel PJs turned you off.”

“You could wear a burlap sack and I’d be turned on. I was just surprised by your choice of flannel.”

Jack rolled her flat and brushed the hair from her face. “I’m finding many things about you surprise me, cowgirl.”

“I’m glad I’m keeping you on your toes.”

“If I had my way, I’d be keeping you on your back all the damn time.” He scattered kisses down the center of her body. “Are you still sore? We can go slow. I just…want you, like this. First thing.”

Keely stared at his dark head trailing kisses south. She was as shocked by his sweetness as how easily he’d verbalized his need for her. “Jack?”


“Oddly enough, the flannel is starting to itch. While you’re down there take them off.” She felt him smile against her stomach.

He held a tube of K-Y. She watched him ready his c**k and squirt a huge dollop on his fingers, warming the slick gel before he used it on her.

Such thoughtfulness gave her pause. But not for long because Jack was on her.

Jack’s mouth covered hers as he gently smeared the lubricant inside her sex. Two fingers sliding in and out didn’t hurt, but she wondered if he’d be able to go slow once his c**k took control of his brain.

He levered himself over her and eased his shaft in a little at a time, watching her for any signs of pain.

Once he was fully seated, he murmured, “Okay?”

“Very okay.” Keely brought her knees up by his hips and ran her palms over his muscular arms.

Damn, she loved his body. She hadn’t had nearly enough chances to play with it.

He kissed her as he moved in unhurried strokes. The kisses were lazy and unbelievably sweet.

As they rocked together, intimately connected, the bed seemed a magical place. Dark and hot and…comforting. Keely existed in this moment of perfect intimacy. No rush to the finish. No power plays.

Nothing but the feel of skin gliding on skin. Of sliding tongues and gentle kisses, soft sighs and broken breaths.

“Keely.” He moaned and his orgasm released a burst of heat inside her, which triggered her own climax. He kept a steady pumping of his hips as the delicious throbbing faded. He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, the corners of her mouth.

Jack’s tenderness undid her. She could deal with the snarky Jack just fine. She welcomed going toe to toe with the hotheaded Jack. But this Jack? A loving Jack? She’d been better off believing he didn’t possess a loving side.