Page 33 of Endless Love

“But how? What?”

“I always wanted to marry Bria and have a life with her. It was never a secret. I planned on asking her on her eighteenth birthday.”

His head drops, and he takes a sip of his drink as my mom lets a heavy sigh out. It’s something none of us takes well. It is a scar that will forever mark our family.

“But I’m glad I got another chance.”

The pain lightens up as his eyes find mine once again, and he smiles. Yes, I have my kind of smile from him because his eyes sparkle like a hundred tiny diamonds, and his entire face radiates pure happiness.

Thankfully, our mothers drop the subject and are in planning mode.

“Do you have a date? Because all the prime locations get reserved years ahead.”

“October first.”

“More than a year. It’s doable.” They exchange a relieved glance, and I purse my lips to stifle a smile.

“Mom, Katherine, we love you, but we don’t want to wait a year. We planned it for next month.”

If horror had a face, it would resemble the faces of our mothers as they stammer, “Wait. What? Are you both out of your mind? Please tell us you won’t do that to us.”

“Sorry, but actually, we can. It’s our day,” adds Damien, and my mom’s hand rests on her chest, and Rebecca tilts her head at us.

“Four weeks, you two will never change, will you?”

I have to show some support for my future husband because these two are like vultures.

“We trust you.”

“But . . .”

I approach them and say, “Look, I’ve already asked Sarah to help. Plus, we have the location. I thought an elegant tent would be appropriate. And tomorrow we’re heading to London to the one store I know will have my dream dress. Please join us.”

“You two . . .” I grab their hands.

“We don’t want to waste any more time. We can’t and won’t.”

They squeeze my hands back and nod.

“And, Mom, we don’t want half of the world in attendance.”

“Well, honey, it’s rather impossible in such a short amount of time. At least one thing is settled, but everything else . . .”

They look at each other, glances full of concern as if asking each other if they are up to such a challenge, but I am sure they will be.

“But the witnesses and the bridesmaid and the groomsman. There are so many details to a wedding.”

“This is easy, Mom. Sophia and Filip will be the latter, and as witnesses, Alex, for me.”

“And mine is Chloe.”

My brother sneers and tosses the contents of his glass down his throat. What’s his problem?

“Does Chloe know yet?” I ask him, dragging my lower lip through my teeth.

“I will talk to her when we’re in London. But she’d do anything for me so . . .”

I breathe in and out and I chant in my head. I am not jealous, not at all. Everything is perfect, the sun shines, the birds chirp, the lake is as beautiful as ever. He chose me. She’s his friend. Don’t be bitter.