Page 21 of Endless Love

“I would love to continue our chat, but I have to get back and curse the absence of Damien.”

My lips curve up at his answer.

“I will tell him.”

“You don’t have to. My never-ending e-mails should be enough. He should be pretty occupied for the next few weeks.”

“Thanks a lot,” I say, and he chuckles.

“Love you too, sis. I wish you a full recovery. What was it you caught again? Yes, right, the fucking love bug. I almost forgot.”


“Bye, sis.”

We hang up, and my smile grows even bigger when Damien spats my brother’s name from the other room. Yes, everything is normal, our kind of normal.

I pick up my phone and send Dr. Bertrand a message asking if he’s available. Shortly after, my phone rings.

“Hello, Bria.”


“How are you?”

I tell him everything. From how Damien and I worked things out and our engagement. I share how we believe we will overcome the pain and the hurt we caused each other, involuntarily or not, because what we have is what we treasure the most, and our love keeps us strong.

I don’t want to talk about my cousin because what else is there to say. I just want to forget about her. It’s how I cope with the betrayal, and the hate she has for me I can’t understand.

I happily tell him I am in control of my emotions. I enjoy my life. I love Damien, and I am working on my relationships with the persons I hurt in the process when I was emotionally detached. His once-in-a-while compliments of “You’re doing well, Bria” and “I am proud of you,” and the best “It’s a clear improvement, congratulations,” ease me further.

“Let’s agree to two calls a month,” he says at the end of our discussion.

“That I can do. Until next time.”

“Goodbye, Bria. Take care of yourself.”

I enjoy the sense of balance I have over myself, not tipping too much left or right. Perhaps it’s just the expectations of what the unknown may bring that scares me, but it makes me human and not broken.

Chapter Eleven


I dab away the tears that formed after my call with Dr. Bertrand. They come from a good place, a place of acceptance and strength. Determined footsteps thump on the floor, and I lift my gaze from my phone to him, a scowl transforming his face.

I turn in his arms, raise to my toes, and kiss his frown away.

“My head isn’t where it should be. I have to watch over the company, and you’re not making it easy,” he says but holds me tighter.

“Hmm, and here I thought you didn’t distract that easily,” I sass back.

“Oh, baby, you’re the master.” He chuckles, and I plant a kiss on the middle of his chest.

“If you say so.”

“Aren’t you a little tease?” His nose brushes mine, and his hands slide down my back as I sigh.

“But now, seriously . . . I have to get back to work too. I feel guilty by how . . .”