Page 20 of Endless Love

“You mean the world to me. Text me the details for Saturday.”

After he hangs up, the knot in my throat loosens a bit. It’s not gone, but I can breathe better. With time, he will see that Damien and I are right for each other. With renewed determination, I call my brother, pacing while it rings.

“Hello, Filip.”

“Hi, Bria.”

“How are you?”

“Working. It’s beyond me how Damien manages everything.”

“Damien would never let it show. He grins and bears it. He’s the head of the company for a reason.”

“No complaint here. How are you two?” His question is a good sign. It shows interest.


“Like it should be . . . I guess.”



“I’m sorry. I hate how things are between us. I really am sorry. Will you ever forgive me?”

“I’ll try.” A breath I forgot to release sooner escapes my lips, and I chew my lower lip.

“Can you come home for good now?” He chuckles, easing me further.

“Slow down, will you? This entire here, there . . . I’m tired. I have to decide where I want to stay for longer than six months.”

“So, London? You’re there. Alex and Soph are moving to the States. It’s unsettling.”

“Sis, the only constant in your life that you truly need is Damien. You know it, I know it, and the entire world probably knows it by now. It’s okay. Life goes on. It’s supposed to be like this.”

“We have something to announce. Can you come here on Saturday?”

“He proposed already? He sure doesn’t waste time.”

His answer lacks surprise while his laughter rings in my ears—a deep, boisterous sound—and my heart does a happy leap.

“Does everybody automatically think this?” I ask, some annoyance lacing my question about the predictability.

“Yes, everyone who knows you two would jump to that conclusion.” I smile and shake my head. “When do you plan to marry, then?”

“Next month.”

“Shit, I just lost the bet to Soph.”

“You made a bet of it?” I raise my voice, and he offers no hint of an apology.

“Yes, and now she won again as she said Damien would want to marry right away. I said six months. I guess I lost.”

With me not answering, he continues, “I can’t imagine what you went through, Bria, but I have been mad at you for years. It won’t go away overnight. But we’re family, and I want an end to this polite indifference. Fuck, what I want to say is I’m glad you found your way back. It’s all that matters.”

Silent tears of relief blur my eyes as my brother meets me halfway. It will be a long way until he also forgets, but for now, it’s enough.

“Thank you.”