Page 38 of Endless Love

The door opens, and my mouth gapes. Everything is exactly the same as I left it. It doesn’t appear old. It’s as if time stood still. Like in a trance, a portal through time opens right in front of my eyes, and two younger versions of us chase each other in the spacious and open living room, laughter echoing through the huge glass windows as the sun made its rays dance for us.

I point to the mustard-colored couch. We plop down, both silent, going further down memory lane as his arms come around me.

I turn in his lap and kiss him. I taste, tease, and bite his full lips, his tongue tracing mine. I free fall in desire, and nothing else matters, just us. When I end the kiss, we both pant. He cups my face with his hands, his heated gaze telling me more than his words ever could.

“Now I understand why this place never felt the same again. You were missing.” I lay my forehead on his and plant my hands on his chest, savoring the intimate silence.

Damien grabs my hand, and we rediscover our home. We pass the wall full of pictures, memories kissed by love as I count every one of the sixty-two pictures. I chose this wall because it led to our bedroom. Even then I had a plan, and that included love. How can anyone forget when having to pass so many love and happiness filled reminders?

Our bedroom, the room where we spent many nights making love and sleeping peacefully, opens in front of me. A rush of emotions chooses this moment to make an appearance as tears gather in my eyes.

“I hate to see you cry.”

“I’m okay.”

He cradles my face, raining kisses down my cheeks and lips.

“I’ll be right back. I’ll just bring our luggage inside.”

When Damien returns, we make quick work of putting everything in our dressing room and take a bath.

The bubbles surround us, and the warm water relaxes every single muscle in my body as I moan in absolute delight. Damien slides behind me. His touch sets my skin aflame. With every caress, he brings my desire for him a step further.

We half dry each other and drop on the bed, an entangled mess of pure want.

This time our lovemaking is different like we have to prove something. It’s basic and primal, the need to claim and mark. I let him be the one in command, the one to set the pace, and the one to bring me to the pinnacle of pleasure. His fingers burrow into my skin, and his mouth nips from my neck down my shoulder. The combination of his fingers spreading my thighs, sliding in and out of me, and his lips on me turn me into a craving, aching, and pleasure-needing woman. Our moans ring loud, full of desire. There’s no need for words as Damien and I give in to raw carnality as we ravish each other.

When we come down, we both crash on the mattress.

We re-claimed our right to be here in this place and stopped mourning what we lost.

“It was . . .” he starts, but I rush to fill in the gap.

“Unbelievable, surreal, earth-shattering, life-altering.” He chuckles and cups my face to his.

“Yes, Bria, those and so much more.”

“I don’t feel my body.”

He presses me to his chest, whispering, “Are you sore, baby? Should I kiss it away?”

He has no shame. I poke the tip of my tongue out, and he sucks it into his mouth, and through kisses, he says, “It’s mine, anyway. What better place than in my mouth, hmm?”


“Well, baby, you’re the one offering.”

He props on his elbows, lying naked with only the sheet covering his lower body, caressing me. The visual does funny things to my heart.

“You undo me when you look at me. I can’t wait for you to be mine officially. Maybe then I’ll ease up, Mrs. Du Sky.” My heart does a flip-flop at him calling me this.

“Not yet.”

“But soon enough, thankfully,” he says and crosses his hands behind his head.

I turn on one side, facing him and ask, “Are we crazy? It’s in less than a month. What if . . .?”

“With our mothers and Sarah?”