Page 80 of Cruel Love

She gives me a light tug and guides me out of the foyer. I glance up at Dante, but he seems more preoccupied with protecting Lucy. He walks with a more relaxed stride now but keeps a hand on her arm. I’d do the same in his shoes, no matter how safe a place was supposed to be.

Sofia leads me outside onto the back patio. I recall this place looking a little more barren before with nothing but dead leaves and cigarette ashes left behind by the patrolling guards.

Now, it’s cleaned up with several flower beds along the edges. Bright blue and pink flowers pop out of the jet-black soil. Sofia’s certainly brought a little color to the Lutrova household, that’s for sure.

“Once my husband gets a hold of you it will be all business so before that happens…” She exhales and smiles again. “Tell me some good news, Fox.”

“Good news?” I ask.

“I think of you often,” she says. “Last we spoke… well, I hoped for the best, but you…”

“Yeah.” I nod. “I, uh… things were dark for a while.”

“Were?” Her smile grows. “Does that mean what I hope it means?”

“It might.”

She lightly stomps her foot. “Please, tell me you found Dani.”

I relax a little more. “Yes,” I answer.

Her hands come together in front of her. “And?”

“And…” I laugh. “I asked her to marry me.”

She lets out a sharp squeal and hugs me again. “Congratulations, Fox! I’m so happy for you.”

I hug her back, letting the happiness sink in a little. It feels nice telling good news. I don’t get to do it often. “Well, she didn’t exactly say yes…”

She leans back and squeezes my arms. “She will.”

“I hope so.”

“She will,” she repeats. “Trust in me.”

I smile. “All right.”

“Fox Fitzpatrick.”

Luka steps out onto the patio with Lucian balanced in one arm. I look from him to the boy, taking in their similar features. Lucian’s dark hair is long and thick like Sofia’s, but I blink twice at his eyes. No wonder Gio figured it all out. Those eyes are clearly Luka’s. No paternity test necessary.

“When Markov told me you were here, I didn’t believe him,” Luka says. “Please, tell me you’ve reconsidered my offer for employment. I could use you now.”

I shake my head. “I’m afraid not.”

He huffs in disappointment. “Then, who are these people and why are they in my house?”

Sofia steps closer and Luka passes Lucian off to her. “See?” she says to me. “All business.”

I fight my grin. “His name is Dante Hart,” I answer him. “The girl is his girlfriend, Lucy.”

“Markov tells me they’re Snake Eyes,” he says, drawing a slight flinch from Sofia.

“He is,” I confirm. “Dante and I worked together in the same squad before I escaped.”

“What does he want?”

“He and his family are trying to track down the Boss.”